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District 118 Student Dress Code

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1 District 118 Student Dress Code
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2 Purpose of the Student Dress Code
Danville School District 118 expects a standard in behavior, dress, grooming, and appearance that reflects pride in self, home, and school. The standard for dress was adopted to improve the learning environment, to reduce classroom distractions, to increase students’ self-respect and self-esteem, to improve school spirit, and to enhance the District’s image within the community.

3 Shirts/Tops/Blouses/Jackets
ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Any collared polo/dress shirt/blouse long or short sleeved in any color, including solids, stripes, patterns, or trim colors School approved, commercially produced shirts/tops representing the student’s individual school may be worn A dressy non-collared shell may be worn with a sweater/blazer (tank tops, t-shirts, camisoles, etc. are not considered to be shells) No tank tops, sleeveless tops, spaghetti straps, shoulder cut outs, camisoles, etc…

4 Shirts/Top/Blouses/Jackets (cont.)
ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED Sweaters/sweater vest in all solid colors, all striped, all pattern, and all trim colors if a collared shirt is work underneath Solid color commercially produced crew neck sweatshirts Commercially produced quarter-zip jackets/shirts with a collar Jackets if a collared shirt is worn underneath Turtlenecks NO HOODIES Winter coats may not be worn in the classroom or cafeteria

5 Shirts/Tops/Blouses/Jackets (cont.)
Polo and collared shirts must be buttoned, usually two buttons from the top No midriff may be exposed Any item determined by the principal (or designee) to be too tight or revealing is not allowed

6 Dresses/Skirts A dress must have short or long sleeves
Dresses/skirts must be no shorter than the finger tip length plus one inch No low cut dresses are allowed Pattern skirts are allowed No leather, mesh, nylon/vinyl/spandex, see-through material or cutouts are allowed Any item determined by the principal (or designee) to be too tight or revealing is not allowed

7 Khakis/Dress Pants/Shorts
Pants must be worn at the waist; neither underwear nor skin shall be exposed Both pant legs must be the same length Pants must be fastened and if a belt is worn, it must be buckled Shorts must be no shorter than the fingertip length plus one inch NO BLUE JEANS NO SWEATPANTS, YOGO PANTS, BIB OVERALLS, PAJAMA PANTS, WIND FABRIC, LEATHER, MESH, FLANNEL/FLEECE, AND NYLON/VINYL/SPANDEX Leggings & tights are NOT to be worn as pants. Leggings & tights may be worn under a dress/skirt in solid navy blue/black/white/gray/tan. Any item determined by the principal (or designee) to be too tight or revealing is not allowed

8 Additional Standards of Dress
With the approval of the principal (or designee), members of school-sponsored teams or groups may wear uniforms/team dress on the day of the game/performance/competition. NO JEANS. Hoodies, which are part of the team uniform, are allowed, but may not be used as a head covering. NO FLIP FLOPS OR HOUSE SLIPPERS (footwear must have a closed heel or back strap) Dress Scarves are allowed. Scarves are not allowed as headwear, except for religious exemptions. Hats, ear guards, sweatbands, bandanas, hairnets, hoods, and gloves may not be worn in school buildings Unless prescribed by a doctor, sunglasses are not to be worn in any school building Chain wallets are NOT allowed.

9 Exemptions (Bona Fide Religious)
The parent or legal guardian of a student (or student who is 18 years of age or older) may object on religious grounds to the student’s compliance with any portion of this dress code policy. In order to object, the parent or legal guardian (or student who is 18 years of age or older) shall submit a written statement which responds to the following questions: 1.) For which part of the policy are you requesting an exemption? 2.) What is the basis for the request for religious exemption? 3.) What religious teaching, religious beliefs or religious practice prohibits compliance with this dress code? All written objections must be accompanied by a signed statement from a religious official. The Principal (or designee) shall review all objections. A religious exemption to the Uniform Standard of Dress policy shall be granted if the requirements are completed in totality AND the religious exemption can be verified by a bona fide religious leader. All other applications for religious exemption shall be denied. If the application for religious exemption is denied, the student applying for the exemption may appeal the determination to the Superintendent, who will review the application and make a determination within 30 days of the appeal.

10 Dress Code Discipline If a student does not follow the guidelines, he/she may be asked to change the item of clothing at school or be sent home to change. The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted. Ownership in Education states the following in regards to dress code: 1st Offense: warning 2nd Offense: parent phone call 3rd Offense: dress code contract Repeated Violations: considered insubordination and insubordination process will follow

11 Any Questions….. If you have any questions, please see an administrator (Mrs. Norton, Mr. Wright, Mr. Bretz, Mrs. Porter, or Mrs. Parker), dean (Mrs. Shanks or Mr. Vogel), or any DHS staff member.

GO DHS VIKINGS!!!! The way you dress affects the way you are perceived, and the way you are perceived is the way you are treated. --Buck Rodgers Former VP of Marketing, IBM You can have anything you want…if you dress for it. --Edith Head Style: because your personality isn’t the first thing people see --unknown

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