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Physical Science Syllabus
Ms. Chastain
Content Physical Science is an introduction to Physics and Chemistry. Some of the topics we will be covering this year are: Scientific Method Waves Speed and Velocity Sound Acceleration Light Newton’s Laws Electricity Vectors Magnetism Density Electromagnetic Spectrum
What you need for class. 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper
Keep notes and bring them with you every day Pencil or pen 10 dollar Lab Fee
Classroom Rules Do not be tardy. Don’t talk while I am talking.
Be respectful of others. No food or drink. (You may have water in a closed container) Cell phones are only allowed out when we are working with them in class.
Grades As always grades will consist of:
Formative grades: daily work, labs, quizzes, and other assignments Summative grades: labs, tests, and sometimes quizzes Read handbook for makeup work policy
Books We will have a classroom set of books. You will have a textbook assigned to you for classroom work only. If you need to take a book home because of absences and school related absences, you can check a book out from me. Make sure your parents know this!
Dress Code Young ladies will be covered top and bottom.
Shoulders should be covered Skirts, dresses and shorts should not be shorter than 6 inches above the knees. See through material…. What is underneath should still meet dress code. Young men – No muscle shirts Keep pants pulled up If you don’t have a belt, I will tie them up or you can go to the office.
Attendance Policy Better attendance means better grades.
Missing work will be a zero until it is made up. If you know you will be missing a class, please let me know ahead of time. You can me, but I would rather you talk to me in person.
Leaving Class Don’t ask me to leave class…… unless it is an EMERGENCY. Webster’s dictionary defines it as an unexpected and usually dangerous situation that calls for immediate action. There is plenty of time to go to the restrooms in between class unless you waste it talking. I am responsible for you during my block.
Hall Passes I will allow each student to have 2 hall passes per nine weeks. Since the only reason you should be out of my class is for an emergency, I think this is plenty. They may be used for a restroom break or to go to the office. Please keep in mind that once your passes are used up for the nine weeks, you will not be leaving the classroom again until the next nine weeks begins, so use them wisely.
Emergency Procedures I have to take roll when we reach our destination no matter if it is the real thing or drill. I have to turn in the names of the people that are not with me in our assigned location. You will know where to be. It is your responsibility to be there…..
Technology Technology
Cell phones are NOT allowed to be out or used during instructional time. Occasionally, cell phones may be incorporated into a learning activity if other technology is not available. Students are responsible for managing their own data and Wifi usage and will not be penalized if they do not have technology or cannot use it in class. NO CELL PHONES will be allowed outside of these clearly established educational opportunities. If a student has a cell phone out during a time when they are not allowed, the phone will be taken and sent to the office by the end of the day. Students must follow the policies and procedures designated by the office to get their phone back. Cell phones are NEVER allowed to be out during a quiz or test for any reason (refer to cheating policy).
Technology Continued Students with RCSD computers are expected to always use them responsibly and adhere to all classroom and school-wide policies regarding computer usage. Classroom policies regarding computers include but are not limited to: Students should remember that computers are property of RCSD and may be confiscated if inappropriate uses are suspected or if computers are being used without permission. The teacher will decide when computers will be incorporated into learning activities. Computers must remain closed and/or put away except during these times. Students must remain on task while using computers in the classroom. They are not allowed to send messages, play games, or engage in any other istracting and unauthorized activities. If a student is caught misusing their time on computers, they will receive on warning then progressive consequences if the behavior continues. If students have their computer privileges revoked, they must complete an alternate assignment.
Contact me Email address
School phone number My webpage 1. Go to school webpage from 2. Drop down menu – pick BHS 3. Faculty tab 4. Chastain- Go to class information
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