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EGI InSPIRE SA3 – Workplan

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1 EGI InSPIRE SA3 – Workplan
Experiment Support Group, CERN IT June 2010, Amsterdam

2 Overview Focus by activity on the EGI InSPIRE workplan, structure, partners. What are the issues for the next 6 months? Kick-start WP; broaden collaboration; meet goals; User community coordination (find VRC operation model without ROSCOE / SAFE / etc.) What do you require from and from other activities? Remote participation possibilities (audio+video); Clarity on procedures (we are learning…) M&D: formal procedure(s) & timeline(s) Liaison with NGIs and international coordination Completion of formalities (contract) to permit hiring…

3 Progress Activity managers / [deputies] confirmed
Contacts for specific tasks / sub-tasks First partner con-call held Tuesday Plan for future calls & F2F meetings agreed Presentations of workplans & forthcoming Milestones & Deliverables All updated on wiki and / or mailing lists

4 Partner Contacts Partner Contacts KIT-G
Horst Schwichtenberg, CSIC Isabel Campos Plasencia CSC Pekka Lehtovuori CNRS Johan Montagnat TCD Brian Coghlan John Walsh INFN Laura Perini CYFRONET Alex Kusznir ?? ARNES IJS Andrej Filipcic UI SAV Ladislav Hluchy CERN Maria Girone EMBL Peter Rice All Germany - KIT-G Spain - CSIC (Isabel Campos Plasencia Finland - CSC (Pekka Lehtovuori France - CNRS (Johan Montagnat Italy - INFN (Laura Perini Ireland - TCD (Brian Coghlan John Walsh Poland - CYFRONET (Alex Kusznir Slovenia - IJS (Andrej Filipcic Slovakia - UI SAV (Ladislav Hluchy UK - EMBL (Peter Rice CERN (Jamie Shiers Maria Girone Send to

5 Task Contacts Task Purpose Contact / Leader TSA3.1 (CERN) Management
Jamie Shiers (50%) TSA3.2 Shared Services & Tools Dashboards Applications Services Workflows & Schedulers MPI Jamie Shiers TSA3.3 Services for HEP Maria Girone TSA3.4 Services for LS Johan Montagnat TSA3.5 Services for A&A Claudio Vuerli TSA3.6 Services for ES Horst Schwichtenberg

6 Mailing Lists Task leaders Partner contacts Everybody
Push for work-plan updates; Partner contacts Push for timesheets; Everybody Work; In a ~20FTE WP this is surely enough, although I would prefer to separate the roles as above… i.e. not collapse further for the “reasons” above…

7 Wiki Updated based on DoW and comments / corrections from partners
Intend to track on-going activities through the wiki, with cross-links into agendas Long experience with pre-reports (filled in by “partners” prior to meetings) which streamline the meetings themselves as well as reporting and dissemination Peer pressure will helpfully encourage all to actively participate… Wiki pages per (sub-)task created so that activity reports can be provided as input to ~monthly meetings

8 Indico Indico category created (thanks!) – will be used for all WP con-calls and propose that tasks also use it for internal discussions (transparency) Will follow standard model for use of document server, wiki, Indico etc for maintaining all work-related items

9 Timesheets etc. Each member of staff that works in the project, or supervises someone in the project through PPT MUST have an EGI SSO account username that can be obtained from For each work package the following information is needed for each staff: The EGI SSO username of the individual. The partner ID for their employer (see table below). Their supervisor and their deputy supervisor within their own organisation who will be validating their timesheet. Provide the EGI SSO username. The task(s) that the person will be working on within EGI-InSPIRE The amount of time (PM) that the person will be spending on each task What the person will be doing with that task. This should be clear and informative and will go into MS102. Hopefully this will go quicker than getting contacts / addresses…

10 Milestone 1 The key upcoming milestone (CSC) is to establish the HUC contact points (essentially done) and the support model (discussed at Tuesday’s con-call). Milestone due now – essential also to kick-start project work (as opposed to continuations of previous workplans). Therefore top priority to agree on and complete this milestone asap…

11 EGI TF & Deliverables Propose that each task & sub-task present status at EGI TF This will completely fill the currently allocated slots – suggest additional sessions to allow other projects to also present EnviroGRIDS, ULICE, Partner, …. We are discussing with them on this basis…

12 WP 6 (SA3): Services for Heavy User Communities
Participant Number Participant Short name / Lead Beneficiary WP 6 (SA3): Services for Heavy User Communities Person Months per Task Person Months per Effort Type Total Person Months TSA3.1 TSA3.2 +F+CCMST TSA3.3 HEP TSA3.4 LS TSA3.5 A&A TSA3.6 ES General 10 KIT-G 27 Fraunhofer 12 CSIC 45 CIEMAT 18 13 CSC 14 CNRS 30 53 83 19 TCD 21 INFN 36 60 126 UNIPG 9 SPACI 28 CYFRONET 6 31 ARNES 3 32 UI SAV 35 CERN 120 203 341 37 EMBL 26 44 TOTALS 315 263 79 732

13 Task 1: Activity Management
CERN – 18PM. With relatively few exceptions, everything that I do is strongly couple to Services for HUCs Sections in IT-ES match closely to activities in WP6: the teams benefit from being larger than those purely involved in this WP. 136/732 PM dedicated to non-HEP services (LS, A&A, ES) Expect these to be relatively autonomous – main effort will be in stressing project goals and trying to find synergies and commonalities across disciplines This will come “naturally” in TSA3.2, in which all disciplines are involved

14 Task 2: Shared Services & Tools
Effort in this task spread over many partners and activities – risk is to splinter into uncoordinated work Particularly important that this does not happen – requires transparency in reporting and the setting of priorities Regular reporting will help this: important that everyone understands from the start that this is required

15 Workflows WFs important for disciplines with applications with different ranges of applicability (Remarkably Fusion).  Connect applications to get better understanding of the full phenomenon. Applications can run on different architectures (grid and HPC) with different middlewares (e. g. gLite and UNICORE). Support application use cases Supporting different workflow scenarios Customisation according to specific user’s requirements. Initial target – Fusion community, however since the framework provides generic services, open to support other user communities (like ES, A&A, LS, …) Examples (from EGEE & EUFORIA projects): ASTRA+TRUBA+VMEC; FAFNER-ISDEP;… To maintain the integration of with the different underlying middleware stacks To maintain Kepler/RAS services FAFNER ISDEP

16 Support for Scientific workflows
Support for different complex use cases Different level of integration with applications Mixed Grid & HPC workflows Support fot workflows requiring visualisation and interactive access Kepler Engine Different middleware stacks Integration through plugins/adapters i2glogin RAS gLite UI I2G UI Vine Toolkit i2g GRID and HPC infrastructures

17 Task 3: Services for HEP Regular discussions with Computing Management of the LHC experiments; specific responsibilities wrt WLCG service & operations Discussions with INFN on regular basis, agreeing priorities and profiles for hires Long-term sustainability plan discussed since prior to project submission – includes: Support from the collaborations themselves; “Core support” from host laboratory; Support from partners (e.g. Tier1/2 sites and regional projects).

18 WP6: “HEP” Manpower Constraints: 341 PM (currently at 342)
TSA1.1 Management 18PM Jamie Shiers (staff) TSA3.2.1 Dashboards 60PM Julia Andreeva (staff) Edward Karavakis (FELL) 1 July 2010 TSA3.2.2 Ganga / Diane Massimo Lamanna (staff) LD / FELL TSA3.3 HEP: CERN 203PM Maria Girone (staff) Fernando Barreiro Megino (FELL) 1 June 2010 Alexander Loth (DOCT) 1 June 2010 Raffaello Trentadue (FELL) 1 July 2010 LD / FELL slots HEP: INFN 2 slots ?2011? Constraints: 341 PM (currently at 342) EUR1,868,618 Project (task?) end date

19 Task 4: Services for LS VRC coordination
VO management, File Catalog, Data encryption, VO monitoring and support provision. Molecular biology core resources Up-to-date EBI databases provision and interface WISDOM Production Environment Sustainable bioinformatics platform Across HUGs collaborations CERN involved in a variety of “physics for health projects” – as with ES later, intend to link these activities in seek synergies

20 Task 4: Services for A&A Link from HEP to A&A through science – natural area for increased collaboration

21 Task 5: Services for ES Inside ES we are discussing the with different ES disciplines, in particular climate (which is traditional more HPC oriented) about requirements for interfaces - it is the continuation of efforts done in the last years Coordination will be done with the GRELC task. There is still a GRELC ES testbed on top of the EGEE infrastructure in place. GENESI-DR II, ES ESRIN is contacted to discuss the interface to GENESI-Dr in the new GENESI project Interface with DIRAC interface is discussed Official work will be started after contract is available

22 Task 5: Services for ES In addition to what is funded through this project, CERN is involved in EnviroGRIDS (Black Sea water basin) – intend to link these and other communities with whom we have contacts (WMO etc.) [ See comments in notes ] Envirogrids : is one among several other ES e-infrastructure and/or Grid projects with which the ES Grid community is in already contact They are informed about what we are developing and they are contributing in some of our activities (user forum, EGU, ...).  Many ES people are interested to use the infrastructure and they will go for their own proposals. Here we have to be a little careful, when we say that we will include projects into SA3. Maybe a formulation like, we are open for other projects of other disciplines avoids misunderstandings.

23 Overview Focus by activity on the EGI InSPIRE workplan, structure, partners. What are the issues for the next 6 months? What do you require from and from other activities?

24 Summary Some delay in establishing contact names but now up and running Recruitment well-advanced at CERN: several candidates selected and 2 already in place – more in July and remainder after summer Activities for next quarter+ will feed into EGI TF Need for a check-point at year-end?

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