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Kickstart drupal development

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Presentation on theme: "Kickstart drupal development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kickstart drupal development
Fodor zoltan (Archy) You, where, what you do

2 FE WEB DEVELOPMENT QA concerns everyone involved with Sys Admin
Not about drupal Concerns Web development WEB DEVELOPMENT

3 PROBLEM? - Might not seem like

4 Before CODING setting up environment developement testing
This part in creating something No real advancement Preparing Test and see how progress

5 Setting up environment
installing services downloading project files configuring all of it -- time consuming -- tedious -- annoying Environment = services + project Example Drupal .. Once then just configure Uncounsciously

6 Drupal easy 3rd party

7 1. Service lockdown for all projects on one workstation no containment
hard to manage multiple versions possibility of incompatibility Invented term Same serivices Sometimes update Same V for all projects, no easy swap Diff prod env Story

8 2. REPETITION same configuration done multiple times
expands to everyone on the team -- inconsistency -- accumulating time wasted Few variables Team reapates same as you ++services –time Question? Like configuring

9 3. BEING Unorganized many services on one workstation unused services
-- wasted resources: -- processing power, disk space Time passes by ++services Leave projects, services hang Workstation mess Reinstall os Story

10 SOLution? Problem clear

11 VIRTUALIZATON What we need?
services grouped in self-contained environments environments separated from each other easy and fast ability to have dozens VIRTUALIZATON - Multiple instance same service - Interference Contain Save time Lot of virt software Pick best Kinds to chose?

12 Hardware virtualization
completely separate secure supports any OS -- high resource usage -- large image sizes -- slow installation / bootup - College Virtual box

13 Os-level virtualization
no need to mimic hardware no need for full separate OS system calls to host kernel -- not as secure -- cannot host different OS almost same performance as host small image sizes Example windows !=! Linux Pause, you might have guessed

14 DOCKEr ! Docker perfect f problems Only basics and benefits Not pro me

15 DockeR provides container virtualization around since 2013
open source / free to use supported on every major OS - Statement

16 Docker terms IMAGE filesystem LAYER filesystem difference (shareable)
CONTAINER running instance of an image Gotta understand these 3 Image OS needs fs Layer ~ commit

17 IMAGE vs Container Diff -> why fast start Middle image
Inside layers LOCK Container top tiny layer

18 DOCKErFILE dockerfile ~ commands file image built from dockerfile
extend existing images DOCKErFILE Image how Built from Commands FROM -> extending

19 DOCKEr ClI $ docker build <Dockerfile>
$ docker run -v webapp /www/html/ <image> $ docker run -p 80:8080 <image> Example start many Customized upon start $ docker run -e “MY_ENV=foo”<image>

20 DOCKEr hub repository for images allows sharing/re-using
community -> stable

21 Docker compose CLI wrapper over docker cli
‘container bundles’ = environment Convenience Additional behaviour

22 HARD TO LEARN Docker what we needed. Easy, fast Question? Uses docker
As I see Hard to learn HARD TO LEARN

23 DRUP Still need to do .. !Story how started Name from Drupal CLI

24 What it does? download and configure projects build their environments
provide easy access to all local projects ... => automate more Centralized system Tiny actions in betw

25 Environment Project builds upon docker has services => containers
service communication service configuration files container configurations Project brings in project files configures project defines environment adds specific services custom service config

- Terminal form


28 Configuration registry
project and environment configuration combined => yaml detected and reused on other systems registry projects are tracked identified by unique id Auto env shared conf Global operations

29 Container Service Access
- Port conflicts

30 Hosts aliases $ sudo drup start drupal-test-site
Aliases for exposed containers upon start $ docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}” <container-id> $ sudo drup start drupal-test-site Long command eh? Easy to remember

31 Service commands $ docker exec <container-id> drush cr
-> started container $ docker run -it -d <container-id> drush cr -> un-started container Shellscript wrappers Service operations $ drup drupal drush cr $ drup drush cr -> from anywhere -> under project directory

32 1 image 1 service Important bad habit
`Each container should have only one concern` Some cases not EZ

33 Automatic start (un-implemented)
Unimplemented feature Office situtation

Drup PROJECT supports Drupal project type PHP-FPM, Apache, NGINX, MariaDB, MySQL, PMA, Node written in JS, runs with NodeJS pre-alpha / open-source



37 Why use drup? uses docker
contains, organizes and keeps track of your projects removes repetition by sharing the configuration fast setup, easy usage kickstarts development

38 THANK You!

39 QUESTIONS ?? Sources Google images.

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