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Summer Undergraduate Research

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1 Summer Undergraduate Research

2 What do HMC students do in the summer?
Source: OIRE Survey, August 2016

3 Introduction Why summer research? Where to do summer research?
How to get started?

4 Summer research in Biology
One application process for life science projects across the 5Cs in many different departments. Projects and application information available mid-January, applications due early-February. Project descriptions and applications at:

5 Chemistry 2017 Summer Research
Current frosh, sophomores, and juniors are welcome to apply 10-week program: May 22 – July 28 Application window opens early January and closes in early February See HMC Chemistry website for more information, or speak with a chemistry faculty member Can’t wait to do research? Consider Chem 40 in the spring!


7 Engineering Research Programs
November: Prof. Bryce for electronics (ubiquitous sensing, physical electronics and open instrumentation design) Prof. Bassman (Laspa Fellowship) for materials science (applied mechanics, metal alloys and computation) Prof. Dato for materials science (graphene applications and synthesis) Prof. Gokli (Riggs Fellowship) for internships in engineering management, manufacturing or design Prof. Krauss for design research Prof. Lape for chemical engineering (nanocomposite gas separation membranes, transdermal drug delivery) Prof. Orwin (Engman Fellowship) for biomedical engineering (tissue engineering, biomechanics and medical device design) Prof. Lape (Lewis Fellowship) green building and chemical engineering Prof. Matt Spencer in analog and radio frequency circuit design TJ Tsai for research at the intersection of signal processing, machine learning, and music.

8 Engineering Research Programs
March 2017 (for academic year): Prof. Harris (Clay-Wolkin Fellowship) for computer engineering and integrated circuit design Next fall: Prof. Clark (Laspa Fellowship) for robotics Prof. Duron (DePietro Fellowship) for civil engineering Watch for s on specific programs Contact individual professors (or Prof. Orwin

9 Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts
A limited number of positions are available each year. Consult the HSA webpage to learn more about faculty research interests Contact individual HSA professors directly to find out if they will be advising summer students this summer.

10 Summer Research in Mathematics
Watch for announcement on

11 Research Programs in Physics
Chen/Eckert/Sparks: magnetic thin films Donnelly: laser physics; collaborations with Profs. Orwin and Dato Esin: astrophysics Gallicchio: experimental cosmology Gerbode: soft condensed matter Lynn: quantum optics Lyzenga: geophysics Saeta: photovoltaics Sahakian: string theory Shuve: cosmology theory (starting in F17) off-campus experiences through NSF REU programs In the physics department there is no formal application process or date for becoming involved in research. The best way to become involved in a group is to look here ( ) for details about faculty programs. Once you see research programs that look interesting please start knocking on doors. We’re really friendly! 

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