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What’s New – HYPACK2017.

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1 What’s New – HYPACK2017

2 What’s New for HYPACK 2017 Our annual release for HYPACK includes many changes – from survey preparation, to data acquisition and to programs that will create the final product. To show them all, we would need more than 100 slides! The presentation shows some of the highlights for the release, covering most of the programs. In the release, we included a document for What’s New, showing all the changes to the software Most computers are 64-bit, and programs that had both versions (32 bit and 64 bit ) will default to the operating system in this release. No need to select the program to use. These include: TIN, HYSCAN, Geocoder, CLOUD, MBMAX64 .

3 What’s New for HYPACK 2017 – License Manager (Keyview.exe)
Our Licenses GUI has been updated. Support now for additional Xylem products. New programs added: Marine Search Sub Bottom ISS ViPer New security also allows for OEM versions of HYPACK (i.e. a single multibeam sensor key) No change is needed to the key

4 HYPACK SHELL – user defined folders and settings
Folders that are not in use can be hidden in the Project Items list Select folders to view

5 HYPACK Shell – Sort folder by date, time and file type
Easy to manage folders with multiple of entries! Folder sorted by file type

6 HYPACK Shell – Defined user interface and layout
Option to change HYPACK shell menu items and icons for a simplified operation. Example of Full layout verse Sub bottom scheme.

7 HYPACK – Shell – create defined layout
In the View option – Layout, user can define new views. The default option is the traditional view

8 HYPACK Shell: Trackline data from HS2, HS2x files
Previously, trackline data could only be drawn from RAW/HSX data file. Now you can display the tracks from edited multibeam and sidescan data files

9 Line Planning – Report for survey
Once you create a line plan, you can estimate the total survey time needed.

10 Web Map Server and KMZ feature update
Simpler interface, making the downloads easier to use. Uses center point of main map for capturing data. Images are all stored in SATELLITE Folder in the project Multiple satellite imagery downloads now occur simultaneously, downloads much faster Automatic uploading to HYPACK Survey

11 Line Editor: Mission Planning Tools
Export file for Mission Plan systems - MAVLink, GPX, MOOS, ZRP. More to be added in 2017

12 HSX Splitter (new program!)
Get rid of turn data, or create multiple files from a single AUV mission Original track Trackline afterwards Each green line represents a new HSX file holding a single segment

13 MBMAX64 – WOBBLE Analysis
Analyze multibeam data with the WOBBLE 64 tool. Determine offset, timing and sensor adjustments needed to fix multibeam data Go from this … … To this

14 MBMAX64 – New Sound Speed interpolation methods
Added new options for applying sound speed to multibeam data Interpolation based upon Time or Time&Position No interpolation - use a single cast, applying the profile to: Most recent Nearest in time Nearest position

15 MBMAX64 – Multi-detection support
Option to enable/disable multi-detection/extra detection Option to filter detection levels

16 MBMAX64 –Edit location shown in main screen
See where you are in the survey. Data in sweep window is tracked in main display

17 MBMAX64 - Combining Multibeam and Lidar Data
Processing both Multibeam and Lidar in MBMAX allows the viewing of both data sets in a single session. Example of multibeam with lidar data:Sail boats anchored nearly on top of the wreck

18 CLOUD updates New save options: LAS, LAZ and pts
Export to Geotiff and HTML web page Color CLOUD points using Geotiffs Save target points Save golden soundings Filter Points based upon: Photo of NYC central park colored by terrain map

19 Sidescan updates Program name - Both 32-bit and 64-bit are now named the same! Added feature for the direct import of 3rd party data files (JSF, SDF, Cmax). No need to convert to HSX. Notes: If you want to display the trackline data in the shell, you need HSX or HS2 data If you have other files types, you need to use the HSX Converter to create HSX files

20 Sidescan updates New option to clip sidescan range to the NOAA guidelines For any towfish height below 8 percent of the range scale in use, the effective scanning range is defined to equal 12.5 times the towfish height

21 Sidescan Survey update
Survey GUI is redesigned. Range and Pinging (on/off) are now in the main display. Previously you needed to go into the set-up tools option for the control Layback field is accessible to update manual cable out

22 Sidescan Mosaic Ability to select sections of tracklines to hide or show imagery inside/outside area. Mosaic data will follow the selection Allow tiles to size as user defined. Easy way to clip data set!

23 Updates to HSX Converter tool
Added YDFF to RAW format conversion. – added support for old HydroSurveyor FIles RAW files can be used in single beam editor YDFF can be used in ADCP profile for velocity and discharge

24 Single Beam Editor SBMAX64
Introducing the New Single Beam editor. A 64-bit version, based upon MBMAX64. More flexibility, and easier to edit.

25 Single Beam Editor SBMAX64
Designed with the HydroSurveyor in mind, to capture all 9 beams in a single session. Option to select a single beam or all beams. Profile view of dual frequency system

26 Single Beam Editor – filter and save options
Data can be saved to HS2x files, which will allow the user to re- edit and adjust offsets. Data can also be saved to EDT files for use in other programs All filter options in a single page set-up

27 HYPLOT Updates HYPLOT Multi sheet now have display settings for each individual PLT sheet.

28 TIN Model update Ability to create line plans based using a surface area created by TIN model. An LNW file based upon user defined parameters can be created Line creation in TIN model Lines shown overlaid on bathy data

29 Hardware updates Multiple sensors can be added
Include two instances of the same driver. Create your own dual head driver. Set up a Multibeam and Lidar Set up two different multibeam sonars

30 HYPACK Survey Smart launch
SURVEY: checks to see if HYSWEEP or HYSCAN is enable then launches the proper programs. No need for selecting from drop down list Real time sidescan mosaic using multibeam backscatter Multiple matrix can be displayed: Multibeam, Topo and Sidescan

31 HYPACK Survey with Adaptive Line tool
With the Autoline.dll, survey can be done without any line plans. Set-up the desired swath (i.e. 60 degrees), and the data from the matrix is used to create the next line A survey across contours, with lines created automatically

32 Updates to Target Editor
Improved Symbol Handling – tracks the recent ones used Spreadhsheet configuration is no user defined Target comparison across different databases – checks for targets at similar location or by name

33 A few of the new device drivers added in 2017
HYPACK Cannon and Lady Bug camera interface Survey Driver: NOAA CO-OPs Driver will display data from, including tide, current, water level from stations across the US Adaptive Line Planning DVL support for use with the M9 HYSWEEP Reson T20 and T50 dual head support PicoMBES, Expanded IXBlue INS drivers Kongsberg Seapath INS Reson compressed water column Dual-head Dynascan WASSP DRX SIDESCAN Kongsberg PulSAR Imagenex 878 RGB DREDGEPACK New drivers for inclinometers and cable counters

34 NEXUS 800 – New Product Launch
An integrated package for aerial mapping video

35 HYPACK Sub Bottom – A new license
Program designed for single purpose use Simplified set-up All the tools included for creating a final product Sub bottom processing view

36 ViPer – Powered by HYPACK – a new product
Partnership with Integrated System and Solutions (St. Pete, FL) Designed for visualization of sensor data Updates with new data automatically Single or multiple buoy stations Gradient or profile Output to HTML

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