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Welcome to Year 2!.

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1 Welcome to Year 2!

2 Thank you for coming The purpose of this meeting is to welcome you to Year 2 and inform you about what your child will be learning this term. This year we will be working hard to continue improving communication with parents. Please speak to your class teacher if you have any queries, the best time to do this is after school

3 Meet the team… Who’s who?
Class Teachers: Rebecca Collins-Smith and Lawrence Anscombe Teaching Assistants: Linda Blackmore-Lee Lin Blackmore Ann Hassan Oliver Sparks Anita Tansley Our Phase leader for Key Stage 1 is Sam Drake.

4 Our topic this term: From A to B

5 The Canonbury Curriculum
The topics are both cross curricular and creative. The handout shows a brief outline of some of the areas of the curriculum. Topics can last for half a term or a whole term.

6 The Canonbury Curriculum
The curriculum includes: English and Maths Science History and Geography Art and Design Design and Technology Music Computing Physical Education Spanish Religious Education

7 ASSEMBLIES and Trips There will be a Christmas performance for parents and carers at the end of the term. This will be in the morning on the week beginning December 12th. More information to follow. 24th November 2016: ‘Mr History’ will be coming to school who will take us on a journey looking at the different explorers from history.

8 British Values We are continuing to learn about British Values. The main areas are… DEMOCRACY THE RULE OF LAW INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY MUTUAL RESPECT TOLERANCE OF THOSE WITH DIFFERENT FAITH AND BELIEFS They will be taught mainly through assemblies, circle times and through topic lessons.

9 Website The website is now one of our most important ways of communicating with parents and carers. There will be key dates on the calendar: Meetings, Trips, Assemblies etc. Teachers will update the website with photos of your child’s learning at least twice a term.

10 Routines – The Start of the Day
School Gates open at 8.30 for children and parents. Parents are responsible for their children and should stay with them children until 8.50. At 8.50 the designated School Leader rings the first bell – children line up. Class Teachers will arrive at least 2 minutes before the second bell and settle the children into a calm and orderly line. At 8.55 the second bell is rung and teachers lead classes into school.

11 Wet Mornings We define wet mornings as when there is heavy downpour and we consider it unreasonable to ask the children to remain outside. When the rain is a light drizzle or "spitting", the usual "dry" arrangements will apply. The system for wet mornings is as follows: The children in Years 2 may enter the building from the side entrance or the office entrance. Year 2 will go up the blue staircase and they will congregate in the middle hall and line up. They will be supervised by the Leadership Team.

12 Guided Reading and reading at home
Please aim to hear your child read for 15 minutes every night. Encourage them to use their phonics' skills to help with unfamiliar words and discuss the content of what they have just read with you. Book bags/Rucksacks should be in school every day. Please aim to complete Reading records every night as it provides a home/school dialogue. Your child will also be able to take a library book home on a week’s loan.

13 Homework Reading for fun for about 15 minutes a day
Practise learning and finding phonics/spellings Number activities Mathletics activities A speaking and listening activity A short writing activity

14 Snacks Daily fruit is provided for all children in Key Stage 1 to eat at playtime. No other snack is allowed - this includes fruit wrapped like sweets, cereal bars, biscuits , sweets. Birthdays We are very happy to hand out individual cupcakes as birthday treats. No Nuts!

15 Routines – The End of the Day
School finishes for Year 1 at 3:20pm. If you are collecting other children, the office must be informed. If you would like someone else to collect your child, you must inform the office.

16 Lining Up This year we are continuing to improve lining up.
How can you help? If parents could drop off their children then move back to ease congestion into the building. Please encourage your child to line up with their class. Please try to keep main entrances to the school unblocked in the morning and at the end of the day.

17 Canonbury Golden Rules
Always be kind and caring. Always try your best. Always speak politely to each other and listen while others are talking. Always follow instructions given by a member of staff. Always look after the school environment.

18 Going for Gold Canonbury has a school-wide system to encourage positive learning behaviour and support improvement when needed. Teachers are looking for opportunities to catch all pupils showing ‘gold’ learning behaviour, including pupils who have learning needs, so that it is achievable by all during an appropriate period of time according to age and development. Each child in the class has a named pocket with 5 cards: 1 Gold 1 Green 3 Amber 1 Red Please see the Canonbury Behaviour Policy for full details on responsibilities and expectations for behaviour.

19 School Uniform Uniform
School uniform is compulsory and can be purchased from Rough Cut Casuals Ltd at 16 Chapel Market, Islington N1 9EZ, or online at

20 School Uniform Expected Uniform Alternatives Unacceptable Upper body Compulsory: School T-shirt School Sweatshirt Optional: School Fleece School polo shirt If a child wears the above, they must be school uniform Blue CheckedSummer Dress (April-September) Navy Blue/Dark Grey Tunic Dress ‘Hoody’ Baseball Caps Lower Body Navy Blue / Black Trousers Plain Navy Blue Tracksuit Bottoms (no logo/stripes) Leggings (with a skirt) Navy Blue knee-length shorts (April-September) Jeans ‘Short’ shorts Short skirts Frayed/faded/torn items Footwear Plain Black or Navy shoes/trainers (suitable for active play) High Heels Boots Sandals Flip Flops

21 Hair and Jewellery Where possible long hair should be tied back during school time. Head bands and scarves, etc should be navy blue. No jewellery other than a watch and/or stud earrings can be worn. Any other jewellery worn will be taken in by class teachers and returned directly to parents at the end of the day.

22 PE Kit School PE Kit Expected PE Kit Upper body Plain white T-shirt
Lower Body Plain Navy Blue / Black Shorts (Inside) Footwear Plain Black or Navy plimsolls/trainers

23 How can you help your child?
Ensuring their child’s first name and surname are on all uniform items-either as a label or written clearly using permanent pen Teaching children to dress independently Ensuring their child can manage footwear independently – if they wear lace-up shoes to school, it is important that they are able to tie laces themselves If your child can’t tie their own shoe laces, provide them with shoes they can independently and safely access.

24 Thank you for coming here to meet the team this morning.

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