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Relevant courses taken:

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1 Relevant courses taken:
I want to teach either Math, Biology, Physics, or Chemistry since these are the subjects I use the most in my own studies. MISTI Global Teaching Labs IAP 2016 Application I have experience tutoring elementary school-aged children in math. At MIT I have no teaching experience, but have worked with children for two years through Camp Kesem at MIT as mentioned in my application. I want to teach abroad for a few reasons. For one, I think that going abroad for a month and having the chance to experience another country’s culture firsthand through teaching is very exciting and unique. Secondly, I really enjoy helping people learn things, especially subjects that I care about. I would love to be able to tie these two things together through GTL. Zach Michaud Chemical Engineering Junior Relevant courses taken: Coursework in all of the subject matter I want to teach (18.02, 8.01, 5.111, 7.012, 7.05) Language: Spanish I I’d be good at teaching because based on my experiences at Camp Kesem the past two summers, I connect well with kids. In addition, I enjoy helping people learn and I really care about it. I’ve found in almost any experience, if you are passionate about something you will do everything you can to do a great job with it. Relevant experiences abroad None

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