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ElComandante An ELaborate Computer Operated Modular Accessible Nested Data Aggregation Network Testing Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "ElComandante An ELaborate Computer Operated Modular Accessible Nested Data Aggregation Network Testing Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 elComandante An ELaborate Computer Operated Modular Accessible Nested Data Aggregation Network Testing Environment

2 Software for Module Qualification with a Cooling Box
Felix Bachmair, Mauro Donega, Philipp Eller, Marco Rossini, Andrey Starodoumov, Rainer Wallny August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

3 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair
Outline Qualification of Modules Different groups of tests Test Environment Testing Procedure Old qualification Software: supervisor Approach for new Software: elComandante Details and status Outlook August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

4 Qualification of pixel modules
Every fully assembled pixel module must be tested and qualified. Three groups of tests: functionality tests, which checks the correct hardware functionality, performance tests Calibration algorithms to extract necessary calibration constants for the successful operation of the modules August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

5 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair
Functionality tests Validate TBM readout Check programmability of all ROCs pixel readout test trim bits test: check readout of hits in all pixels Checks if threshold of each pixel can be tuned with the help of the trim bits Trim bit picture August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

6 Calibration and performance tests
Calibration tests: Extract conversion factors: PH vs. Vcal ADC -> Temperature (still needed?) Trimming of Chips to a certain threshold Performance tests: Sensor leakage current Pixel noise bump bonding test: validation of the connections between sensor pixels and ROC tr August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

7 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair
Test environment Test should be performed at different temperatures (+17ºC, -20ºC) to interpolate to the CMS operating temperature Modules should survive temperature cycles (thermal stress) Temperature and humidity must be regulated to avoid condensation August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

8 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair
Testing procedure Controlling the fulltest in the cooling box Cooling box: Temperature controlling Control of humidity Keithley: IV curves Supply different voltages Psi46expert Do different test procedures Analyze data Qualify module Send results to database notification when problem occurs August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

9 Old software: supervisor
Solution worked good at the setup at PSI All modules of last production are tested with that software Problem: Software is hard to export to other machines August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

10 Approach of ETH group: elComandante
There will be different production centers with different implementations of coolingbox etc. Development of a software framework which supplies all functions of the old supervisor Goals: Platform (OS/PC, etc.) independent Easy to adjust for a certain test environment August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

11 elComandante: main ideas
Keithley Cooling box Test boards psi46Client Results/sta tus of tests Voltage and current Temperature and humidity CoolingBox Client Client every hardware tool is controlled by an individual software client The communication between this software clients is made by network messages Server/Client structure based on a subscription model (libsubsystem) Advantage: Easy to substitute one client(e.g. control of coolingbox) A client crash will not crash the whole test Easy to expand software with more clients(e.g. temp sensors, etc.) Temperature Client Temp Sensor Easy to extend: new temperature sensors on picture on the right August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

12 Status of development I
KeithleyClient: Based on python IV curves and automatic voltage/current monitoring during tests Cooling Box Client: Dry/cool/heat-routine can be adjusted for any temperature Automatic stop at high humidity(interlock) Automatic cycling New: +20 / -20 degC  12.5 min Old: +17 / -10 degC  10 min August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

13 Status of Development II
PSI46 Client An interface to steer psi46expert via “subsytem” is working Tests have been performed Can control many test boards in parallel August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

14 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair
Status of development III Control of all clients via elComandante Starting all clients and performing test Easy to configure via 2 configuration files [Directories] TestDefinitions: /home/user/testDef WorkDir: /home/user/workDir moduleDB: /home/user/moduleDB defaultParameters: /home/user/defPar/ [TestboardAddress] TB0: DPE00JA9 TB1: DPE00T0D TB2: DPE00IUD TB3: DPE00J4X [subsystem] Ziel: Port: 12333 [Modules] TB0: M0000 TB1: M0001 TB2: M3476 TB3: M7676 [ModuleType] TB0: Roc TB1: Roc TB2: Full TB3: Roc [Tests] Test: August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

15 Duration of a Full module qualification
10 cycles = 2 hours Old cycling ~ 1.5h complete qualification process of a module will last 6 -7 h August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

16 Next steps/ toDo/ possible extensions
Analysis: We started to implement the automatic analysis routines DataBaseUpload -> to be defined How should the upload look like? How will the new data base look like? A GUI would be a nice addon which can be added pretty easily August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

17 For more information join the E-group:
Summary New software is much more flexible With the current version of the software we are able to make a Fulltest with a ROC Error handling is still in progress Everyone is welcome to use this tool for module testing If you are interested, you can get the software via cern svn We started a Twiki Page to document the software framework Still under development Help us to improve the software frame to make it to a common tool for all test center! For more information join the E-group: August 28, 2012 Module qualification software - F. Bachmair

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