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Junior Achievement Investment Strategies Program

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Achievement Investment Strategies Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Achievement Investment Strategies Program
LESSON 4 – Being a Savvy Investor Junior Achievement Investment Strategies Program

2 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Canada’s Talent Bombardier Inc. Suncor Energy BlackBerry How did your company do this week?

3 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Canada’s Talent Value of 100 Shares Company 1: Company 2: Company 3: Value Week 1 Value Week 2 Value Week 3 Value Week 4

4 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Portfolio Checkup How is your portfolio doing? What stocks are you watching? What strategy are you using to build your portfolio?

5 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Socially Responsible Begin by listening to Cieanne introduce ethical and socially responsible investing in VIDEO 1. What are socially responsible investments?

6 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
High School Scam Artist

7 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Investment Fraud What is a Ponzi scam? Now listen to Cieanne highlight examples of investment scams including insider trading and Ponzi schemes.

8 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Ponzi Structure

9 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Investment Fraud Define: Investment Seminar Scam West African/Nigerian letter scam Forex Scam

10 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Up You are an investor with $1,000 in your portfolio. The object of the game is to double your investment or make $2,000.

11 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Up Roll die and move clockwise around board. Record what happens at each turn. Land on INSIDER TRADING, pay $100 and return to START without collecting the $250. NEWS FLASH affect all players. RISK & RETURN affect only that player.

12 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Listen to Cieanne explain who is protecting investors on the stock market. She also summarizes lessons learned in this program.

13 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia When sellers outnumber buyers resulting in a decline in stock prices. bull market den market bear market none of the above

14 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia Investing in different types of investments so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. separation solidification portfolio diversification

15 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia The highest price an investor is willing to pay for a certain stock. trade bid buy ask

16 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia A true recession is when the economy has how many quarters declining, in a row? 2 quarters (6 months) 3 quarters (9 months) 4 quarters (12 months) ¼ of a quarter

17 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia This tells you how much money you have made on your original investment. quarter report cash in hand rate of return profit

18 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia The year the TSX become the largest exchange in NA to close its trading floor. 2008 still trading on the floor 1945 1997

19 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia This is cash or possibly more shares that a company pays to its shareholders. dividend profit margins pay off none of the above

20 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia It is important to know this about a stock as it shows how easy it is to sell that stock. diversify liquidity mutuality responsibility

21 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia What do you look at to determine the liquidity of a stock? measure essence body volume

22 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia What is the answer that best illustrates investments that are least to most risky? bank account, GIC, blue chip stock ETF, mutual fund, savings account penny stock, real estate, GIC piggy bank, penny stock, bonds

23 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia The number used in the calculation to determine how many years to double your investment is… 72 76 104 78

24 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Stock Trivia Generally speaking, which is the best strategy for building your portfolio? put all your “eggs” in one basket diversify day trade buy only penny stocks

25 LESSON 4 - Investment Strategies
Good Luck! Keep monitoring your portfolio! What have you learned about the stock market?

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