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A Sustainable Transport Future in Donegal

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1 A Sustainable Transport Future in Donegal
Declan Meally Head of Department Emerging Sectors 25th November 2016


3 Overview The current transport landscape Why electric vehicles
Technology developments EV market growth Future Trends Donegal Rural Sustainable Transport Initiative

4 Source: “EU Transport in Figures 2012 Statistical Pocket Book”, European Union, 2012


6 Strategies to Address each Sector
Aviation European flights now in EU ETS Shipping 3% of world GHG No agreement on market measures Road Transport Vehicle CO2 Labeling A,B,C,D..etc Vehicle Taxation based on CO2 Manufacturing Regulations on CO2 European Union Strategy Make better use of Existing Infrastructure

7 Fuel Cycle Efficiency Illustration
Petrol Station Diesel Vehicle = 25% Electric Vehicle 45% x % x % = 30% H2 Fuel Cell with electrolysis Hydrogen Station H2 45% x % x % x % = 10%

8 Electrification of Passenger Car Transport - Benefits for Ireland
Result for Mean Scenario wrt 2011 55% more cars 75% reduction in CO2 45% reduction in fossil imports! 45% increase in RE in Transport (excludes biofuels)


10 Road Transport Regulations & Issues
CO2 Regulations Vehicle Testing in Real World! Vehicle Labelling => CO2 Tax => Race for Diesel => Dirty Air => New Tax? New cars <= 95g/km in 2020 Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive Infrastructure & Standards for EV, CNG, LPG, Hydrogen Ireland must provide by 2020/2025 Minimum Infrastructure Coverage Common Standards Consumer Information

11 EV Charging Infrastructure
Ireland (end of 2015) Hotel Chargers (3kW) = 107 AC Charge Points (7-22kW) = 714 Fast Chargers (up to 50kW) = 129 Ownership CER allowed ESB to collect 25mEuro Report due from ESB Way Forward Public vs Private ownership? How much is needed? What Price? CER Consultation CLOSING TODAY



14 Aran Islands Trial – Evidence for EVs benefits for Energy Imports
EV Trial on Aran Islands 8 Vehicles for 3 Years Results of Trial 18.5% of Vehicle Energy supplied by Wind Energy in 2011 (compares with 6% Biofuels Obligation for 2013) Average Fuel Cost savings of 78% Energy Import Reduction of : 1 (kWh diesel : kWh electric)

15 Future Trends

16 Changing Consumer Attitudes and the Influence of Technology
Young People Loosing interest in cars and more interested in social networks, IT, apps, new ideas Large Cities make Car Ownership expensive and inconvenient Car clubs reduce street congestion IT allows sharing of cars and spaces Innovative personal transport technologies could reduce costs and congestion Movement towards Procuring Transpt Service rather than Transpt Asset is perceived and is enabled by IT Renault Battery Rental, Hertz

17 Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous Freight ‘Platoon’
Daimler trial Stuttgart to Rotterdam Trucks connected via wifi 80m vs 150m of road space 10% fuel saving Autonomous Cars Consumers want to use Smart Phones, be more productive Different driver behaviour In part available in luxury cars now Nissan ready by 2020

18 Advantages Safety 90% of crashes caused by humans ($160b damages in US per annum) Vehicle data sharing: accidents, traffic, environment etc Time can be spent more Productively Better Driver Behaviour => better fuel efficiency (~15%) Enable delivery of Goods Day or Night without Human Intervention? Aging populations and drivers with disabilities

19 Donegal Rural Sustainable Transport Initiative

20 Renal Dialysis Partnership – SEAI, HSE, Seirbhis Iompair Tuaithe Teo,
Drivers, EV Suppliers Why? – It’s a “no brainer” How? – Analysis, Training and Demonstration When? – Now and Q1 2017

21 Operating & Maintenance
Analysis Renal Dialysis – Daily journeys to Letterkenny General Hospital Annual journeys of 1,360,000 km Maximum one way journey 100 km Based on July analysis – switching to an Electric Vehicle can deliver annual savings of over €80,000 Other Costs ICE Fleet EV Fleet Operating & Maintenance €22,738 €14,964 Energy Cost €89,525 €13,403 Annual Total €112,263 €28,367 Annual Saving €83,897

22 Next Steps Training – Driver efficiency training can provide 20% savings alone Trial electric vehicles – in discussion with Dealers Nissan Leaf Hyundai Ioniq BMW i3 Potential replication across all Rural Schemes.

23 Thank you

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