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Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding

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1 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding

2 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
To consider the use of film to support mathematics teaching To explore Movie Maker and create a simple film To use existing materials on the world wide web To consider the use of film for use on the school’s VLE

3 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Have you used film in mathematics before? If you have What area of maths did you use it in? Why did you use it? If you haven’t used film in mathematics… Have you used film in other subjects?

4 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Vocabulary related to film animation character clip close up composition continuity cut dialogue edit editing export exporting extreme close up fade import importing long shot narrative pace pan panning pixel pixels script setting sequence sound effect special effects storyboard tilt track tracking wide master shot

5 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Making a story board helps you to… Organise your thoughts Which files do I use? What order do I use them in? Think about audio files spoken word? music? Pull together a notional time line

6 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Movie Maker Is on most PCs as part of the Microsoft package Simple to use – import, drag and drop Allows still images to be put together as a film You can use a mixture of file types to make your film, e.g. photographs, moving image, sound files…

7 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Application of using film in mathematics It can help to… introduce an area of maths explain things in a different way enthuse and motivate children Ask pupils to make their own film… on a particular area or topic for younger year groups. on a tricky bit of maths they have mastered showing calculation strategies – these films can be uploaded to the school’s VLE for parents to access.

8 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding

9 Moving image as a tool to support mathematical understanding
Useful web links Local Authority website – Digital Blue Movie Creator tutorials YouTube

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