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The Navajo Creation Myth

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1 The Navajo Creation Myth
PWR 33: “Writing Nature” 7 March 2002

2 Creation stories Express culture’s view of man’s location in the universe in relationship to other elements Present reasons for that manner of existence Provide context for thinking about ethical issues In this case, environmental ethics

3 Navajo culture American Southwest: northern Arizona, new Mexico
Arrived between 1000 and 1500 AD Raised crops and sheep Conquest Note: contradicting accounts of creation stories

4 Navajo Emergence Mythology
Abstract, potential forms existed in subterranean world. Were animated by Holy Wind (handout) Unharmonious acts exile Air-Spirit People from lower 3 worlds; they climb upwards Holy People create First Man and First Woman from corn; they have children Estrangement of the genders, climb to last world Creation of Navajo by Changing Woman

5 Sandpainting: Holy People

6 Significance of Emergence Myth
Seeds of potentiality in mists: allows every creature to have same “holy wind” – soul Wind gives men breath Inner forms of mountains Evil/Good winds influence behavior Likens human creation to process of seed germination, animal pregnancy Bears some resemblance to evolutionary theory Universe in motion

7 Emergence Myth and Hozho
Hohzo: roughly translates as balance, harmony, aesthetic appreciation Tension btw. opposing genders directions Colors (see right)

8 Gender in Navajo Creation
Earth as womb Matrilineal society Mirrors germination/gestation process of life Conflict/separation of genders leads to creation of monsters – violates hozho Changing Woman Personification of earth People in farming repeat divine actions Explains responsibility of maintaining growth: “hozho”

9 Connection to Land Creation story refers to specific landmarks in Four Corners area Mountains/rivers have guiding spirits and forces Direct tangible connection -evidence of overlying unity.

10 Relationship with Land
Male as light, female as dark: Mother Earth and Father Sky Use of kinship terms to connote familial relationship

11 Relationship with Animals
Accompanied Air-People on journey Animated by same force as mountains and people Hunting exists with respect and prayer Sandpainting “Coyote Stealing Fire” (right)

12 Current environmental action
Reduction of grazing in 1930’s to keep from damaging new dam – shift in Navajo economy Tribes in AZ, NM, UT, and CO provide southern CA with 25% of its energy Issue of tribal sovereignty vs. international economic and environmental concerns

13 Recap Emergence myth parallels natural life processes
Idea of “hozho”: unity and balance in actions with regard to surroundings Gender emphasis and tension Unifying force in both traditionally ‘animate’ and ‘inanimate’ objects Emphasis on relationship with natural world

14 Thank you!

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