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Welcome Please help yourself to tea or coffee

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Please help yourself to tea or coffee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Please help yourself to tea or coffee
Learning in Year 2

2 Aims for this evening To give some background to the Key Stage 1 curriculum To explain how parents can help at home To explain how we will assess the progress and attainment of your child

3 New KS1 national curriculum
Teacher assessment is no longer a best fit but a total fit. Therefore the children need to meet all of the criteria to have meet expected standard During the Years 1 and 2 the children’s progress will be reported as N – not on track to meet expectations, O- on track E – exceeding expectations

4 New KS1 national curriculum
At the end of the Year 2 the children’s achievement will be reported as: PKF – pre key stage WTS – working towards the standard EXS – working at expected standard GDS – working at greater depth within the standard These indicators are used nationally.

5 KS1 Tests Paper 1 English reading test – reading booklet with questions and answer space combined, (a selection of texts, words) approximate timing 30minutes Paper 2 English reading test – reading booklet and separate answer booklet (a selection of texts, words) approximate time 40 minutes All children will have access to both tests with teachers using judgement as whether they are both appropriate for the individual child


7 KS1 Tests Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic –no resources but children have space to work out answers using jottings. It is expected that the children should complete the paper in around 20minutes but it is not strictly timed. There are 25 questions including one practise question. Mathematics Paper 2: Reasoning –no resources but children have space to work out answers using jottings and this is encouraged. It is expected that the children should complete the paper in around 35 minutes but it is not strictly timed. There are 31 questions including one practise question.


9 KS1 Tests English grammar, punctuation and spelling – Paper 1: spelling children have around 15mins (not strictly timed). A passage of text will be read and they have to spell the 20 missing words English grammar, punctuation and spelling – Paper 2: questions based on grammar and puncuation children will have around 20mins (not strictly timed).


11 Reading In Year 2 the children need to be able fairly fluently without the need to constantly sound words out. Frequent practice – little and often – will help your child become more fluent. Reading comprehension – children need to be able to answer questions about the text. Sometimes the answers are obvious and can be lifted from the text . Sometimes the children will have to give an answer using reasoning or inference.

12 Reading Comprehension – your turn.
“Let’s get the dinner on shall we?” said Matthew’s mum. “What are we having, Mum?” Matthew asked her. “Cottage pie and peas,” she replied cheerily. Matthew grinned from ear to ear. Mum smiled back at him. “I’ll tell you what,” she said, “why don’t you go and learn your spellings for twenty minutes before we have dinner?” The smile on Matthew’s face disappeared. “Do I have to?” he whined. Matthew thought practising spellings was a bit like watching paint dry. Retrieval of information Example question: What was Matthew’s mum making for dinner? Answer: Cottage pie and peas. Inference Example question: How does Matthew feel about eating cottage pie and peas? How do you know? Answer: He loves cottage pie and peas. We know this because he grins from ear to ear when his mum tells him that is what she is making for dinner. Deduction Example question: What do you think Matthew might do next? Explain why you think this. Answer: There could be several answers to this, but the person marking the text would be looking for the child to have thought about what Matthew might do, based on what they have read. For example: I think Matthew will go and watch TV instead of doing his spellings because he doesn’t want to do his spellings. Opinion Example question: Do you think Matthew’s mum is a kind person? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

13 Supporting your child at home in Reading
Reading with your child is vital. It's best to read little and often, so try to put aside some time for it every day. Read to your child as well as hearing your child read. Share a book at bedtime Look for books on topics that you know your child is interested in. Visit the library as often as possible Allow your child to experience a variety of texts – magazines, books, comics, poems and information books Ensure that your child understands the meaning - it’s not just about reading the words Talk about the story –What happens next? Which was your favourite part? Keep reading to your child even after they’ve learnt to read independently

14 Phonics During Year 2 the children will
consolidate phonemes learnt in Year 1 – reading and writing. Start to look at a wider range of spelling patterns rules and such as ‘dge’ and ‘ge’, silent letters such as ‘k’ in knit and ‘g’ in gnome and alternative sounds such as the ‘s’ sound in ‘race’. Suffixes – such as ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and ‘est’ Contractions – such as wouldn’t, couldn’t and didn’t.

15 Spelling Younger children write words as they sound however by Year 2 they should start to recognise a range of common words in line with the phonics they have learnt, the high frequency words they have read and a list of common exception words. Spellings from Year 1 should be used consistently and we are looking for these to be spelt correctly in their own work.

16 Spellings Common exception words – copies on your table
Homophones (sea/see their/there/they’re) Words with contracted forms can’t/ won’t etc Adding suffixes –ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly

17 Supporting your child at home in Spelling
Make it fun – it does not always need to be paper and pencil Attach letters to lego and build words Spell it with beans / raisins – use split peas, pasta or raisins to spell out the words Shaving cream practice – squirt some shaving foam on the table and then practise spelling the words by writing them with your finger in the shaving foam Salt box – pour some salt into a shallow box or tray and practise writing in it with your finger. Organise magnetic letters or scrabble letters to spell a word Make a word pyramid – start with the easiest write it once, next word twice, third word three times. Word fishing – fish for a word and learn to spell it Mnemonics - because  big elephants can always understand small elephants, said  save animals in danger

18 Handwriting Penpals program 5 days a week
Tall letters are tall, short letter are short. Moving on to joining letters, encouraging children to join independently when ready. Encouraging children to take care and write slowly and neatly.

19 visualisation = + x % subtract more add sum factor product

20 The Maths Curriculum Children should:
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

21 End of year expectations
Working at the expected standard • The pupil can partition two-digit numbers into different combinations of tens and ones. This may include using apparatus (e.g. 23 is the same as 2 tens and 3 ones which is the same as 1 ten and 13 ones). • The pupil can add 2 two-digit numbers within 100 (e.g ) and can demonstrate their method using concrete apparatus or pictorial representations. • The pupil can use estimation to check that their answers to a calculation are reasonable (e.g. knowing that will be less than 100). • The pupil can subtract mentally a two-digit number from another two-digit number when there is no regrouping required (e.g. 74 − 33). • The pupil can recognise the inverse relationships between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and work out missing number problems (e.g. Δ − 14 = 28).

22 • The pupil can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables to solve simple problems, demonstrating an understanding of commutativity as necessary (e.g. knowing they can make 7 groups of 5 from 35 blocks and writing 35 ÷ 5 = 7; sharing 40 cherries between 10 people and writing 40 ÷ 10 = 4; stating the total value of six 5p coins).

23 • The pupil can use different coins to make the same amount
(e.g. pupil uses coins to make 50p in different ways; pupil can work out how many £2 coins are needed to exchange for a £20 note). • The pupil can read scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens in a practical situation where all numbers on the scale are given (e.g. pupil reads the temperature on a thermometer or measures capacities using a measuring jug). • The pupil can read the time on the clock to the nearest 15 minutes. • The pupil can describe properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes (e.g. the pupil describes a triangle: it has 3 sides, 3 vertices and 1 line of symmetry; the pupil describes a pyramid: it has 8 edges, 5 faces, 4 of which are triangles and one is a square).

24 Supporting your child at home in Maths
Try to make maths as much fun as possible - games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. Look for different shapes around your home. Let your child handle money and work out how much things cost. Look together for numbers on street signs and car registration plates. Ask questions about the numbers you see e.g. Is it less than 10? Is it between 10 and 20? Have a go at telling the time. Do you know what time you go to bed,? Practise counting forwards and backwards. Count out objects around the house.

25 Intervention If a child needs extra support we will provide intervention based on their needs. Intervention can be for a variety of needs – e.g. children finding it hard to learn key words, numbers or spellings, children struggling with fine or gross motor skills or speech and language. It can be for a short time to give an extra boost in something they are finding tricky. Might be a longer program Can be in a group or 1-1 The Class teacher will communicate with you frequently to tell you what they are doing to support your child and how you can help too. If it is necessary an Individual Education plan will be written for your child which outlines the interventions and frequency of the support that is in place.

26 Learning Behaviours Independence Resilience Collaboration
Taking responsibility

27 How you can help Routines – early mornings, meal times and bedtimes
Role model (reading and writing (especially men) behaviour) Watch you language! Growth mindset – I can do it! Opportunities to talk, shared experiences Limit technology Expectations

28 Thank you for coming

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