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Germ Reader (08 June, 2013) Jaehwan Kim

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Presentation on theme: "Germ Reader (08 June, 2013) Jaehwan Kim"— Presentation transcript:

1 Germ Reader (08 June, 2013) Jaehwan Kim (
Bangyong Song Adviser: Prof. Dong Seon Cheng

2 Contents Introduction Methodology Validation Implementation Limitation

3 Introduction In the Dept. of Food Engineering, research and analysis of the bacteria have been proposed.

4 Introduction

5 Introduction They count bacteria manually.
-> inaccurate and time consuming

6 Introduction 1min * 60 times = 1 hour -> it takes a lot of time!!

7 Introduction If there is a system to count germs automatically and correctly ? -> it will be much help to the research.

8 Introduction dilluted 10^6 times dilluted 10^7 times

9 Methodology User Interface Expression Image Path Resource Loading
1. Detect Red range Image Processing 2. Detect White range 3. Red & Not-White Binarization Labeling Counting Shows the calculated result

10 Methodology Color Recognition (1)
Change RGB to HSV for extracting the exact value RGB HSV

11 Methodology Color Recognition (2)
Th6 = threshold hue of ^6 Ts6 = threshold saturation of ^6 Tv6 = threshold value of ^6 Th7 = threshold hue of ^7 Ts7 = threshold saturation of ^7 TsW = threshold saturation of white Color Recognition (2) Detect not-white -> not(lowsat AND MAXvalue) not-White = not( ( (saturation ≤ TsW) AND (value = MAXVAL) ) ) Detect red -> lowhue ^6 : (hue ≤ Th6) AND (Ts6 ≤ saturation) AND (value ≤ Tv6) ^7 : (hue ≤ Th7) AND (Ts7 ≤ saturation) red & not-white

12 Methodology Connected Component 8-neighbors

13 Methodology Connected Component labeling

14 Validation Precision-Recall Curve Precision Recall = TP / (TP+FP)
= TrueDetected / Result Recall = TP / (TP+FN) = TrueDetected / Manual the source of the image :

15 Validation Precision-Recall Curve - ^6 (1)
Th6 = threshold hue of ^6 Ts6 = threshold saturation of ^6 Tv6 = threshold value of ^6 TsW = threshold saturation of white Precision-Recall Curve - ^6 (1) (Ts6=62, Tv6=250, TsW=76.5) Th=23 Th=23 -> Experimental proof that Th6=23 is best for ^6

16 Validation Precision-Recall Curve - ^6 (2)
Th6 = threshold hue of ^6 Ts6 = threshold saturation of ^6 Tv6 = threshold value of ^6 TsW = threshold saturation of white Precision-Recall Curve - ^6 (2) (Ts6=62, Tv6=250, TsW=76.5) Th=23 Th=23 -> Experimental proof that Th6=23 is best for ^6

17 Validation Precision-Recall Curve - ^7 (1)
Th7 = threshold hue of ^7 Ts7 = threshold saturation of ^7 TsW = threshold saturation of white Precision-Recall Curve - ^7 (1) (Ts7=85, TsW=76.5) Th=22 Th=22 -> Experimental proof that Th7=22 is best for ^7

18 Validation Precision-Recall Curve - ^7 (2)
Th7 = threshold hue of ^7 Ts7 = threshold saturation of ^7 TsW = threshold saturation of white Precision-Recall Curve - ^7 (2) (Ts7=85, TsW=76.5) Th=22 Th=22 -> Experimental proof that Th7=22 is best for ^7

19 Validation

20 Implementation MFC MATLAB Visual Studio 2008 OpenCV

21 Implementation A: Image B: Mode C: Execute D: Mask scroll E: Result
F: ListBox G: Export *.xls

22 Implementation

23 Limitation Depending on the performance of the scanner, the quality of image is different. -> not flexible

24 Thank you. 감사합니다.

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