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OPA 15 – What is it? OPA 15 – “Hwy 400 Strategic Industrial Employment Area secondary plan” secondary plan prescribes the nature of development within.

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Presentation on theme: "OPA 15 – What is it? OPA 15 – “Hwy 400 Strategic Industrial Employment Area secondary plan” secondary plan prescribes the nature of development within."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPA 15 – What is it? OPA 15 – “Hwy 400 Strategic Industrial Employment Area secondary plan” secondary plan prescribes the nature of development within a settlement area policies provide direction on growth management, permitted uses, resource protection, infrastructure requirements, and development phasing maps define land use categories and conceptually delineate major roads, SWM ponds and other public amenities changes subject to Simcoe County approval April 29, 2014

2 What are MZOs? provincial zoning by-law that supersedes the town’s zoning by-law defines what can happen on land and how much of it (i.e. max floor area, max height, min distance from property lines three separate MZOs apply to OPA 15 lands changes subject to provincial approval April 29, 2014

3 What can be built? MZO #1: manufacturing plant warehousing
accessory retail, office, equipment servicing, etc. #1 April 29, 2014

4 What can be built? MZO #2: manufacturing plant, warehousing, distribution centre data centre, food processing facility, research facility, office public training facility, auto service station, bank convenience store, day care, fitness centre sale of industrial or agricultural machinery #2 April 29, 2014

5 What can be built? MZO #2 – Interchange Node Zone (additional uses):
food store hotel retail store #2 April 29, 2014

6 What can be built? MZO #3: agricultural uses (e.g. growing crops, raising livestock) agriculture-related use (e.g. grain drying facility, product storage) #3 April 29, 2014

7 Development Controls OPA 15, MZOs and provincial legislation dictate the manner in which the employment lands will develop: new development must occur on full municipal services lands will generally develop from south to north access and internal servicing must be coordinated among landowners cost-share agreement among landowners is required certain land uses are capped (e.g. only two food stores are permitted, each a max of 600 m2) MZO #2 must include fourteen 8-ha lots and two 20-ha lots April 29, 2014

8 Application Process a “tertiary” level of planning is required to precisely define the location of new roads, routes and sizes of internal servicing, location of SWM ponds, grading, etc. typically addressed in a cooperative manner among multiple landowners through a process that leads to subdivision applications tertiary planning and subdivision approval process requires 8 – 12 months development on individual lots subject to site plan control (2 – 4 months) zoning amendments (6 – 12 months?) April 29, 2014

9 Pending Updates council has directed staff to proceed with two updates
OPA 15 must be amended to incorporate new policies of the amended Growth Plan and recommendations of the town’s Retail Analysis & Commercial Policy Review town’s zoning by-law will be amended to mirror the MZOs and add missing provisions (parking requirements, setbacks, landscaping) further consultation with landowners will occur April 29, 2014

10 Servicing Program April 29, 2014

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