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PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, NCERT,

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1 PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, NCERT,
Activities of UNEVOC Centre – PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal, India Vinay Swarup Mehrotra PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education, NCERT, 131 Zone II, M.P. Nagar, Bhopal, M.P., India

2 Presentation Structure
Organizational Structure Staffing Role and Functions Resume of Activities Publications National Collaborations Role and Functions as UNEVOC Centre International Collaborations Participation in UNESCO-UNEVOC Conferences/Workshops UNEVOC’s E-forum & TVETipedia Contributions in International Publications of UNEVOC Website UNEVOC Centre Award

3 Organizational Structure
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT), autonomous organization est. under Society Registration Act 1861 PSS Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), a constituent of NCERT (est. 1993) Agriculture Division Health & Paramedical Division Business & Commerce Division Home Science Division Engineering & Technology Division Humanities, Science & Education Division

4 Staffing Academic Staff ( as on 2011) Prof. R.B. Shivgunde, Joint Director Professor – 03 Associate Professor – 08 Assistant Professor – 05

5 Role and Functions Research: Research projects on various aspects of VET. Development: Guidelines, competency based curricula, instructional materials, teacher guides, etc. Training: In-service training of teachers in subject areas, entrepreneurship development, generic skills development, Information and Communication Technology, action research, etc. Extension: Orientation programmes on VET for key functionaries, Regional and National Meetings on VET, NCERT awards for excellence in VET (students, teachers , institutions and industry) .

6 Resume of Activities Activities * No. of Prog. No. of Participants 320
Orientation Programmes for Key Functionaries and Vocational Teachers 320 68, 503 Teacher Training Programmes in Specific Subject Areas 190 4,593

7 Publications Particulars No.
Guidelines on work education and vocational education 12 Curricula for +2 level (XI & XII Std.) 100 Instructional materials for +2 level (XI & XII Std.) 110 Pre-vocational modules (IX & X Std.) 26 Indian Journal of Vocational Education (IJVE) Biannual Bulletin on Vocational Education and Training Quarterly

8 National Collaborations
National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) for promotion of Work Education Program in schools. School of Vocational Education & Training, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for development of Diploma and B.Ed. Programs in VET. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) for promotion of VET through open learning system. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for development of vocational curricula and instructional materials. Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE &T), MoL & E in promotion of vocational training through Industrial Training Institutes. Universities and specialized Institutions for training of vocational teachers in subject areas.

9 Role and Functions as UNEVOC Centre (est. 1992)
Strengthen VET through knowledge sharing, collaboration and joint activities. Advice UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. Serve as national focal points for receiving and disseminating UNESCO messages. Exchange information, experience and skills on all major areas of work of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre.

10 International Collaborations
German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, India) for organization of All India Consultation Meeting on VET. UNESCO Office, India for development of modules for Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) kit. National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER, Australia) for MOU on joint research and development activities (under process)

11 Participation in UNESCO-UNEVOC Conferences/Workshops
International Conference on “Harnessing Qualifications Frameworks Towards Quality Assurance in TVET in Asia” organized by UNESCO-UNEVOC, CPSC and InWEnt Capacity Building International from 1- 2 December,2009 at Manila, Philippines. International Conference on “Corporate HRD and Skill Development for Employment Scope and Strategies” organized by InWent Capacity Building International in partnership with UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre for TVET (Bonn) from November, 2008 at Bali, Indonesia. Sub-regional seminar on “Curriculum Innovations and Best Practices in TVET through Enhanced Networking and Collaboration within the UNEVOC Network” by UNESCO-UNEVOC from April, at Lloilo City, Philippines.

12 UNEVOC’s E-forum & TVETipedia
Actively participate in the discussions and sharing of information on a wide variety of VET topics with VET experts through the internet-based virtual community and electronic mail (e-forum) hosted by UNESCO-UNEVOC. Access for exchange of information and sharing of knowledge.

13 Contributions in International Publications of UNEVOC
Chapter on “Integrating TVET with Open and Distance Learning: Taking Skills Training to the Doorstep” In: International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work-Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning. Rupert Maclean, David N. Wilson (Eds.). New York: Springer, 2009.

14 Website PSSCIVE has been on the website since 1998.
Website address: The website provides information on the faculty position, publications, current programmes and activities and publications of the Institute.

15 UNEVOC Centre Award Received UNEVOC Centre Award from UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn in recognition of the Centre’s continued efforts for furthering UNESCO goals in TVET as part of the UNEVOC network, 2007.

16 Major Challenges Skill Development for Entry Level Workers
India’s population is 1.21 billion (2011 census) (17.5% of the world’s population) There are 570 million people below the age of 25. The Coordinated Action Plan for Skill Development in India framed the target of skilling 500 million people by 2022. Skill Development for School Leavers 98% children enroll in the school.  24% drop out between Std. I-V Another 24% drop out between Std. VI –VIII 12% drop out between Std. IX & XII

17 Major Challenges & Strategy
Skill Development for Existing Workers Recognition of Prior Learning Upgradation of Skills Strategy Development of National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework with Involvement of Industry and other Stakeholders

18 Future Plans Disseminate knowledge and innovative and good practices in VET related matters through E-forum and TVETipedia. Respond to the communications from UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, Bonn and other UNEVOC Centres. Raise the national and international effectiveness of UNEVOC Network Centre in promotion of policies, development of framework for national vocational qualifications, and implementation of VET programs.

19 Future Plans Respond to the changing skill demands through
(i) National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework (NVEQF) (ii) Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) (iii) Quality Assurance Mechanism Organize regional and national network activities to enable the exchange of information, experiences and lessons learnt. Improve and foster collaboration with other UNEVOC Centres through networking. Report changes on the status, contact details and staff movements of the UNEVOC Centre. Contribute to the UNESCO publications and databases.

20 Thank You “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish and you feed him for lifetime.”

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