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Engaging Your Audience

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1 Engaging Your Audience
Chapter 11 Delivery: Engaging Your Audience

2 What We Will Discuss Speaker and adapting to audience and speech situation Types of speeches Nonverbal behavior Eight dimensions of nonverbal system Controlling self-adaptive behavior Nonverbal behaviors that affect the audience Nonverbal and effective delivery Improving credibility Proactive vs Reactive speaking

3 Methods of Delivery Manuscript =Written out word for word
Memorized = Committed to memory Impromptu = Off-the-cuff speaking Excellent tips in textbook Extemporaneous: A blend of preparation and spontaneity the best choice for most situations

4 Adapting Your Delivery To . . .
Diverse audiences: Consider the cultural norms of the audience The occasion Check on the room beforehand; plan your delivery accordingly (e.g., microphone) Your personal style?

5 Using Your Voice Vocal production = “Vocalics” Speak in your own voice
Match to general and specific speech purpose Volume Pitch Range Rhythm Tempo Articulation Speak in your own voice Practice to become competent Match to general speech purpose

6 Nonverbal Characteristics of Delivery
Continuous Cannot NOT communicate Simultaneous use of channels All the senses Spontaneous Hard to regulate What nonverbal behavior reveals Exercise caution Cultures differ

7 Nonverbal Communication System
Environment = physical surroundings Internal = state of humans Zone of Interaction = area where speaker must maintain eye contact Speaker movement and interaction with audience Speaker immediacy by moving into audience

8 Traditional Zone of Interaction
Insert Exhibit 11.2

9 Shifting the Zone of Interaction Through Movement
Insert Exhibit 11.3

10 Nonverbal Communication System
Appearance = effects source credibility Eyes = continuous and immediate Face = congruent with words spoken Gestures = appropriate to speech purpose Posture = demonstrates speaker confidence Touch = minimize self-adapting behavior Time = always consider time constraints

11 Tips for Gestures and Movement
Be natural; your gestures should reflect your normal conversational style Move when necessary to include all of your audience in the zone of interaction Use your hands for illustration Don’t hold notes in both hands; keep at least one free for gestures

12 Tips for Appearance, Face, and Eyes
Be expressive with your face Posture affects your credibility Your attire affects your credibility Continuous eye contact is essential Make eye contact with individual members of your audience Avoid favoring a specific audience segment or person with your eye contact Dress appropriately and lose the ball cap/sunglasses

13 Making the Most of Nonverbal Behavior
Use Nonverbal behaviors to… Excite the audience Repeat your message Contradict your message Substitute for a verbal cue Deliver a powerful speech Complement your message Increase perceptions of immediacy

14 Proactive Delivery Rehearse Time your speech Avoid self-adapters
Use natural gestures Take control of your appearance Take control of your environment

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