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The Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment

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1 The Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Overview and Information Pack November 2016

2 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
What is ToRQ? ToRQ (Tailored Reasoning Questionnaire) is the most advanced evaluation of job relevant decision-making skills available ToRQ combines cutting edge testing processes with the power of personality to produce the next generation of cognitive assessment It is the combination of capability and character that provides the most accurate measure of an individual’s potential The addition of ToRQ to the Facet5 product range will provide a complete selection and assessment package, extending the market reach of Facet5. ToRQ can be used across the employee lifecycle, including individual or group selection process (including graduate assessment centres), and talent assessment. It can be used to inform personal and leadership development coaching. ToRQ will provide a market differentiating product and service for our Partners in the provision of selection and assessment services. ToRQ combines cutting edge testing processes with the power of personality to produce the next generation of cognitive assessment. It is this combination of capability and personality that provides the most accurate measure of an individuals potential in an organisation.

3 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Why has ToRQ been developed? There is an increasing demand for remote, web-based assessment processes Advances in response analysis have enabled highly successful remote assessment of non-cognitive skills (personality), however Cognitive skills have proved problematic due to leakage, cheating and identity uncertainty, while limits on timed tests are difficult to monitor remotely Organisations are looking for more accurate measures of not only the capability of an individual but to truly understand their potential There is an increasing demand for remote, web-based assessment processes. Advances in response analysis have enabled highly successful remote assessment of non-cognitive skills. Cognitive skills however have proved problematic due to leakage, cheating and identity uncertainty, while limits on timed tests are difficult to monitor remotely.
  To work effectively a web-based cognitive process must: allow respondents to access the system from anywhere provide a fair and objective set of hurdles for each candidate avoid leakage of test content allow for different skill levels of candidates, and be relevant to the problems people face at work on a day to day basis Traditional tests are thought to measure some of the cognitive skills that are supposed to be relevant at work. Psychologists have grouped these skills and most assessments include Verbal, Numerical and Abstract skills. There are numerous tests of these skills available. ToRQ abandons this arbitrary division and goes right back to the work being done. How well can people solve problems? Organisations are looking for assessments that bring together data sets, often not having the time or desire to interpret reports. ToRQ will provide a true measure of potential in an organisation

4 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
An effective cognitive assessment process must: Allow respondents to access the system from anywhere Provide a fair and objective set of hurdles for each candidate Avoid leakage of test content Allow for different skill levels of candidates, and Be relevant to the problems people face at work on a day to day basis Typical cognitive assessments suffer from a number of issues, these include: Accessibility – can be paper based and require manual calculation, requiring extra time and resource to obtain a valid results One size fits all – the same assessment is provided to all candidates The test is often copied and provided to candidates, this allows them to prepare and doesn’t provide a score that is reflective of their true cognitive ability The one fits all approach doesn’t allow for varying skill or capability, assuming that each person addresses problem solving in the same way The problems posed are often abstract and don’t represent the nature of work

5 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
ToRQ is different to other tools! Relevant: ToRQ items are work samples created to match the modern working environment Secure: ToRQ items are created “on-the-fly” using precise design rules. No two items are ever identical so answers cannot be copied and “leaked” Realistic: ToRQ uses Computer Adaptive Test processes to ensure people are faced with questions that are realistic for them Fair: ToRQ incorporates Response Latency Analysis to differentiate between people who differ in the speed with which they get to an answer Comprehensive: ToRQ can be used at any level from school leaver (entry level) to graduate or managerial Relevant: ToRQ items are work samples created to match the modern working environment. Research shows that when items are seen to be relevant, candidate’s motivation to succeed and perception of “fairness” is greatly enhanced. Secure: items are created “on-the-fly” using precise design rules. No two items are ever identical so answers cannot be copied and “leaked”. The Question structure is Isomorphic, meaning the question uses the same structure but with different content Realistic: ToRQ uses Computer Adaptive Test processes to ensure people are faced with questions that are realistic for them. They are not put off by questions that are too hard or become blasé because questions seem too easy. Fair: ToRQ incorporates Response Latency Analysis to differentiate between people who differ in the speed with which they get to an answer. Whether people are quick or slow ToRQ will measure accurately. Comprehensive ToRQ can be used at any level from school leaver (entry level) to graduate or managerial. Unlike traditional ability tests, ToRQ shows not only how many items were answered correctly but also which types of items and how long the person took

6 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
What does ToRQ measure? ToRQ is a measure of an individuals practical work-based problem solving skills It combines with an individuals personality profile to provide both a typical cognitive score and importantly how these scores are structured It is an accurate measure of potential Traditional tests are thought to measure some of the cognitive skills that are supposed to be relevant at work. Psychologists have grouped these skills and most assessments include Verbal, Numerical and Abstract skills. There are numerous tests of these skills available. ToRQ abandons this arbitrary division and goes right back to the work being done. How well can people solve problems? ToRQ is set up using “Work Samples” so it is always relevant. ToRQ provides standardised scores in the same way as any cognitive test but ToRQ also shows how these are structured. For example some people are quick but sloppy; some are slower but accurate. A few are both. The combination of cognitive data and character data provides organisations with a true measure of a persons potential within their organisation

7 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
How does ToRQ work? 12 Questions 4 levels of difficulty Difficulty level automatically managed through the assessment TorQ is not timed No two questions are ever the same Questions can be selected in any order Work- related sample questions ToRQ Features 12 questions that are represented in a graphical format The questions have 4 levels of difficulty which is based on the approach and answer given to the previous question The difficult level therefore is managed automatically throughout the assessment ToRQ is not timed No two questions are ever the same-the question structure is isomorphic, allowing for the same question structure but with different content – this randomisation ensures that ToRQ cannot be prepared for and provides a true representation of the individuals problem solving capability and style The questions are work related – presenting problems that are part of many peoples day to day work life, providing a more realistic experience and ultimately a better understanding of how the individual will approach work based problems

8 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
How does ToRQ work? Example Mark Share

9 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
How does ToRQ work? Example Route Analysis

10 ToRQ can be used to inform many areas of the Employee Lifecycle
ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment During the selection process for individuals at both entry level and managerial roles. Ideal for large scale assessment processes, such as Graduate recruitment ToRQ can be used to inform many areas of the Employee Lifecycle When combined with Facet5 ToRQ can provide insights into the problem solving style and capability of employees ToRQ & Facet5 results can be used in Talent assessment centres and to inform talent management strategies Notes Animated Slide Selection Traditionally used in the selection process as a measure of cognitive capability. Can be applied to large scale recruitment or individuals at a graduate or managerial level Integration: Not used Teamwork & Collaboration: Personal Development: The combination of Facet5 data and ToRQ data will inform the development planning of employees This combination provides insights into the problem solving style and capability of an employee, by helping to understand the approach taken and the underlying reason for that approach Leadership: The combination of Facet5 data and ToRQ data will inform the leadership development planning of employees This combination provides insights into the problem solving style and leadership style of an employee Talent: Traditionally used in Talent and Management assessment centres as a measure of cognitive ability Contributes to a range of other assessment processes Combined with Facet5 provides insights into the potential of an employee in an organisation When combined with Facet5, ToRQ can provide coaches with insights into the problem solving and leadership style of employees

11 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Participating in ToRQ development ToRQ is currently in a data collection and anaylsis phase We require significant amounts of both ToRQ assessments and corresponding Facet5 personality questionnaires We are inviting individuals and organisations to assist with this process Organisations who participate will receive a complimentary ToRQ assessment for each completed ToRQ and Facet5 Personality Questionnaire provided during the data collection phase ToRQ Development ToRQ is currently in data collection and anaylsis phase. The development of ToRQ is changing the way cognitive assessments are developed and taken. This new thinking is typical of the thought leadership Facet5 brings to its product range This type of approach cannot be found in other tools on the market To validate the model and scoring mechanism ToRQ requires over 4,000 cases of data. This will be combined with Facet5 data to produce not only a measure of a persons problem solving capability but their potential within an organisation To collect this data we need people to complete ToRQ By completing ToRQ (and Facet5) we will provide a free ToRQ assessment for each assessment completed as part of the data collection phase.

12 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Option 1: ToRQ and Facet5 Participants complete both a Facet5 Personality Questionnaire and a ToRQ assessment A free Work Preferences report provided at the end of the assessment Ideal introduction to Facet5 & ToRQ There are two options for the collection of ToRQ data Option 1: ToRQ and Facet5 Data This is the ideal as it provides directly correlated data for analysis Participants register and receive a link via to complete both the Facet5 quesitonnaire and then the ToRQ assessment A free Work Preferences report is provided at the end of the ToRQ assessment. It is downloaded from the final screen. A link is provided to register for a scored report The demographic details asked for in the data capture screen allow us to analyse and provide greater levels of validity and comparitive data for organisations These fields are options, except the Address and Name – these are required to receive the link and receive a Work Preferences report URL: Direct URL:

13 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Option 2: ToRQ only Participants complete a ToRQ assessment only At the end of the assessment participants can register for a scored report Suited to existing users who those who have already completed Facet5 There are two options for the collection of ToRQ data Option 2: ToRQ only This is the ideal for participants who have a Facet5 Profile, o r where the time commitment to complete both assessments is too high Participants register and receive a link via to the ToRQ assessment A link is provided to register for a scored report The demographic details asked for in the data capture screen allow us to analyse and provide greater levels of validity and comparitive data for organisations These fields are options, except the Address and Name – these are required to receive the link Direct URL:

14 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Next Steps in ToRQs development The duration of the data collection phase is dependent on the quality and quantity of data provided Data validation and scoring will commence in parallel to data collection Once the data and scoring validation is complete, ToRQ will be launched Organisations who have participated in the data collection phase will receive a free ToRQ assessment for ToRQ assessment completed The duration of the data collection phase is dependent on the quality and quantity of data provided Data validation and scoring will commence in parallel to data collection Once the data and scoring validation is complete, ToRQ will be launched Organisations who have participated in the data collection phase will receive a free ToRQ assessment for ToRQ assessment completed

15 ToRQ – Next Generation of Cognitive Assessment
Next Steps in participating in ToRQ Insert individual steps, commitments based on your presentation an organisation Use this slide to insert your next steps or agreements with a client You can provide further information on your organisation and Facet5

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