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Paolo Tronville Politecnico di Torino Italy

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1 Paolo Tronville Politecnico di Torino Italy
2010 NAFA Technical Seminar ● April , 2010 Louisville, KY The Galt House Hotel, April 23rd 2010 Track Two "What's new: International Standardization" 11:45-12:15 International standardization activity related to air cleaning equipment Paolo Tronville Politecnico di Torino Italy

2 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
Background Standards-writing organizations have been developing “regional” air filtration standards for more than 50 years ASHRAE and IEST have been providing air filter test methods and ratings for the US market and beyond Globalization and new emerging markets represent a new challenge for leading organizations like ASHRAE, CEN, … ISO (International Organization for Standardization) was founded in 1946 and develops International Standards 156 national bodies and 580 organizations in liaison ISO is the clear leader for the production of International Standards: about 200 Technical Committees (TC) at work 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

3 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
How Does It Happen? Member Country ISO SC TC Secretariat Member Country TAG Experts WG 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

4 ISO/TC142 "Cleaning equipment for air and other gases"
Scope: Standardization in the fields of terminology, classification, characteristics, and test and performance methods for air and gas cleaning and disinfecting equipment for general ventilation and industrial applications. Excluded : exhaust gas cleaners for gas turbines and IC engines in mobile equipment, this being within the scope of other ISO technical committees; filters for personal protection equipment which are the field of work of technical committee ISO/TC 94; cabin filters in mobile equipment covered by ISO/TC 22, 23 and 127. 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

5 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
History of ISO/TC142 Created in 1970 (French Secretariat) Published 2 documents ISO 3649 – Vocabulary ISO 6584 – Classification of Dust Separators Put in stand-by in May 1976 (USA was not participating) Re-activated in 2005 Secretariat: UNI (Italy) Secretary: Anna Martino Chairman: Paolo Tronville … volunteers welcome to apply for the position! 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

6 ISO/TC142 current structure
16 P-members (participating countries), about 100 experts WG 1 "Terminology" (John Dyment, UK) WG 2 "UV-C technology" (Peter Beale, Steril-Aire, USA) WG 3 "General ventilation filters" (Don Thornburg, Camfil Farr, USA) WG 4 "HEPA and ULPA filters" (R. Vijayakumar, USA) WG 5 "Dust collectors, droplet separators and purifiers" (Bruce McDonald, USA) WG 8 "Gas-phase air cleaning devices" (Mikael Forslund, Camfil Farr, Sweden) WG 9 "Particulate air filter intake systems for rotary machinery and stationary internal combustion engines" (Ulf Johansson, Camfil Farr, Sweden) JWG "Aerosol filters for nuclear applications" (Pierre Cortes, ITER, France) 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

7 Stages leading to a new standard
After a New Work Item Proposal has been approved the clock starts running: the work must be completed in 24, 36 (usually) or 48 months. 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

8 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
WG 2 "UV-C technology" PWI “UV-C Devices - UV-C energy required to destroy 70%, 90%, 99% and 99,9% of the microbes travelling in the air stream of an air conditioning system” PWI “UV-C Devices - Measurement of output of UV-C lamp” PWI “UV-C Devices - Measurement of UV-C Tube Energy Loss Over Time” PWI “UV-C Devices - Energy required at the surface of an evaporator-coil to destroy the typical bio-film” PWI “UV-C Devices - Safety information” PWI “UV-C Devices - Energy required to destroy bacteria and viruses on surfaces” 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

9 WG 3 "General ventilation filters"
TS 21220:2009 “Particulate air filters for general ventilation - Determination of filtration performance” … classification to be added CD “Field testing of general ventilation filtration devices and systems for in-situ removal efficiency by particle size and resistance to air flow” PWI x “Particulate air filters for general ventilation Part 1: Method of calculation for the life cycle cost for air cleaning devices” Part 2: Method of calculation for the energy performance of air cleaning devices and for the classification of the energy performance” Part 3: Application of the life cycle assessment to air cleaning devices” NP “Fractional efficiency test on flat sheet filter media with efficiency lower than that addressed in CD Method of testing” PWI “Challenge contaminants for testing air cleaning equipment” 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

10 WG 4 "HEPA and ULPA filters"
DIS “High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air - Part 1: Classification, performance testing and marking” DIS “High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air - Part 2: Aerosol production, measuring equipment and particle-counting statistics” DIS “High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air - Part 3: Test method for flat sheet filter media” DIS “High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air - Part 4: Test method for determining the leakage of filter elements (scan method)” DIS “High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles from air - Part 5: Test method for determining the efficiency of filter elements” 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

11 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
Filter Class (Group) Overall value Local value1) 2) Efficiency (%) Penetration (%) Efficiency (%) ISO 15 E  95  5 ---3) ISO 20 E  99  1 ISO 25 E  99.5  0.5 ISO 30 E  99.90  0.1 ISO 35 H  99.95  0.05  99.75  0.25 ISO 40 H or U4  99.99  0.01 ISO 45 H or U4  0.005  0.025 ISO 50 U  0.001 ISO 55 U ISO 60 U ISO 65 U ISO 70 U ISO 75 U 1) see and ISO DIS 2) local penetration values lower than those given in the table may be agreed upon between the supplier and customer 3) Filter classes ISO 30 and below can not and must not be leak tested for classification purposes 4) For ISO 40 and 45 H filters, local penetration is given for particle scanning. Alternate limits may be specified when photometer or oil thread leak testing is used 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

12 WG 8 "Gas-phase air cleaning devices"
CD "Test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaning media and devices for general ventilation - Part 2: Gas-phase air cleaning devices" NP "Test method for assessing the performance of gas-phase air cleaning media and devices for general ventilation - Part 1: Gas-phase air cleaning media" Granules (irregular shaped particles) Pellets (extruded particles or agglomerates) Beads (smooth spherical particles) Flat sheet (flexible, thin, 2-dimensional) Flexible structure (bonded particles, honeycomb trays, extruded monoliths) Parts of devices (cut sections from a complete GPACD) 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

13 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
WG 9 … gas turbines … CD “ Part 1: Test methods and classification for static filter elements” NP “Part 2: Test methods and classification for cleanable (pulse jet) filter systems 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

14 So … … do it once, do it right, do it internationally!
Next ISO/TC 142 plenary meeting in Shanghai on November 16th 2010 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

15 Thank you for your attention!
23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

16 Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar
Filter Class (number) Filter Group (letter) Limit for Overall value 1 Limit for Local value 1, 2 Test Procedures Efficiency (%) Penetration Overall efficiency test Local efficiency test = Leak test 2 ISO 15 E ≥ 95 ≤ 5 --- X 3 Filters of Group E can not and must not be leak tested for classification purposes ISO 20 E ≥ 99 ≤ 1 ISO 25 E ≥ 99,5 ≤ 0,5 ISO 30 E ≥ 99,90 ≤ 0,1 ISO 35 H ≥ 99,95 ≤ 0,05 ≥ 99,75 ≤ 0,25 X 4 X X 5 ISO 40 H ≥ 99,99 ≤ 0,01 ISO 45 H ≥ 99,995 ≤ 0,005 ≥ 99,975 ≤ 0,025 ISO 50 U ≥ 99,999 ≤ 0,001 ISO 55 U ≥ 99,9995 ≤ 0,0005 ≥ 99,9975 ≤ 0,0025 ISO 60 U ≥ 99,9999 ≤ 0,0001 ISO 65 U ≥ 99,99995 ≤ 0,00005 ≥ 99,99975 ≤ 0,00025 ISO 70 U ≥ 99,99999 ≤ 0,00001 ISO 75 U ≥ 99,999995 ≤ 0,000005 1) See also ISO DIS , Table 1 2) Local penetration values lower than those given in the table 1 of ISO DIS may be agreed upon between the supplier and customer 3) Statistical efficiency test method may be applied as per ISO DIS , clause 4.1 4) Efficiency test of each individual filter applies as per ISO DIS , clause ... 5) Comment in test protocol and classification must be made filter is tested as per Annex E of ISO DIS ISO DIS Part 4 Test with movable probe ISO DIS Part 5 Test with static probe ISO DIS Part 4 Scan Test (reference) Annex C ISO DIS Part 4 Oil Traed Leak Test Annex A ISO DIS Part 4 Photometer. Scan test Annex B ISO DIS Part 4 PSL leak test Annex E ISO DIS Part µm leak test Annex F ISO DIS Part 4 Photometer overall test Annex G 23rd April Paolo Tronville - NAFA 2010 Technical Seminar

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