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Information & Training Session

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1 Information & Training Session
The edTPA Assessment Information & Training Session

2 What is edTPA? Student-centered, multiple-measures portfolio assessment Subject-Specific “Learning Segment” of 3-5 days/hours of instruction Plans based on context and knowledge about students Portfolio collection of artifacts and commentaries

3 Student Take-Aways edTPA is a portfolio assessment – not that different from the student teacher work sample most programs normally do Your cooperating teacher and university supervisor will be aware that you are completing the edTPA; it is ok if they don’t have a lot of familiarity with it There is a video component. Some programs have practiced videotaping, others haven’t. We will have training sessions for the technology. Students from last semester who participated in pilot really didn’t think it was too difficult We will be doing everything possible this semester and next to get you ready and comfortable to complete edTPA




7 Plan for the learning segment (Task 1) Teach the learning segment…
What does edTPA process look like Plan for the learning segment (Task 1) Teach the learning segment… 1) collect evidence of instruction (videos) 2) Collect evidence of assessment (student work) Create edTPA Task 2 (Instruction) and Task 3 (Assessment)

8 General Rubric

9 Rubric Example Secondary ELA

10 Deep Dive into Handbook

11 Deep Dive into Handbook
Find Instruction Task 2 Overview Page Numbers: Elem – 8 Health – 6 Math – 7 Science – 7 Soc. Studies – 6 Spec. Ed – 8 World Lang – 7 Art - 6

12 Deep Dive into Handbook
Find Assessment Task 3: Assessing Learning What Do I Need to Think About? What Do I Need to Do? What Do I Need to Write? How Will the Evidence of My Teaching Practice Be Assessed? Page Numbers: Elem – 32 Health – 27 Math – 29 Science – 28 Soc. Studies – 27 Spec. Ed – 33 World Lang – 27 Art - 28

13 Deep Dive into Handbook
Which task is the Context for Learning in and how long does it need to be? Evidence Chart

14 Deep Dive into Handbook
Turn & Talk to analyze everything you need to do to score a ‘3’ on Rubric 5 (WL Rubric 4)


16 High Scoring Lesson Plans
1) Clear labeling and description, such as lesson title, learning targets, and activities 2) Thorough description of teacher and student behavior 3) Use of pre-assessment for understanding student background knowledge 4) Two or more opportunities for informal assessment in each lesson 5) Multiple practice or support activities in each lesson 6) Prewritten questions for eliciting student understanding 7) Use of post-assessment for analyzing learning at the conclusion of the sequence

17 Other Resources

18 From Making Good Choices:

19 Candidate Supports

20 Candidate Supports

21 Rubrics 4 and 14 (Except WL)
Academic Language Rubrics 4 and 14 (Except WL)

22 Coming to you via EMAIL:
Your content-specific Understanding Rubric Level Progressions Your content-specific Academic Language document Making Good Choices document Top 10 edTPA Resources

23 DON’T DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!

24 Accessing Materials Creating AACTE login: nt.php?action=create_account&step=1

25 Additional Resources

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