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The Acceptable Use of Technology

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1 The Acceptable Use of Technology
A Review of the NPSD’s Acceptable Use Policies and Administrative Regulations June 17th & 20th Teacher In-service

2 School Board Policy #6166 Addresses the Acceptable Use of the Internet
The use of the NPSD network is a privilege and not a right The purpose of the district provided account is for school related communication All users assume full liability – legal, financial, or otherwise – for their actions when using the NPSD network The district will report and cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in the event that users violate any law

3 School Board Policy #6167 Addresses Internet Safety
Accessing or transmitting of inappropriate material via the internet, electronic mail, or other forms of electronic communication is prohibited Unauthorized access is prohibited Dissemination of personal identification information of minors is prohibited The district must comply with the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act and the PA Child Internet Protection Act.

4 Administrative Regulation #4121
References Board Policy #6166 Applies to all district employees Addresses the acceptable use of the computer network and Internet access Computers, Internet access, , and any other technology that uses the district’s network are provided to enable employees to fulfill his/her work responsibilities effectively and efficiently

5 Administrative Regulation 4121 continued
Employees assume full liability for their actions when using the district network or technology; and should only use the account assigned to him/her Employees need to familiarize themselves with the specific responsibilities contained in the policies and regulations Users will access and/or transfer materials that are necessary to complete job related performance objectives

6 Administrative Regulation 4121 continued
Technology devices not owned by the district may not be connected to the network unless it has been tested and approved by the Technology Manager Approved technology devices that are connected will be monitored by the district. These devices are subject to the district’s acceptable use policies and regulations, and to the federal content filtering regulations

7 Signature Forms All NPSD employees are required to sign the Acceptable Use Policy Staff Signature Form. Each department supervisor will distribute and then collect the signed forms. The forms will be sent to the technology department and scanned into a database All forms should be signed and returned to your supervisor by June 30, 2011

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