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Tuloso-Midway High School Library

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Presentation on theme: "Tuloso-Midway High School Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuloso-Midway High School Library
Acceptable Use Policy Orientation Debbie VanZandt, librarian TMHS

2 Setting Determines Use
Private Setting Your own home, your own rules, multiple uses Public Setting Public library, some limitations, often recreational use Academic Setting School library or classroom, more limitations, educational use

3 Individual Responsibility (1)
It’s YOUR job to follow Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Follow the guidelines set forth in this presentation. If in doubt …ASK!

4 Individual Responsibility (2)
It’s YOUR job to respect copyright. ALWAYS credit the source of information you use. Your English teacher or the librarian can help you do this correctly.

5 Individual Responsibility (3)
It’s YOUR job to consider ALL use public. Anything on the school network can be accessed by others. Teachers & Administrators of TMISD may monitor your account, documents, and internet access.

6 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Document #1
“Student Agreement for Acceptable Use of the Electronic Communications System” in student information packet Student and parent sign and submit; filed in library Must be renewed each school year

7 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Document #2
Acceptable Use Policy Test Pass with a score of 80 or higher Test filed in library Taken only once while student is at TMHS

8 Penalties for Violating AUP (1)
Teacher conference with student Administrator conference with student Counseling provided on proper procedures to be followed before access to computers is permitted Teacher/Administration conference with parent/guardian

9 Penalties for Violating AUP (2)
5. Behavioral contracts 6. One or more days suspension from using all TMISD computer equipment 7. Confiscation of inappropriate item(s) 8. Restitution/restoration 9. After school detention 10. Denial of participation in class and/or school activities

10 Penalties for Violating AUP (3)
11. Banned from access to the district’s Intranet or Internet for 3 days to the remainder of the school year. 12. Suspension, assignment to Alternative School, and/or expulsion 13. Punishment by local, state, and/or federal agencies according to the existing laws

11 What can you as a student do on TM’s computers?
Appropriate Use What can you as a student do on TM’s computers? Print to networked printers in your classroom or the library. Save files to your teacher’s folder Retrieve files from some of your teachers’ folders. Access your files that are saved to your network (S: drive) folder from campus in the school district.

12 Appropriate Use of Internet
Some of the things you CAN do on the Internet at school include: View artwork Read newspapers from all over the world Access library catalogs and databases Research information for classroom assignments Take virtual tours and field trips to colleges, museums, etc.

13 Inappropriate Use What is UNacceptable?
and Instant Messages except as instructed by teacher for a class project (permission good for that day/project only) On-line chats or message boards unless assigned by teachers (permission good for that day/project only) Accessing another person’s files and information Printing to another room without permission Shopping (“Acceptable” 2002)

14 Also UNacceptable Installing or downloading any software (.exe files) not approved by the Technology Department Accessing pornography/sexually oriented material Illegal purposes – commercial and/or for-profit purposes, personal business, product advertisement/endorsement, political lobbying/campaigning (Acceptable)

15 You end up at an inappropriate website. What do you do?
Oh No! What do I do? You end up at an inappropriate website. What do you do? Use the back button to escape the program. Notify the teacher, librarian, or other adult in charge. Continue surfing.

16 Saving Files Save to your network folder (S:) Folder name is your student ID number in most cases. Save to flash drive (E:) NOTE: NEVER save items to the hard drive of the computer you are working on.

17 Printing There is no cost for printing any academic purpose in the library. Use caution when printing from websites.

18 Print Responsibly Edit drafts on computer
Copy and paste Internet research to Word document Save to your network folder (S: drive)

19 Report Violations Any violations of the use of the Internet or the district’s network (Intranet) should be reported to the teacher, technology facilitator, or supervisor assigned to the user.

20 “Borrowing” an account
NOT ACCEPTABLE under any circumstances! Never share your password! Never share your account information!

21 Narration by Theatre Tech students, Spring 2016 Michael Seibert
Sebastian Zuniga

22 Works Cited “Acceptable Use Guidelines Electronic Communications System.” Tuloso-Midway Independent School District Student Handbook. < 14 July 2009. “Discipline Management Plan And Student Code of Conduct.” Tuloso-Midway Independent School District Student Handbook. < 14 July 2009. NetLingo July 2009.

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