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Some Questions Concerning the Choice in Size of Print Advertising in an International Context Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Agriculture in Prague INTRODUCTION LITERATURE REVIEW HYPOTHESIS

2 Attention, memorisation, beliefs, attitudes, and intentions
consensus that the bigger the ad the higher the probability that the consumer will pay attention (e.g.: Diamond, 1968; Hendon 1973, Finn, 1988, Homer, 1995; Abernethy and Laband, 2004 or for an older publication see Burtt, 1938) analysis containing 577 advertisements published in 10 French and Czech magazines, that the Czech ads are presented in far inferior formats than those observed in France (Dianoux, Kettnerova, and Linhart, 2005)

3 Advertisement dimensions (Chi² = 92.11, df = 1, p. = 0.0001)
Less than one page One page or more Total The Czech Republic 53.07% 46.3% 100% France 15.3% 84.7% Mean 35.9% 64.1%

4 Economic situation rather than to the creative consideration?
Average cost of a normal page in four colours in the Czech Republic for magazines studied is Euros vs Euros for France cost per thousand is 135 Euros for the Republic Czech vs 58 Euros for France Bring the increase of costs the increase in the campaign efficiency? Danaher and Rust (1994) answer that « the goal becomes to find the level of media spending which maximize the return on investment »

5 The effect of the ad size on attention
Reader is attentive to size, colour, number of words, prominence to branding, etc. Advertisement’s size declined according to the following hierarchy: double-page, single-page, horizontal half-page, and vertical half-page (Diamond, 1968) Print ad attention was linked to size and positioning (ad size, cover position, front or back, right or left page) and to size - pictorial characteristics- (color and illustration size) (Finn, 1988) an increase of 1% of the surface increases attention by 0.85%

6 The effect of the ad size on memorization
Those who are involved in the ad (moderate involvement) will remember the bigger ad better than the smaller ad Those who are not involved (low involvement) in the ad will not remember better the name of the advertised brand if it is large (full page) We think that this is not a distinction between involved and non-involved but a more radical distinction between concerned and not concerned by the product offer

7 Hypothesis H1- whatever the involvement of individuals regarding products, a bigger ad will have a bigger impact on attention and memorization than a smaller ad. H1a- whatever the individual involvement concerning the product, an advertisement on one page will have more impact on the reader used to ads of an inferior size than readers used to this kind of ad size.

8 The effect of the size on beliefs, attitudes, and intentions
H2- A large ad will have more positive impact on intention, attitudes, and believes (notably concerning quality) than a small ad. H2a- A full-page ad will have more impact on readers used to ads of an inferior size to the readers used to unchanged formats.

9 Expectations, and first results obtained
Some Questions Concerning the Choice in Size of Print Advertising in an International Context Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Agriculture in Prague Expectations, and first results obtained

10 Costs Based Approach in Company
Abernethy and Laband (2002) propose to use the following formula concerning the impact of the ad (if products within the company are compared): Profit (loss) from purchasing a larger yellow pages advertisement = (Increase in the number of calls from new customers because of larger ad x Percent of calls that result in a customer purchaser x Profit contribution from a customer's purchases) - Increase in cost from purchasing a larger display advertisement.

11 Classic Criteria of Ad Efficiency
attention, memorisation, beliefs, attitudes, and intentions

12 Research Design 12 page testing journals hid tested ad
Both folders with full, and half page ad were given as two separate samples to students in each of the three countries 10 minutes after the students were showed the journal they were asked to close the magazine some questions about their attitudes toward the advertising in general (Muehling and Durvasula) 5 questions concerning memorization were asked

13 Research Design When everyone had finished answering the first part of the questionnaire they were asked to re-open the folder 4 questions on attention 21 questions on affective reactions (Derbaix) 19 questions about their attitudes toward the ad (Falcy) 4 questions on beliefs 16 questions on product involvement (Kapferer and Laurent) Were asked

14 First results About the spontaneous memorization No answer
Wrong answer Wrong & right Right answer Half page 17% 5% 3% 75% Full page 16% 2% 4% 78% This result is obtained only with Half and full page FACE (N=255) not with horse or naked. The differences between CR Spanish and French is totally incomprehensible and it will be better to not present them before deeper analyse. Khi²= 3,7 – ddl= 3 – p.=0.290 Full page -> SAME memorization of Nokia Ad than Half page Inside each country -> no size effect for memorization

15 First results About the Attitude toward the ad (Globally, I like this ad – 7 pts) Mean Rank Kruskal Wallis test CR n=88/91 Spain n=83/86 France n=76/90 Sig. Half page 142 103 125 0.002 Full page 157 113 129 0.001 whatever the size we have Aad CR > France > Spain And inside each country the size has no effect (results not showed)

16 First results About the Attitude toward the brand (I like this phone Nokia – 7 pts) Mean Rank Kruskal Wallis test CR n=88/91 Spain n=83/86 France n=76/90 Sig. Half page 118 137 115 0.09 Full page 142 126 133 0.36 whatever the size we have no country effect at level p<0.05 and we have no size effect (results not showed)

17 CR-Intention > Spain > France
First results About the intentions (Probability to buy this phone Nokia – 7 pts) Mean Rank Kruskal Wallis test CR n=88/91 Spain n=83/86 France n=76/90 Sig. Half page 143 137 86 0.000 Full page 155 132 113 0.001 whatever the size we have a strong effect of the country with : CR-Intention > Spain > France  The size has no effect inside each country (except for Spain)

18 F-Intention > Spain > CR
First results About the intentions (Probability to buy this phone Samsung – 7 pts) Mean Rank Kruskal Wallis test CR n=88/91 Spain n=83/86 France n=74/90 Sig. Half page 100 113 160 0.000 Full page 134 167 whatever the size we have a strong effect of the country with : F-Intention > Spain > CR  The size has no effect inside each country

19 Preliminary Conclusions
There is a strong effect of the country The size has no effect in this experimentation Importance to study the ad impact in an international area and maybe differences between users of Internet and print readers

20 Thank you for your attention!
Some Questions Concerning the Choice in Size of Print Advertising in an International Context Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Agriculture in Prague Thank you for your attention!

21 Scanning of questionnaires was developed
Some Questions Concerning the Choice in Size of Print Advertising in an International Context Christian Dianoux University of Metz - France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Agriculture in Prague Scanning of questionnaires was developed

22 Thank you for your attention ! ! !
Christian Dianoux University of Metz France Jana Kettnerová & Zdenek Linhart Czech University of Agriculture in Prague Thank you for your attention ! ! !


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