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Guidelines for Applicants
EU - Vietnam Calls for Proposals Enhancing CSOs and LAs' contribution to governance and development process in Vietnam EuropeAid/150453/DD/ACT/VN Guidelines for Applicants Information Session 10 December 2015 in Hanoi and 14 December 2015 in HCMC
EU – Vietnam Note This presentation does not replace the need for applicants to read all call for proposals documents. The presentation merely provides explanation regarding the application process and associated documentation.
Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities (CSOs-LAs) Programme
EU – Vietnam Legal basis Regulation 233/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe (March11, 2014) which established a Development for Cooperation Instrument (DCI). Objective furthering the involvement of CSOs and LAs in partner countries in policy formulation and their capacity to deliver basic services to the poorest sections of the population in developing countries Programme implementation period Programmatic evolution Successor to the Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development Programme
EU Communications EU – Vietnam "The Roots of Democracy and Sustainable Development Communication: Europe's Engagement with Civil Society in External Relations” - adopted by the European Commission in September 2012. "Empowering Local Authorities in Partner Countries for Enhanced Governance and More Effective Development Outcomes" – adopted by European Commission in May 2013
EU Roadmap for Engagement with CSOs
in Vietnam EU – Vietnam Common and dynamic EU strategic framework for EU's engagement with Civil Society in Vietnam. Four areas of priorities Promote an improved enabling environment for civil society in Vietnam Promote a meaningful and structured participation of CSOs' in domestic policies Strengthening CSOs' capacity to perform their roles more effectively Ensuring EU political support to CSOs
EU – VN MIP for the period 2014-2020
EU – Vietnam The EU Development policy is enshrined in the "Agenda for Change" Communication EU-Vietnam Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) Governance/Rule of law Sustainable Energy
Objectives of the Call for Proposals
EU – Vietnam Global objective: To enhance the capacity and contribution of CSOs and LAs to governance and development processes in Vietnam. Specific objectives: Lot 1: To enhance CSOs' contribution to governance and development in Vietnam Lot 2: To enhance LAs as effective actor of local governance and social service providers at the local level in Vietnam.
Priority Actions – Lot 1 EU – Vietnam Specific Objective 1: Reinforcing CSOs led initiatives that promote transparency and accountability Actions aimed at promoting openess and access to information Actions aimed at awareness raising and practicing integrity Actions aimed at enhancing internal governance, accountability and legitimacy of civil society organizations as development actors Specific Objective 2: Reinforcing CSOs' led initiatives that improving population access to and benefit from quality social services, with a focus on health and energy sectors Actions aimed at improving responsiveness of social policies to populations' needs, through CSOs' advocacy and participation to policy dialogue in social sectors Actions aimed at promoting multi-actors partnership in the provision of healthcare and energy services to the poor and marginalized people.
Added Values– Lot 1 EU – Vietnam Maximizing the involvement and empowerment a diverse pool of civil society actors Promotion of quality partnership Strengthening CSOs' capacity Promotion of innovation and implementation of best practices with the potential of further replication on a greater scale Implementation of sub-granting scheme that target small organizations
Priority Actions – Lot 2 EU – Vietnam Actions aimed at enhancing LAs leadership and institutional capacities to execute their mandate as defined by law with emphasis on inclusive, transparent and participatory governance at local level Actions aimed at supporting LAs-led initiatives that improving the quality of provision of social services, with a focus on health and energy sectors
Added Values – Lot 2 EU – Vietnam Maximizing the involvement and empowerment a diverse pool of actors (Local Authorities – LAs, Association of Local Authorities – ALAs, civil society, private sector) Promotion a peer-to-peer approach between local authorities: transfer of know-how, exchange of experience and good practice, mentoring and/or coaching, peer-learning activities.
General Provision – Lot 1 & Lot 2
EU – Vietnam Cross-cutting issues: Cross-cutting principles: empowerment, participation and non- discrimination of vulnerable groups Cross-cutting issues: environment and climate change, gender equality Methodology and initial set of indicators allowing data gathering and monitoring of the implementation of cross-cutting issues Overlapping of funding: Avoid overlapping of funding and duplication of work Other issues: Please take into account the legal requirements of Vietnam to obtain the project approval, especially the time aspect that should be reflected in the proposed timeline of the proposed action.
Indicative Allocation by Lot and Size of Grants
Financial Allocation per Lot EU – Vietnam Indicative Funding* (EUR) Min (EUR) Max (EUR) Lot 1 Civil Society Organization Lot 2 Local Authorities * SUSPENSIVE CLAUSE - The overall indicative amount is a combination of EU budget for Annual Action Plan (AAP) 2015 (EUR and AAP 2016 (EUR ). For grant contact to be awarded under the budget of AAP 2016, the awarding of the contract is subject to the approval of AAP 2016 by the European Commission.
Principle of co-financing
EU – Vietnam EU Contribution - % of total eligible costs of the Action: A minimum of 50% of the total estimated eligible costs of the action A maximum of 75% of the total estimated eligible costs of the action if the applicant is a CSOs or Las/ALAs established in a Member State of the European Union A maximum of 90% of the total estimated eligible costs of the action if the applicant is a CSOs or LAs/ALAs established in Vietnam For both Lot 1 and Lot 2: The balance must be financed from sources other than the European Union Budget or the European Development Funds
Timeline – Important Dates
EU – Vietnam Deadline for requesting any clarification from the Contracting Authority 08 January 2016 Last date on which clarification are issued by the Contracting Authority 18 January 2016 Deadline for Submission of Concept Note 29 January 2016 Invitation to submit full application 28 March 2016* Deadline for submission of full application 27 May 2016* Notification of award 26 August 2016* Contract signature September 2016* * Provisional Date
Actors EU - Vietnam - Lead Applicants - Co-Applicant - Affiliated entities - Associates - Contractors - Third parties (Sub-grantees) DO NOT HAVE TO SATISFY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA SATISFY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Eligible Applicants be legal person and be nonprofit making and
EU - Vietnam LEAD APPLICANT for Lot 1 be legal person and be nonprofit making and be Civil Society Organization and be effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or in Vietnam and be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary International Organisations are not eligible for this call
Eligible Applicants be legal person and be nonprofit making and
EU - Vietnam LEAD APPLICANT for Lot 2 be legal person and be nonprofit making and be Local Authority (LA) or Association of Local Authorities (ALAs) established in a Member State of the European Union or in Vietnam and constituted in accordance with the legislation in force in the country concerned and be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary
Eligible Applicants EU - Vietnam The LEAD APPLICANT may act individually or with co-applicants: Vietnamese Applicants may act individually or with co-applicant(s) who are either European or Vietnamese CSOs or LAs/ALAs European Applicants are obliged to act in a partnership with a Vietnamese co-applicant (CSOs, LAs/ALAs) The LEAD APPLICANT will become BENEFICIARY identified as COORDINATOR of the ACTION The Coordinator is the main interlocutor with the Contracting Authority the EU Delegation in Vietnam The Coordinator represents and acts on behalf of the co-applicant(s) (if any) and coordinates the design and implementation of the Action
Co-Applicants Partnership is encouraged
EU – Vietnam Partnership is encouraged Co-applicants must satisfy same eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant Co-applicants must sign the mandate in Annex A.2 (The Full Application – Section 5 Co-applicants participate in designing and implementing the action The costs incurred by Co-applicants are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the Lead applicant !!! The Co-Applicant(s) will become beneficiary(ies) in the Action together with the Coordinator /Lead Applicant
Affiliated Entities EU – Vietnam Only entities having a structural link with the Lead applicant or a Co-applicant i.e. legal or capital link are considered as Affiliated Entities for the purpose of the Action Will NOT become Beneficiary(ies) of the Action and signatory(ies) of the Grant Contract. They will participate in the design and implementation of the Action and the incurred costs (including implementation contracts and financial support to third parties) maybe accepted as eligible costs, provided they comply with all the relevant rules already applicable to the Beneficiary(ies) of the Grant Contract.
Affiliated Entities The Structural link is mainly of two notions:
EU – Vietnam The Structural link is mainly of two notions: Control, as defined in Directive 2013/34/EU on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings e.g. daughter/granddaughter companies or first/second-tier subsidiaries, parent or sister companies Membership, where the applicant is legally defined as network, federation, association The Structural link has to exist independently of the award of the grant i.e. it should exist before the Call for Proposals and remain valid after the end of the Action. Please refer to the Guidelines for Applicants Section on further information with regards to exceptions, definition on who is not an affiliated entity and how to verify the existence of the required link.
Associates and Contractors
The following entities are not applicants / co-applicants nor affiliated entities and do not have to sign the "mandate for co-applicant(s)" or "affiliated entities' statement" Associates : Other organisations may be involved in the action, they play a real role in the Action but may not receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Associates do not have to meet the eligibility criteria referred to in section They have to be mentioned in Annex A.2 (The Full Application) – Section 4 Contractors: The beneficiary(ies) and their affiliated entity(ies) are permitted to award contracts. If contracts are awarded they are subject to procurement rules of Annex IV. Associates or affiliated entity(ies) cannot be also contractors in the Action.
Eligible Actions EU - Vietnam Definition – an Action is composed of a set of Activities Sectors or Themes: - Actions must be in line with the Specific Objectives and Priority Thematic Issues listed under Section 1.2 of the Guidelines for Applicants Actions For Lot 1 Promoting Openness and Access to Information Awareness Raising and Practicing Integrity Enhancing Integral Governance, Accountability and Legitimacy of Civil Society Organizations as Development Actor Actions For Lot 2 Improving responsiveness of social policies to populations' needs, through advocacy and participation to policy dialogues in social sectors Promoting Multi-Actor partnerships in the provision of healthcare and energy services to the poor and marginalized people
Eligible Actions DURATION:
EU - Vietnam DURATION: Lot 1: The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 36 months nor exceed 48 months Lot 2: The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 36 months nor exceed 42 months LOCATION: Action must take place in Vietnam
Eligible Actions Types of Actions:
EU - Vietnam Types of Actions: Should be self-contained operations and result oriented indicating a coherent set of Activities with clearly defined operational objectives, target groups and planned, tangible outcomes, within a limited timeframe Must be conceived to produce specific, measurable results which are in response to a particular issue Must have clear objectives based on a strategy and methodology, an integrated approach with various complimentary activities and be likely to address the issue in question The Implementation methods should follow this approach and should contain objectives and verifiable indicators to be defined for each individual activity proposed i.e. each action will present its own indicators of performance and success which must be objective and verifiable Actions will be selected on the basis of their expected results as well as their potential effectiveness
Eligible Actions Types of Activities
EU - Vietnam Types of Activities Activities should be designed to meet the specific needs of the target group(s) Non-exhaustive list of Activities examples: Capacity building Advocacy and awareness raising events e.g. conferences, workshops, trainings etc. Peoples' exchanges, networking, community groups and stakeholders' consultations Studies / research, setting up of resource-sharing platforms Audio-video programs, production of documentaries, etc.
Financial Support to Third Parties
EU - Vietnam Applicants may propose financial support to third parties in order to help achieving the objectives of the action. MAXIMUM AMOUNT of financial support per third party EUR Under this Call financial support to third parties MAY BE THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE ACTION In compliance with the present guidelines and notably of any conditions or restrictions in this section, the lead applicant should define mandatorily in section of the grant application form: The objectives and results to be obtained with the financial support The different types of activities eligible for financial support, on the basis of a fixed list The types of persons or categories of persons which may receive financial support The criteria for selecting these entities and giving the financial support The criteria for determining the exact amount of financial support for each third entity, and The maximum amount which may be given
Financial Support to Third Parties
EU - Vietnam In all events, the mandatory conditions set above for giving financial support have to be strictly defined in the grant contract i.e. Description of the Action – Annex I of the Grant Contract as to avoid any exercise of discretion!
Visibility EU - Vietnam The Applicant must take all necessary steps to publicize the fact that the European Union has financed or co-financed the Action. Actions that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union must incorporate information and communication activities designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences to explain the reasons for the Action and the European Union support in the country or region concerned. The visibility and communication should extend to the results and the impact of this support. Applicants must comply with the objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the European Union financing. Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions
Number of Applications and Grants per Applicants / Affiliated Entities
EU - Vietnam The Lead Applicant may not submit more than 1 application per lot The Lead Applicant may not be awarded more than 1 grant per lot The Lead Applicant may not be a Co-applicant or an Affiliated Entity in another application of the same lot at the same time A Co-Applicant/Affiliated Entity may not submit more than 1 application per lot A Co-Applicant / Affiliated Entity may not be awarded more than 1 grant per lot
Eligibility of Costs EU - Vietnam The Budget of the Action is a Cost Estimate and an Overall Ceiling for "Eligible Costs" Only "Eligible Costs" can be covered by a Grant The reimbursement of eligible costs may be based on any or a combination of the following forms: actual costs incurred by the Beneficiary(ies) and affiliated entity(ies); one or more simplified cost options.
Eligibility of Costs EU - Vietnam Simplified cost options may take the form of: unit costs: covering all or certain specific categories of eligible costs which are clearly identified in advance by reference to an amount per unit. lump sums: covering in global terms all or certain specific categories of eligible costs which are clearly identified in advance. - flat-rate financing: covering specific categories of eligible costs which are clearly identified in advance by applying a percentage fixed ex ante. The methods used to determine the amounts or rates of unit costs, lump sums or flat-rates must comply with the criteria established in Annex K!!! 33
Eligibility of Costs EU - Vietnam At contracting phase the Contracting Authority (EU Delegation) decides whether to accept the proposed amounts or rates on the basis of the provisional budget submitted, by analyzing the data of Grants carried out by the applicants or of similar actions and by performing checks established by Annex K. The total amount of financing on the basis of simplified cost options that can be authorized by the Contracting Authority for any of the applicants individually (including simplified cost options proposed by their own affiliated entities) cannot exceed EUR The checks may give rise to requests for clarifications and may lead the Contracting Authority to impose modifications or reductions to address mistakes or inaccuracies. 34
Eligibility of Costs EU - Vietnam It is therefore in the Applicant(s)' interest to provide a realistic and cost-effective budget in line with Article 14.2 of the General Conditions, and The UN – EU Guidelines for Financing of Local Costs in Development Cooperation in Vietnam. Latest version available at 35
Grant contract is subject to:
Direct Costs EU - Vietnam Eligible costs must be based on real/actual incurred costs and supporting documents and must comply with the provisions of Article 14 of the General Conditions Grant contract is subject to: Checking process before signing the contract Request for changes and / or Corrections: Arithmetical errors, inaccuracies or unrealistic costs and other ineligible costs Requests for clarification and / or modifications and/ or reductions to address such mistakes or inaccuracies. The amount of the grant and the percentage of the EU co-financing as a result of these corrections may not be increased. It is therefore in the applicant's interest to provide a realistic and cost-effective budget.
Costs 2 Only eligible costs can be taken into account for a grant.
EU - Vietnam Only eligible costs can be taken into account for a grant. Eligible costs are costs actually incurred by the Beneficiary(ies) of this Grant, these costs must meet all of the following criteria: They are incurred during the implementation period; Must be indicated in the Budget estimate – Annex III; Must be necessary for carrying out the Action and would not be incurred if the Action did not take place; Have actually been incurred by the beneficiary and / or co-applicants i.e. be identifiable and verifiable; Be recorded in the Beneficiary’s and co-applicant(s)' accounts or tax documents; be backed by originals of supporting documents and comply with tax and social legislation
Cost 3 Examples of eligible direct costs are:
EU - Vietnam Examples of eligible direct costs are: the cost of staff assigned to the action; travel and subsistence costs for staff taking part in the action; the cost of purchasing equipment; the cost of consumables and supplies; subcontracting expenditure; Costs arising from the requirements of the contract Cost of staff: has to correspond to actual salaries plus social security charges and other remuneration-related costs. Those costs must not exceed those normally borne by the Beneficiary Travel and subsistence costs: they can not exceed those normally borne by the Beneficiary. Ant flate rate reimbursemnet must not exceed the scales approved annually by the EU Cost of purchasing equipment: have to correspond to market rates. Equipment costs should not exceed 15% of the total eligible costs of the action Non eligible costs: debts, interests owed, items financed in another framework, purchases of land, taxes Costs arising from the contract: ex: dissemination of information, audit costs, printing costs, includes also financial service costs (financial guarantees or costs of transfer)
Costs 4 Contingency reserve
EU - Vietnam Contingency reserve The budget may include a contingency reserve not exceeding 5% of the estimated direct eligible costs It can only be used with prior written authorization of the Contracting Authority !
Costs 4 Eligible indirect costs (overheads)
EU - Vietnam Eligible indirect costs (overheads) The indirect costs must not exceed flat-rate of max 7% of the estimated total eligible direct costs. Indirect cost are only eligible provided that they do not include costs assigned to another budget heading in the standard contract. The Lead Applicant may be asked to provide justification before signature of the contract. Once the flat-rate is fixed in the Special Conditions of the contract, no supporting documents need to be provided. If any of the applicants or affiliated entity(ies) is in receipt of an operating grant financed by the EU, it may not claim indirect costs on its incurred costs within the proposed budget for the action.
Contributions in kind EU - Vietnam Contribution in kind means the provision of goods or services to a beneficiary(ies) or affiliated entity(ies) free of charge by a third party. As contributions in kind do not involve any expenditure from beneficiary(ies) or affiliated entity(ies) they are not eligibile costs ! CONTRIBUTION IN KIND MAY NOT BE TREATED AS CO-FINANCING IF the description of the action proposed by the Beneficiary foresees the contributions in kind, such contributions have to be provided !
Ineligible Cost The following costs are not eligible:
EU - Vietnam The following costs are not eligible: debts and debt service charges (interest); provisions for losses or potential future liabilities; costs declared by the beneficiary(ies) and financed by another action or work programme receiving a European Union (EDF) grant; purchases of land or buildings, except where necessary for the direct implementation of the action, in which case ownership must be transferred, in accordance with Article 7.5 of the General Conditions of the standard grant contract, at the latest by the end of the action; currency exchange losses; credit to third parties Under this call for proposal TAXES, in case the Beneficiary(ies) cannot prove their reimbursement, see Annex J for further detail
Under this Call for Proposal taxes, including
EU - Vietnam Under this Call for Proposal taxes, including VAT are eligible provided the Beneficiary(ies) or where applicable its affiliated entity(ies) can show they cannot reclaim them – see Annex J for further detail
Overview of Evaluation & Selection Process Publish Call for Proposals
EU - Vietnam Publish Call for Proposals Preparation & signature of contracts (2) Evaluation Concept Note (Eval Grid) Receipt of Concept Notes (3) Full Proposal (4) Eligibility Check (1) Opening & Administrative Compliance Check (Arrival time + Checklist) Project Implementation Supporting Documents
How to apply EU - Vietnam Registration in PADOR for this Call for Proposals is obligatory. PADOR: an on-line database in which organisations register and update regularly their data Questions and Problems should be sent to PADOR helpdesk: Applicants must keep strictly to the format of the application and fill in the pages in order.
How to apply EU - Vietnam Please note that online submission via PROSPECT is obligatory for this call. It is strongly recommended to register in PADOR well in advance and not to wait until the last minute before deadline to submit your application in PROSPECT If it is impossible to register online in PADOR for technical reasons, the applicants and/or affiliated entity(ies) must complete the PADOR OFF-LINE form attached to the Guidelines for Applicants. Before starting using PADOR or PROSPECT, please read the user guides available on the website. All technical questions related to the use of these systems should be addressed to the IT helpdesk at DEVCO APPLICATION SUPPORT Applicants must keep strictly to the format of the application and fill in the pages in order.
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Concept note: In accordance with the Concept note Instructions in the grant application form (Annex A.1 of the Guidelines) The applications must be in English Lead Applicant provides only an estimate of the requested EU contribution, as well an indicative percentage of this contribution in relation to the total eligible costs of the action Detailed budget will be only submitted with the full application in the second phase
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Concept note: The elements outlined in the concept note may not be modified in the full application The EU contribution may not vary from the initial estimate by more than 20% Only the concept note will be evaluated, it is therefore of utmost importance that this document contains all relevant information concerning the action. No additional annexes should be sent!
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Concept note: The concept note MUST BE SUMBITTED ONLINE VIA PROSPECT following the instructions given in the PROSPECT USER MANUAL Upon submission the Lead Applicant will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt in its PROSPECT profile
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Concept note: If it is impossible to submit online via PROSPECT for technical reasons, these have to be duly justified and the proposal sent in a sealed envelope as specified below: 1x original CN + signed declaration by the lead applicant (annex A.1 Section 2) must be printed and stapled separately and enclosed in the envelope 2x additional copies in A4 size, each bound An electronic version (e.g. CD-ROM) of the items above The envelope must bear the Reference nubmer and the title of the Call for Proposal, lot number and title, full name and address of the lead applicant and the words "Not to be opened before the opening session" and "Không được mở trước khi mở thầu"
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Full application form: Only those lead applicants invited to submit a full application following pre-selection of their concept note Must be submitted using full application form – Annex A.2 – completed in English language Elements outlined in the CN cannot be modified in the Full application
Application/Evaluation Steps
EU – Vietnam Full application form: The EU contribution may not vary by more than 20% from initial proposal; however the applicant is free to adapt the % of co-financing within the min and max amount and % a specified under Section 1.3 of the Guidelines Copy of lead applicant's accounts of the latest financial year must be uploaded in PADOR (by the deadline) Only full application and published annexes will be transferred to the evaluators; NO ADDITIONAL ANNEXES TO BE SENT!
Evaluation Criteria Concept notes: - RELEVANCE - DESIGN
Only information provided on the EU websites is valid:
Check regularly the EU Delegation website for possible corrections to the Guidelines and answers to questions raised. Only information provided on the EU websites is valid: EU - Vietnam All questions in writing to : Specify the number of the call: EuropeAid/150453/DD/ACT/VN
Deadline to ask questions to the mailbox 8 January 2016
Last date on which clarifications are issued 18 January 2016 EU-Vietnam For reasons of fair and equal treatment the EU Delegation will not meet with any potential applicants/ partners regarding this Calls for Proposals in the coming months.
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