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The Role of Industry/ NGOs in Data Collection and Analysis

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1 The Role of Industry/ NGOs in Data Collection and Analysis
Momo Kochen Masyarakat dan Perikanan, Indonesia

2 Data collection, industry involvement and I-Fish
Industry feeling pressure  Market demand for sustainability and certification Identifying the role industry can play? Key link in the supply chain Strong presence in the field, even in most rural places Willingness to participate Ability to invest Strong market demand for active involvement in sustainability

3 Small-Scale Tuna Fisheries  Gap in Data
Data Collection by Indonesian government Large ports Large vessels What about small vessels and small ports?  ~90% of vessels targeting tuna in WCPO <5GT gap in data!

4 The I-Fish Approach Involvement in co-management Documenting ETP interaction and creating awareness Data Collection Government gaining support in fisheries management aspects: e.g. Improved reporting to RFMOs Data for Harvest Strategy development

5 MDPI tuna data collection sites
Pole and line Handline Mud crab Focus on Maluku X

6 What is the I-Fish Data?

7 What is the I-Fish Data? For every vessel sampled: Operational data
Bait data Bycatch data Subsampling for tuna <10kg Weight and length of all tuna >10kg Then for the tuna >10kg we record the weight and length of every fish. You can find more information on this sampling process from the protocols online.

8 Data Flow B. Data entered into computer, reviewed by site supervisor
A. Sustainability facilitators collect data from fishermen in port sampling form C. Data uploaded to I-Fish database D. Data extracted from I-Fish for DMC F. Discussion of data and management in DMC meeting E. Data analysis The data is then discussed during the data management committee meetings, what the data means and what actions might need to be taken if there is a problem. What is the catch of baby tuna? How to reduce ETP catches? What about this new regulation?

9 Requires support from industry partners
Data Flow Requires support from industry partners B. Data entered into computer, reviewed by site supervisor A. Sustainability facilitators collect data from fishermen in port sampling form C. Data uploaded to I-Fish database D. Data extracted from I-Fish for DMC F. Discussion of data and management in DMC meeting E. Data analysis All of this requires support from the industry partners, they are the ones who convince the fishermen to allow us conduct the data collection. What is the catch of baby tuna? How to reduce ETP catches? What about this new regulation?

10 Where is the I-Fish Data?
The data is stored online at

11 Where is the I-Fish Data?
And is supported with by an indonesian-based cloud server called couldkilat.

12 Where is the I-Fish Data?
User: guest Password: guest123 User access to the online database is restricted depending on a stakeholders geographic location and position in the supply chain. But those interested in having a look at the data you can log in with username guest and password guest123 and you can have a look at some ‘dummy data’.

13 Data Reporting DMCs Stakeholder reports Interactive dashboard

14 I-Fish Data Management Committees (DMCs)
Regulator (Marine and Fisheries Affairs, provincial and regency) 20-25 members Additional NGOs Fisheries Business Actors (Fishermen, Suppliers, Processors, Buyers) Ad-hoc Advisor (Expert) Usually there are about members. Researchers (Puslitbangkan, Universities)

15 Stakeholder reports Automatically generated every 3-6 months, depending on the stakeholder Three graphs included, based on feedback from stakeholders Brief background to document and explanation of each graph

16 Stakeholder reports

17 Stakeholder reports

18 Interactive dashboard
Users with I-Fish login details can access the dashboard Access the same graphs as in the stakeholder reports Change the years and other parameters and graph will change automatically Download the graph directly from the website Access based on geographic location and position in the supply chain (i.e. supplier in Lombok can only access the data in his supply chain in Lombok)

19 Interactive dashboard
Select from dropdown menu Graph will update

20 Interactive dashboard

21 Interactive dashboard- include link

22 I-Fish Data Communication Cruiseship


24 Spot Trace Trial VMS system for small-scale vessels 36 devices
Randomly assigned to one vessel for one month Rotation system Location transmitted every hour

25 Spot Trace

26 DOCK mobile data collection
Replace paper data collection with electronic data collection 3 month pilot 2 sites: Larantuka, Kupang Pole and line and Handline Indonesian cloud data storage

27 I-Fish and MDPI supporting Tuna Research in Indonesia
Aligning protocols to ensure data is useful to various government agencies and RFMOs: P4KSI, SDI, PDS, WCPFC, IOTC…… Aligning approach to ensure priority areas are covered and widest coverage is achieved Collaborating with LIPI on data analysis??

28 Data Supporting HCR development
Ask Deirdre for data comparison – 16 data sets and 4 in green including MDPI Collaboration SDI. PUSRISKAN, CSIRO, WCPFC- to develop HCR for archepelagic waters

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