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EVM Tracking System (ETS Processes)

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1 EVM Tracking System (ETS Processes)

2 EVM Tracking Application
ETS is a windows application installable on windows systems. Login Screen: It begins with validation page where the credentials are entered by the WI/DEO/CEO/Admin. You can access the manual by clicking on “User Manual” link or from download login. Only single user login is allowed at DEO and WI users. Password reset and Enable login facility is given at one level up like WI->DEO, DEO->CEO, CEO->ECI The same user credentials are used for logging in ETSWEB and mobile apps.

3 Warehouse creation DEO level user can create warehouses through warehouse master in ETS: There are mainly 5 types of Warehouses (Warehouse, Strong Room and Strong Room AC, EVM Repair Room, Strong Room AC Loksabha) The usernames of DEO logins are standardized according to ECI instructions. The new DEO usernames consist of a new format having census district numbers. So during login in ETS, the new usernames provided should be used. The Format of usernames: CEO: SSSEST000 DEO: SSSEDTDDD WH: SSDDDXX For login credentials go to link ->Create and Update user The default password should be changed after first login. The password must contain at least one uppercase and 1 number.

4 EVM transfers 1. Inter State EVM Transfer
2. Intra State (Inter District) EVM Transfer 3. Intra District(Inter Warehouse) EVM Transfer 4. Defective units transfer to Factory 5. Intra State (Inter District) EVM Transfer for defective units 6. Intra District(Inter Warehouse) EVM Transfer for defective units

5 Inter state EVM Transfer
The transfer of units from one state to another takes place via Inter State Transfer cycle. This cycle is initiated by ETS Admin(ECI EVM officials). Once order is created in ETS, the receiver state will see the order on his login ->New Orders link, then receiver state has to allocate his receiver districts. After the receiver state allocated his districts against the order, the order will appear in sender state login, sender state has to map his sender districts against the receiver state receiving districts. Then the order will appear on sender districts, the concerned sender districts have to allocate his sender warehouses for sending the units. Then the warehouses have to send the units from send units option.

6 Inter State EVM Transfer
Inter State Order created by EVM Admin (ECI) CEO (Sender State) Sender DEO Approves the sending CU/BU and box no’s Warehouse In-charge Sends the CU/BU In bulk DEO Selects warehouse to send the CU/BU Selects districts from the receiver state and maps them with his districts (District Mapping) (Receiver State) Receives the CU/BU one by one Selects warehouse to receive the CU/BU CEO chooses the district in which the CU/BU is to be received

7 Intra state EVM Transfer
The transfer of EVMs between two districts of the same state are done via Intra state Transfer cycle. The CEO office can create this kind of transfer by selecting sender and receiver districts and entering the amount to be transferred. The sender district will have to allocate his warehouses with mapping the amount to be sent. Now sender warehouses have to send the units.

8 Intra State EVM Transfer
Intra State Order by CEO state DEO (Sender District) Sender DEO Approves the sending CU/BU and box no’s Warehouse In-charge Selects the CU/BU to send Warehouse Selects his warehouses for sending the order (Receiver District) Receives the CU/BU one by one (Receiver State) Selects warehouse to receive the CU/BU CEO generates transfer order between two districts of his state CEO (Generates order)

9 Intra District EVM Transfer
The EVM transfer between two warehouse can take place via Intra District Transfer Cycle. The DEO user can create this type of transfer order form his login based on the availability of EVM. The DEO has to select the sender warehouse and receiver warehouse and fill the amount to be sent. The sender warehouse can now send the EVM’s by marking the units through barcode reader in send units option.

10 Intra district EVM Transfer
Intra district Order by DEO DEO (Generates order) Warehouse In-charge (Receiver WI) Receives the CU/BU in bulk DEO generates transfer order between two Warehouses of his district Approves the sending CU/BU and box no’s Selects the CU/BU to send Warehouse (Sender District)

11 Elections EVM Election Process Transfer EVMs from WH to Strong Room
First Randomization at DEO (Allocation of units to AC’s) EVM Replacements(before mock poll/during Mock poll/On actual poll ) Election petition status update by CEO to free units assigned in polling stations after 45 days of counting Transfer units to respective AC warehouses Second Randomization (Assigning of Polling station to units randomly by ETS) Creation of Strong Room AC Warehouses FLC Check in Strong Room (First Level check status update) Non EP units should be Transfer of units back to normal warehouse EP Filed EVMs should be kept in Strong Room AC in EP Filed Status

12 First Level Check During elections, warehouses will transfer CUs/BUs/VVPATs to the STRONG ROOM where they are checked by the engineers (BEL/ECIL). Once all the CU’s, Bus and VVPAT’s have been checked, the warehouse In-charge (STRONG ROOM) will mark CU/BU/VVPAT’s as ‘FLC OK’ or ‘FLC failed’. DEO creates new warehouses (STRONG ROOM AC) for all the AC’s. After FLC, the segregation of EVM can also be done through Module 2 mobile App. Through mobile app there is no need to do EVM Transfer in E T S as it will be done automatically by the App. First Randomization can be done after the election is declared by ECI and election link is made available in ETS. After the FLC for required units is done for all AC’s, the DEO can do the First Randomization in E T S .

13 First Randomization In First Randomization, the EVMs are segregated on random basis for allocating to different AC’s for poll. The ETS provides the facility of First Randomization of units along with the analysis on various extra units’ percentages for training and reserve. Before going for First Randomization, ensure that sufficient no: of FLC OK units are available in Strong Rooms. The AC warehouses needs to be created beforehand so that the orders to AC can also be generated after first Randomization. The First Randomization is now done AC wise , for one AC at a time. The order generation process after First Randomization is given in Randomization Master Screen. This process can be done after randomization is over. If after second randomization, there is requirement for more units, there is a button in Randomization master to Enable ETS for Randomization of extra units once again. The process for taking extra units is similar as First Randomization. The segregation of units after first Randomization can be done, as per the Randomisation list, by using mobile app module 2, under the icon Fist Randomization.

14 Randomization Master To create Randomization Transfer Order
To send EVM in order in bulk To enable first randomization for more EVMs in case of additional requirement.

15 Second Randomization Second Randomization is done by Strong Room AC warehouses to allocate the EVMs to polling stations. For allocating the units in a polling station the ETS is used to Randomize the unit id’s against the polling station nos. After first randomization, when the information about the contesting candidates is finalized in genesys, the requirement of BU and CU is decided. As per the requirement of BU and CU in the polling station ETS allocates the units in polling stations. No de-finalization of Second Randomization is facilitated in ETS. The result of second randomization can be downloaded in mobile app module-2. The segregation of EVMs, polling station wise as per the randomization list is to be done through mobile app module-2.

16 Replacement of units in Election
The replacement of units in a polling station takes place in two screens in ETS. Before election and During election. In before election, the replacement takes place via two buttons-1. Before the mock poll and 2. During mock poll The units can be replaced based on the above status. The replacement can be done using Strong Room AC or Strong Room AC Loksabha warehouse logins. Individual units can be replaced during these stages.

17 Replacement of unit during poll
The replacement of EVM and VVPAT during poll is also marked in ETS. The replacement can be done using Strong Room AC or Strong Room AC Loksabha warehouse logins. During this stage the EVM/VVPAT should be replaced as per the ECI instructions.

18 EP Status Update After Election is over
The CEO of the state can update the status of the Strong Room AC warehouses as ‘EP Filed’ or ‘EP Not Filed’ as per the EP Status. When any warehouse is EP Filed, the status of all the EVMs in that warehouse becomes EP Filed. If the user updates the AC as EP Not Filed, then the status of all EVM’s will become as ‘In the warehouse working’. If the user updates the AC as EP Filed, then the status of all EVM’s will become as ‘EP Filed’ and the warehouse is not allowed to transfer EVMs. Depending on the court case status, the CEO level user can update the status of the Strong Room AC as ‘EP Disposed’ when the court dissolves the EP in that AC, then the status of all EVM’s will become as ‘In the warehouse working’.

19 ETSWEB application This is web application can be accessed through mobile also. url:

20 CEO Home Page

21 DEO Home page

22 Warehouse Home page

23 ETS WEB The user credentials are same as ETS for all level of users.
It provides some information and support in ETS and its reports through browser interface. Limited functionalities of ETS are available like warehouse creation and reports. It provides the report on data entry done through mobile app. Reports: 1. Data Entry Report 2.Data Entry Summary 3. FLC Summary 4. Box-wise data entry Report 5. Conflict Report CEO/DEO


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