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Improvements in WHHT Stroke Service

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1 Improvements in WHHT Stroke Service
Dr T Adesina Consultant Geriatrician and Stroke Physician Clinical lead for stroke, WHHT

2 Profile Geriatrician and General Physician
Consultant appointment June 2009 Consultant Stroke physician at University College Hospital, London and North Middlesex University Hospital up WHHT since June 2014

3 Stroke- the past Hospital admission for Stroke patients- Nightingale wards, Patients admitted under care of any of a number of general physicians, Very little happened quickly, Brain scans difficult to obtain and hence rarely done, Referred to geriatricians for rehabilitation-long wait, No stroke specialist service either in hospital or community

4 not so long ago……… “Stroke is a non-acute condition”
“Hospitalisation for nursing, therapy or social needs” (1988) “CT scan for more than 10% of patients needed justification(1994)” “Little acute care can do, emphasis on rehabilitation” (1997) “Move away from hospitals and towards community care for Stroke” (2000)



7 Stroke at WHHT Consultant Stroke Physicians
Dr Tolu Adesina Dr Mohit Bhandari Dr David Collas Clinical Nurse Specialists – Bleep 1044 via Switch   Karyn Butchard Ruth Harvey Jayshree Bhana Dana Vainoriute Louise Timoney Ian Bagaoisan Research Nurse Saul Sundayi


9 SSNAP- sentinel stroke national audit programme
Collects a minimum data set on every Stroke patient including acute care, rehabilitation, 6 month follow up and outcome measures in England, Wales and Northern Ireland To benchmark services regionally and nationally To monitor progress To support clinicians in identifying where improvements are needed To empower patients to ask questions

10 Sentinel stroke national audit
SSNAP score calculated from key indicator scores which are grouped into 10 domains. Scanning Stroke unit Thrombolysis Specialist assessments Occupational therapy Physiotherapy Speech and language therapy Multidisciplinary team working Standards by discharge Discharge processes









19 2014/2015

20 Close scrutiny of patients journey
Increased Consultant presence Stroke Early supportive discharge service Change in culture “turn NO to why not or what if?” Sharing of SSNAP results with MDT Learning from other units

21 True MDT involvement 7 day working Inclusive environment
Education about Stroke, SSNAP Strong nursing leadership Stroke nurse specialists Data Administrators 7 day working


23 2014/2015

24 Nov 2016-Slide of SSNAP table




28 now and the future…… Increased Consultant workforce
Hyper-acute Stroke unit at Watford site-October 2017 WHHT to be accountable lead provider for Stroke pathway in West Hertfordshire Links with Imperial healthcare Hospitals for endovascular pathway

29 Now-Slide of SSNAP table


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