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Arts & Humanities Alex meckes

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Presentation on theme: "Arts & Humanities Alex meckes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts & Humanities Alex meckes
Welcome back to ksd! Arts & Humanities Alex meckes

2 A little about my education
I live in Lexington I graduated from dhs I went to an all women’s college and got my BA in Studio art with a minor in dance I earned my master’s at University of the cumberlands in art education

3 A little about my arts background
I played the violin for 11 years I have danced for 27 years I choreograph musicals for dhs I teach dance I take aerial silks class My favorite visual arts medium is acrylic paint

4 A little about my interests
I love to kayak and be outside travel! Favorite places in the world: Rome, Ireland, Los Angeles, Denver, Barcelona Exercise! I take buti yoga, aerial yoga, aerial silks, I lived in Italy for 6 months studying Italian and art history China for 1 month studying art history

5 A little about my kids I have 1 cat named corby 1 dog named sketch
1 foster dog Sissy

6 My motto for life MISTAKES are the best way to learn.
Sometimes we get caught up in what we think we are SUPPOSED to be. We lose sight of what’s important: our happiness. To be happy, you must BE YOURSELF. To learn, you must WANT to. To better yourself, you must have DESIRE. To solve problems, you must search solutions. MISTAKES are the best way to learn. To do all of this, you must be POSITIVE.

7 Our goals in a&H class Learn about different cultures and history
Appreciate the arts: Art, dance, music, theatre Build our skills in all 4 areas Create Discuss the arts using appropriate language Enjoy each other!

8 What to expect Edmodo- every Monday Daily participation
Reading about the arts and culture Creating art Performing dance and theatre Doing research and presenting Working in groups You will get dirty- bring an apron (optional) You might feel silly- and that is okay! This is a safe environment! Be open.



11 One rule: Be an artist Act responsible
Respect yourself, others, and materials Try your best Imagination & Creativity…use it! Stay focused Take pride in your work One rule: Be an artist

12 Help keep the art room clean
Art gets very messy This is your room Clean materials in sink Put away materials Wipe down area at the end of class Don’t write on tables Preserve paintbrushes Last day of class is studio clean up Which one looks better?

13 NO PHONE ZONE Your hands aren’t creating if they are on your phone
It’s so rude and unprofessional You will receive an infraction, if using without permission Music during independent work is fine- not while I am teaching

14 Oh, You’re late??? Infraction.

15 Bathroom Must use my pass
Must be at end of class or during independent work time

16 Be prepared for class Bring a pencil Bring your assignment book
Bring your folder Stay with the schedule!

17 If you get done early You won’t get done early… but, if you do…
Choose something off the ‘clean studio’ list edmodo Free draw Catch up on projects Read your materials Let others work without distractions

18 Check out materials You are expected to be responsible and bring all materials back Some materials are not permitted for check out Replace any lost or damaged materials If you lose or damage materials, you will not be permitted to check out anymore

19 If you are absent: You are expected to do all your online assignments regularly- no excuses Make-up work must be completed within 3 school days All missing work will be a 0 until completed It is YOUR responsibility to ask for make-up work

20 Tornados, earthquakes, fires, and intruders, Oh my!
What to do in case of an emergency? Tornado- go to hallway Earthquake- under the tables/desks Fire- out the back door Intruder- into the dark room

21 Remember…

22 I am so excited for this year!
Everything will be on my teacher website me with questions at any time Open studio- Wednesdays after school I am here for you!

23 Questions?

24 Arts history memes

25 On a notecard, put down: Name birthday Favorite art medium or area
What emotion best describes you? Three words that best describe your “style” What is your biggest fault? What is your best quality? What do you want to learn in this class? What would you like to improve on in art? Why are you taking this class?

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