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Published byAugust Black Modified over 7 years ago
Layout Daniel Schulte for the FCC-hh teams ALBA, November 2016
Initial Beam Parameters
Assume round beams H-V crossing Use of crab cavities for ultimate parameters Aim to establish feasibility of ultimate parameters Consider alternatives for crab cavities Consider flat beams FCC-hh Baseline FCC-hh Ultimate Luminosity L [1034cm-2s-1] 5 20 Background events/bx 170 (34) 680 (136) Bunch distance Δt [ns] 25 (5) Bunch charge N [1011] 1 (0.2) Fract. of ring filled ηfill [%] 80 Norm. emitt. [mm] 2.2(0.44) Max ξ for 2 IPs 0.01 (0.02) 0.03 IP beta-function β [m] 1.1 0.3 IP beam size σ [mm] 6.8 (3) 3.5 (1.6) RMS bunch length σz [cm] 8 Crossing angle [s’] 14 Crab. Cav. Turn-around time [h] 4 D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Luminosity D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
FCC-hh Baseline Layout, Rome 2016
Main experiments in A and G Side experiments in H and F Injection and RF in B and L cleanest place Extraction, betatron- and momentum collimation combined in D and J could also be extraction in D and all collimation in J Are allowed to consider merging injection and side experiments Change from “Four great places for experiments” to “Can accommodate two additional experiments with somewhat less favorable conditions” Note: 1.4km length = sqrt(50/7)*0.5km Betatron cleaning and extraction are dominated by losses => more space Currently 18% of tunnel in limestone, 10% under the Jura Shorten distance A to G Shorten J and D from 4.2 to 2.8km or 1.4km Have to distribute functionalities differently D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Tentative New Layout Main experiments in A and G Side experiments in B and L, combined with injection Extraction in D Betatron cleaning in J Energy collimation in F RF and instrumentation in H Risk in B and L has to be evaluated Gives room for betatroncleaning and extraction both are high risk both might have some potential to be slightly shortened Clean insertion for RF and instrumentation D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Lattice Design Full lattice design for the old layout exists Now are working on new layout No changes at A and G Lengths for energy and betatron collimation should allow to use existing designs Extraction insertion design has been shortened RF insertion should be straightforward Main differences are at L and B Injection in 700m Experiment in 700m Or overlapping design (as in LHC) Integration required Arcs need to be adjusted Many conclusions from the old lattice design are still valid Should be able to fit the optics into the insertions But quite some work remaining D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Collimation Have betatron and momentum cleaning designs based on LHC First evaluation of loss maps Aperture around the ring studied impedance is very important Key issues: Overall protection is being addressed Impedance is being studied Losses in the downstream dispersion suppressor are too high Are designing dispersion suppressor protection (A. Krainer) Loss in betatron collimation can be up to 11MW (12 minutes lifetime) This can make survival of components and protection hard in LHC 10% of loss goes into one dipole, the same into one protection device Work only started May impact collimation system lattice but hopefully not increase length Claims on large uncertainty of single diffractive process need to be resolved Alternative/improved optics and technology solutions need to be explored D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Overall Experiment Configuration
Round beams and H-V crossing assumed (A+G) Assume aggressive tuneshift of 0.03 (total) is viable need to translate into noise requirements Side experiments get much less luminosity should contribute next to nothing to beam-beam tuneshift Need to study flat beam options Collision debris from one experiment to the next through short arc could be a problem Studies indicate that the separation is sufficient Losses in dispersion suppressors can be an issue Try to use the same design as for collimation system D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Old FCC Detector (Now Alternative)
Modified from W. Riegler et al. W. Riedler Tracking Ecal HCAL Magnets and cryostat Muons Hall half length: 35m L*=45 m Have iterated on L* D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
New FCC Detector Experiments like to stay at L*=45m to allow for other solutions But high cost for this Tracking Ecal HCAL Magnets and cryostat Muons No dipole any more But forward solenoid Hall half length: 35m L*=45 m Detector half length 23.5m Space to open 11.5m D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Triplet Design Key issues: Small betafunction with enough dynamic aperture Collision debris destroys triplet magnets Beam stay clear defines aperture of collimation system (and impacts length) Studied different solutions with L* of 36, 61 and 45m good optics performance for L*=36m The new L*=45m triplets offer much larger aperture but currently struggle with dynamic aperture work on lattice design, codes, specifications for the magnets (field and quality), … or back-off somewhat How to best use the aperture? More shielding to increase triplet lifetime? Smaller beta-functions to require less beam-beam tuneshift? Larger aperture to shorten collimation system? D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Injection and Extraction
Extraction insertion and dump line designs exist Injection insertion concept exists and is being integrated with side experiment Key injection issue: A injected or circulating batch can be kicked into the machine Filling pattern Key extraction issues: Dilution/painting of the extracted beam on the dump Population of extraction gap Emergency extraction Studies of losses and robustness are critical Optimisation of system design D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Magnets and Beamscreen
Different magnet designs are being pursued All have 16T and aperture of 50mm Operation temperature fixed at 1.9K need much less cable limited increase in cryo plant cost Beamscreen around 50K efficient cooling of synchrotron radiation need 100MW to cool 5MW Beamscreen design for impedance Aperture Coating thickness Shielding of pumping holes Other impedances potential drivers at injection Suppression of electron cloud essential also avoiding direct photo-production D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Arcs and Integrated Design
Integrated lattice for old baseline existed Working on it for new layout 16T required to reach 50TeV/beam Many design details are being worked out Space for multipoles, … Correction of dispersion from crossing in experiments … Dynamic aperture are ongoing feedback given to magnet team on B3 Tolerance studies are ongoing D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Conclusion Are preparing to fix the baseline for Berlin D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Reserve D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
FCC Study time line towards CDR
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Study plan, scope definition Explore options “weak interaction” conceptual study of baseline “strong interact.” FCC Week 2015: work towards baseline FCC Week 17 & Review Cost model, LHC results study re-scoping? FCC Week 2016 Progress review Elaboration, consolidation FCC Week 2018 contents of CDR Report CDR ready D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
New Triplet Design Dynamic aperture with beam-beam Head-on similar to L*=61m None with crossing angle Seem to have a problem with the existing simulation code (SIXTRACK) EPFL CERN Experiment separation Debris transfer from the experiment Seems to be OK in the next experiments But need protection of arcs UNIMAN Radiation damage of triplets Current limit 30MGy Conclusions for spectrometer and 30ab-1 15mm shielding 150MGy 55mm shielding 30MGy CERN D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
Tentative New Layout D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
New Layout Considerations
Combining injection and experiments in L and B Maybe possible to inject after experiment Betatron collimation in H 2.8km long Extraction in F System length requirement reduced from 3.5km to 2.1km Energy Collimation in D 1.4km RF in J Very clean insertion also for diagnostics Not liked by civil engineering D and F have very deep shafts (600m) D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
New Layout Considerations
Reduce the insertions L, B, H and F to 2.1km Better for civil engineering Side experiments and injection in B and L Would likely have to inject before experiments Extraction in F (appears possible) Betatron collimation system in H has to be shortened maybe possible Energy collimation in D RF in J Note: combination of injection and extraction and experiments in D and J not good option due to deep shaft in D Not clear how much performance improvement 2.1km long injection insertions mean for side experiments Shorter insertions for the highest risk systems, extraction and betatron collimation D. Schulte for the FCC-hh team Layout and Overview, ALBA, November 2016
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