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Managing your Science Centre Your Most Precious Asset; People!

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Presentation on theme: "Managing your Science Centre Your Most Precious Asset; People!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing your Science Centre Your Most Precious Asset; People!
Dr. Khaled Habib

2 The Famous Awareness Model Johari’s Window
Arena Blind Spot Facade Unknown

3 The People Management Building Blocks Model

4 The Performance Management Model
Tools and support for performance Milestones, Time Lines Specific Goals KPIs, Motivation, Incentives Promotion and Rotation Assessment Individual and team Performance Assessment Training, Empowerment Periodic reviews Career Path Compensation, Awards and Recognition Promotions and Lateral Moves

5 Top Talents: The Perfect Profile
Competencies Anticipates Customer and Market Needs Acts Decisively Seizes Accountability Strategic and Innovative Thinking Holds People Accountable Grows Leaders Builds Change Agile Organizations Self Awareness Insight, Influence and Inclusion Commits to One Company Experiences Global Experience Cross-functional Experience Externally Focused Roles/ Projects Exposure to Multiple Markets/Business Models Leading a Fix-it/Turn-around Leading a Start-up or Growth Business Leading Increasingly Large & Complex Teams Influencing Without Authority Derailers Unable/Unwilling to Adapt and Grow Excessive Self-Interest Lack of Courage and Conviction Overly Controlling Style Pattern of Leaving Behind Weak or Mediocre Teams Says One Thing - Does Another

6 Assessing Talents 360 degrees Assessment Centers
Performance Management Mentors Psychometric Analysis Projects Interviews

7 A Typical Assessment Center
Candidates participate in a series of exercises that simulate on-the-job situations Trained assessors carefully observe and document the behaviors displayed by the participants. Each assessor observes each participant at least once Assessors individually write evaluation reports, documenting their observations of each participant's performance Assessors integrate the data through a consensus discussion process, led by the center administrator, who documents the ratings and decisions Each participant receives objective performance information from the administrator or one of the assessors

8 Types of simulation exercises
In-basket Analysis Fact-finding Interaction Subordinate Peer Customer Oral presentation Leaderless group discussion Assigned roles or not Competitive vs. cooperative Scheduling Sales call Production exercise

9 6 Box Grid For Performance Potential
High Medium Low PERFORMANCE Sustainable Significant Under Performers Low level of performance with little upward potential. Need to significantly improve results and behaviors. Move aside and establish improvement plan if "blocking" key colleagues and/or developmental positions. If does not make progress, move out. Should not be in this box more than 1 year.  Solid Performers Satisfactory performance with limited upward potential over time. Consistently meets expectations. Develop in place. Assess if “blocking” key colleagues and/or developmental positions. Strong Contributors Track record of high performance and/or demonstrated mastery of current assignment. Upward potential may be limited. Special experience / technical knowledge would be difficult to replace. Develop in place and/or consider lateral moves. Key Colleagues Track record of highest levels of performance with significant upward potential. Demonstrated capability to assume multiple higher-level leadership roles. Role model for Pfizer Values and Leader Behaviors. True organization asset in top tier of talent. Provide stretch assignments, targeted development. Place in key jobs. Emerging Colleagues Individual with solid performance and great potential. Has capacity to be a Key Colleague over time with focused coaching and development. Develop in place with focus on specific capabilities required for future assignments. POTENTIAL Colleagues In Transition Individuals with high potential in a new position, role or development assignment. Too soon to assess. Develop in place as individual transitions to new role. Should not be in this box for more than 1 year.

10 Talent Development Models

11 So: What’s Next?

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