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Honors Chemistry & Forensic Science

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1 Honors Chemistry & Forensic Science
Everyday Information Honors Chemistry & Forensic Science

2 Mrs. Harris Room 403 Email:
Blog: Phone: ext. 1403 “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” Carl Sagan

3 When should I be IN class?
Before the late bell rings!

4 What should I bring to class?
Folder & Spiral Notebook OR 3-Ring binder AND Pencils or dark ink pens Scientific Calculator Your brain Text Chemistry– ONLY when requested! Forensic Science – class set

5 I’m hungry! Can I eat in class?
Absolutely NOT! There are chemicals in this room and eating is NOT allowed at all! Water is allowed at student desks but NEVER in the lab area!

6 Can I go…? It depends. Passes are given ONLY when
There is no Active Learning occurring. Students are working on classwork No passes to other classes!

7 There are so many doors….
Use the front door to enter and leave the class. When you leave, go to the left and down the back stairs. In an emergency, use the front and the back door.

8 It’s the end of the period…
Stay in your seat/area until you are dismissed. Do NOT crowd by the door.

9 First Period - What’s that noise?
Announcements No talking during any announcements, including the pledge of allegiance.

10 Phones and Earbuds Phones should not be out in class unless you are given permission to use it for class. Earbuds should not be worn in class. Only exception, you are watching a video for this class & on your own (rare occurrence).

11 Be in your seat when the bell rings.

12 Be responsible for your words and your actions.

13 Be thoughtful in your words and your actions

14 Work smart, don’t waste class time.

15 Keep it clean!

16 Fire Drills/ Inclement Weather
Fire Drills & Real Fires Quickly and quietly exit the room and turn to the left, go down the back stairs. Go into the bleachers by the football field. Stay together! Inclement Weather We will sit under the lab tables, they are bolted to the concrete floor. You can grab an apron to sit upon.

17 Code Red/ Active Shooter
Turn off lights. Stay calm and quiet No phones! Hide behind lab desks! Active Shooter Turn off lights. Cover windows. Stay calm and quiet. No phones! Hide behind the lab desks. Do NOT open the door for anyone, even your best friend.

18 What do I do with my homework/classwork?
When you are asked to turn in your work, put it in the correct bin for your period. Once the work goes in the bin, you CANNOT take it out! Only the teacher can remove it for you!

19 GPB Chemistry Videos: Flipped Classroom
You will be watching and taking notes on chemistry videos from GPB. You can find them at this website: stry-physics/students/all OR My blog:

20 Forensic Science Videos
At times, you will have to watch videos at home and write about them.

21 This is just another math class!
Yes, there is a lot of math in honors chemistry. There is some in Forensic Science too. Math is the language of science and we will practice it a lot, both together & individually. When solving math problems, show ALL your work and include units and significant figures (you’ll learn about those soon!)

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