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Curriculum night Welcome Parents!

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1 Curriculum night Welcome Parents!
We have been working hard to create an exciting learning adventure in First Grade. This booklet contains general information, classroom expectations and a curriculum overview specific to our class. We look forward to working with you to make this a successful year for everyone!   Sincerely, The First Grade Teachers

2 We will talk about: Something about me
Great Expectations and Core Values Curriculum Map Classroom Schedule Classroom rules Discipline and Consequences Homework Policies Field Trip

3 Something about me: My name is Suiru Shi, also known as Shi Laoshi. I am from Henan province, China. My family is quite involved in education, as my father was a High School Master and two of my siblings have been teachers, too. I have been working as a language teacher for more than 30 years. I finished my Bachelor degree in English and Chinese Language teaching in China. I taught English in China before I came to America. After I came to USA in 2006, I started to teach Chinese in different schools. I started to work in Yinghua since I was very impressed with Yinghua Academy’s program. It’s my pleasure to teach your children this year as I’ve heard so many good things about this class. I believe that you, your child, and I will have a good time with one another this year. As your child’s teacher, my main concern is to ensure that he/she is equipped with the skills necessary for achieving academic and social success. Therefore, I will help them to develop a sense of motivation, peer cooperation, study skills and social skills (both at school and in their daily life) as well as to find out their talents/interests. I believe that the above is also one of this year’s academic goals. I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance and support for the following school year. I expect it to be an exciting, interesting, fun and happy learning year for everyone involved.    

4 Great Expectations: Always try. Do your best.
Cooperate and help others. Respect people and property. Manage yourself.

5 Core Values: Safety. Speak Chinese. Learn. Happiness. Global Citizen.

6 2014-2015 First Grade Curriculum Map (1)
Month Chinese Language Arts Math Social Studies Science September Strokes Happily Learning Chinese Creation of positive classroom atmosphere Development of good learning habits Formation of a studious community Stroke names and phrases Numbers 0-10 Counting Number words and stories Number bond: making number stories Addition (1): making addition stories, addition with number bonds, and other methods of addition School Community Awareness to similarities and differences among individuals in the classroom and within the school Individuality and concept of fairness, equity and justice Working Independently and cooperatively to accomplish goals Ways of good and engaged citizens participate in their community, explain why participation is important Science Inquiry Observe and ask questions Classification (Sorting) Things can be recycled and reused Living and nonliving things October I Love to Learn Playing Together Vocabulary to introduce oneself Comprehension of simple written instructions Completion of sentences in both speaking and written forms Real-life connections between words and their use Addition (2): making addition stories, addition with number bonds, and other methods of addition Subtraction: making subtraction stories, and methods of subtraction History: It is Everyone’s Story Creation of timeline that identifies 3 events from one’s own life Basic questions about a past event in one’s family, school or local community Stories of Captain John Smith Pocahontas and Powhatan Living Creatures and Their Habitats Structure and function in Living Systems The food chain Special Classifications of Animals Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Extinct animals November Hopscotch Little Fish Looking for Friends Story prediction “location” words Description of people, places, things, and events with relevant details Ordinal Numbers Naming positions Numbers up to 20: counting and comparing; addition and subtraction Simple word problems Origin of Thanksgiving Story of Christopher Columbus’s trip to the Americas in 1492 Story of Pilgrims, Mayflower, and the first Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day (food and activities) Oceans and Undersea Life Locate oceans Landscape of the ocean floor Diversity of ocean life Matter Names and common examples of three states of matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas Water as an example December Shadows It is Snowing! Connection between written descriptions to their own life experience Observation of natural world and learning from their daily experience Ordering and sequential words Numbers to 20 Addition Subtraction Shapes: common 2-dimensional shapes and faces of 3-dimensional objects Directions and Locations Name and locate the five oceans and the seven continents Locate places using cardinal directions Identify the geographic location of USA and MN on a map and a globe Properties of Matter: Measurement Units of measurement (Length, Width, Temperature)

7 2013-2014 First Grade Curriculum Map (2)
Month Chinese Language Arts Math Social Studies Science January/ February Chinese New Year Greeting Words Our Flag Losing a Tooth The nation’s important symbols Familiarity with a variety of Chinese New Year traditions How people celebrate life Use of complete and detailed sentences to respond to situations Length & Weight Compare and measure by making direct comparisons with reference objects and nonstandard units Graphs Picture graphs Numbers to 40 Counting, tens and ones Addition and Subtraction Chinese New Year Traditions Nation is Born The 13 original English colonies Fourth of July Benjamin Franklin and George Washington Freedom for All Legend of Betsy Ross and the American flag The Pledge of Allegiance Current United States president Astronomy: Our Solar System Sun, Moon, the eight planets Stars Earth and its place in the solar system March Our Neighbors My Father’s Friend Country of Mexico Comparison among Mexico, China and the US – similarities and differences Literary Terms Character, drama, actors and actress Numbers to 100 Counting by 10’s Order of numbers Addition within 100 Subtraction within 100 Word problems with model drawing Modern Civilization and Culture: Mexico Location (Between Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico) Mayan Culture Mexico City Culture and traditions: Indian and Spanish heritage, Piñata Earth Geographical features of the earth’s surface Oceans and continents Volcanoes April Look at Clouds Mother’s Birthday Story structure – beginning, middle and end Reading strategies: preview and predict How, why, and what-if questions for fiction and non-fiction texts Money Value of coins and bills Use of cent and dollar symbols Count coins and bills combinations Halves & Quarters Recognition and making halves and quarters Ancient Civilization: Egypt Location (In Africa) Nile River Pharaohs Pyramids and mummies Electricity Static electricity Basic principles of electricity Electrical safety rules May/June A Story about Feet Pipi is Ill Personal hygiene Participation Questions and answers about key details in a text Costumes, scenery, and props Theater, stage, audience Time Tell time to the half-hour Multiplication & Division Multiplication: problems within 40 Division: sharing and grouping American History and geography-Symbols and Figures Liberty Bell American flag Eagle The Human Body Body systems Taking care of your body

8 Classroom Schedule

9 Classroom Rules: We have our own classroom rules beside the Great Expectations and 5 Core Values. Students are learning to recite them every day. The rules are: Be on time. Be responsible. Be organized and tidy up your desk. Be nice/respectful to each other. Be on task in class. Raise your hand before talking in class. Hand in your homework on time.

10 Discipline & Consequences:
At Yinghua Academy we use the Responsive Classroom approach to discipline. It is a proactive, logical management plan. During the morning, we use 4 steps (greetings, sharing, activities, and morning message) to create a happy learning community. Students learn to make friends with each other, enjoy learning, help others learn, and follow the instruction during the morning meeting. When students are engaged in their work, there are usually few behavior problems, however, if a problem occurs, I may use one or more of the following consequences, depending on the situation: *Verbal reminder *Time out in classroom *Time out in buddy classroom *Student-teacher conference *Parent contact

11 Homework Policies: 1st graders will learn to collect all the worksheets in the “Homework” folder. They also have “Teacher/Parent Communication” folder for the homework check chart and other information/letters from the school or the teacher. They will bring all these folders home every day. Please check their finished and not-finished homework and have your signature on the homework check chart every night. It is recommended to sign on each worksheet or exercise book. 1st graders are asked to write neatly. Please remind your child to do so. 1st graders are asked to make correction when they make mistakes on their class work or homework. Please remind them to check and correct the mistakes they have made on the worksheets or workbooks. Homework will be marked by using 1) 3 star grades — three stars☆☆☆ (no mistakes), two stars ☆☆(minor mistakes), and one star ☆(too many mistakes); and 2) numerical system—from 0~100.

12 Field Trip This year we plan to have 3 field trips.
Sea Life in Mall of America – Science (in October) Play or performance – Chinese (January or February) MIA or Science Museum – Social Studies (March or April) Shopping experience – (May) All field trip will related first grade CLA, Social studies &Science. More information will be send it home later.

13 Contact me by: Xie Xie!

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