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Welcome to our Open House!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Open House!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Open House!

2 Remind App- A.M. Class Send a text message to with the Reply with your first and last name Envia un mensaje de texto al numero con el Manda una respuesta con su nombre y apellido @dcorrales

3 Remind App- P.M. Class Send a text message to with the Reply with your first and last name Envia un mensaje de texto al numero con el Manda una respuesta con su nombre y apellido @dcorrales2

4 Summer Assignments & Classroom Materials
Supply List Science Boards Summer Assignments Due by FRIDAY, August 25th

5 General Information

6 School Hours Before-care starts at 7:00 am.
Students NOT enrolled in before-care can enter the cafeteria at 7:50 a.m. for breakfast; otherwise drop off is at 8:15 a.m. After Care is from 3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Must see Esther for enrollment) If students are not enrolled before the first day of school, they will not be able to receive services on the first day of school. Class begins at 8:30 a.m. Any student who arrives AFTER 8:30 a.m. will be marked tardy. Students are dismissed promptly at 3:00 p.m. At 3:15 p.m, any students who have NOT been picked up, will be sent to Late Pick-up in the cafeteria. After-care fees may apply.

7 Important Forms The following forms must be turned in on the first week of school: Lunch Applications Contact Cards Welcome Packets Instagram Permission Form

8 Procedures for the First Week
On the first day of school, due to the solar eclipse, we will be dismissing students from their homeroom classes. This will only happen on THE FIRST DAY. Parents will be allowed to drop of their children in the homeroom classes for the FIRST THREE DAYS of school, beginning at 8:15 a.m.

9 Arrival & Dismissal If you are getting off to drop off your child, please make sure you park in a visitor’s parking spot. If you are dropping your child off, please make sure you do so at the designated drop off/ pick up area. When picking up your child, please wait for them patiently at the east end of the building where the basketball courts are. Students can not enter vehicles from the entrance lane of the school. If your child is enrolled in after care, please call ahead if you will be picking them up during regular dismissal. If a sibling from iMater Middle/High will be picking up your child, please submit a letter to the front office. Your child’s safety is very important to us. If someone is not listed on their emergency contact card, we will not release your child to that person. During rainy day dismissal, students will be dismissed from their classrooms.

10 Monitoring Parents and students can access students’ grades online on a daily basis. Instructions on how to access are on the school’s website. Parents may accompany students on fieldtrips and activities if they have been cleared by M-DCPS. The form is available on the website. Sign up to the iMater list to receive reminders and notifications. Remind App s

11 Dress Code White, or Navy Blue Polo with LOGO
Navy Blue and White Rugby Long Sleeve Polo Khaki Bermuda Shorts or Pants with Black Belt (at waist) ALL Black Sneakers (NO Logos or White Soles)or Black Converse Sneakers White or Black Socks Solid Navy Blue Sweaters

12 Dress Code NO’s: No tucked out shirts No cargo pants
No pants too big or too tight (skinny) No excessive jewelry No Mohawks, Faux-hawks, or hair designs/colors No headgear

13 Dress Code on Jean Day Approved School Sponsored Shirts (Spirit Shirt)
Spirt Shirts are MANDATORY for field trips, or they will not be allowed to attend. Blue Jeans (Ankle Length) Any Color Sneakers NO jeans that have tears, rips or designs NO jeans that fit too low, too big or too tight (leggings) NO open-toe shoes or crocs *For $1* OR… School Spirit Shirt with school pants, belt and black shoes *No Cost*

14 School & Classroom Policies
No Rolling Book-bags Headsets- Each child must have their own Lunch Number- Students must learn their lunch number the first week of school. Contacting the Teacher Remind App Phone calls Phone calls should be made directly to the main office I will call you during free time or after/before school Calls will not be returned or made during school hours unless it is an emergency Via Response within 24 hours of receipt

15 Tardies & Absences After 5 consecutive absences, a doctor’s note is required. After 10 handwritten parent-excused notes, a doctor’s note is required. After 10 unexcused absences or tardies, within a semester, parents will be contacted regarding truancy. Please make sure that students are in school everyday. It is very important that students DO NOT MISS any days during testing.

16 Volunteer Hours 30 hours MUST be completed by family.
Field Trips Special School Events Donate items that the class needs. Attach receipt! If receipt is not attached, hours CANNOT be awarded. Volunteer hours MUST be completed PER CHILD by May in order to participate in different end of the year activities such as Field Day and Awards Ceremonies. Most wanted items for donations: Copy paper Treats (toys, candies, cookies, etc.) for treasure box Canon 240XL and 241XL Printer Ink Walmart, Target, Office Depot Gift Cards Laminating Sheets Required materials, such as those on the supply list, will not be granted volunteer hours

17 Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays will be celebrated once a month! Birthday celebration dates will be available online. Treats may be dropped off in the main office on the specified dates, and the class will celebrate during their lunch period.

18 Our Classroom

19 Classroom Procedures Rules
Students will be on time and prepared for class. Follow directions at ALL times Students will keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves. Students will raise hands to speak and get of our seats. Show respect at all times

20 Classroom Procedures Rewards: Verbal Praise Awards
Treasure box/Tickets Homework pass Parent note

21 Classroom Procedures Consequences Behavior Chart Parent Contact Email
Note/Remind App Phone Call Parent/Teacher Meeting

22 Class Schedule Math/Science/Social Studies in the A.M.
Reading/Language Arts in the P.M. Special Areas will meet on a weekly basis. The schedule will be provided to students during the first week of school.

23 Classroom Schedule 8:00am-8:25am – Student Arrive
Copy homework in agenda, which is posted on the board Take out homework to be checked and collected Independent Assignments Bathroom 8:30am-Instruction begins Pledge of Allegiance Review Daily Agenda

24 Additional Information
Field Trips! Parents must be cleared through MDCPS in order to be eligible to attend trips. Volunteers are chosen on a first-come first-serve basis for trips, and will be notified when selected. Medications! If the students need to take ANY medications throughout the school year, documentation must be filled out in the main office. This includes Tylenol, Advil, etc. If the student is on antibiotics, the same procedure may be followed, or parents can come in to the main office to administer medication.

25 Classwork, Home Learning, & Assessments

26 Home Learning Policy Home learning is assigned daily.
Students are required to copy the home learning in their agendas. Home learning will NOT be posted on the school website unless designated by the teacher. Home learning is NOT optional. If the student misses three homework assignments, the student will be required to serve a 30 minute detention. The student will be required to serve a one hour detention next time he/she misses three homework assignments The student is responsible for makeup work If the student is absent, he/she is responsible for his/her classwork and homework. If it is not brought in within the allotted time period, the student will receive an F for each of those assignments. iReady Students will be assigned 45 minutes a week for reading and 45 minutes for math. They will be receiving a weekly grade for both subjects.

27 Classwork Interactive Journals
Students are required to keep an interactive notebook for each subject. They have been provided with a checklist that will guide them when completing an assignment in the journal. Required features: Table of contents, page numbers, date in each assignment, legible handwriting, underlining of titles with one color per subject.

28 Assessments All classroom assessments, including tests, classwork, quizzes, Home Learning, oral presentations, and projects will be weighted on the grading scale. Assessments – 40% Classwork – 20% Quizzes – 20% Home Leaning, oral presentations, and projects – 20%

29 Resources

30 Curriculum Reading will be implemented across all subjects.
iReady (Reading/Math)- Students will be graded weekly upon completion for both subjects. You can find the grading scale for iReady on my website. Review vocabulary words with your child weekly. They will be receiving vocabulary words for all subjects.

31 School Website Students and Parents
Faculty and Staff ex. “Ms. Corrales” Class website will be available with class information, updates, important dates and HL. Sign up for school s through our website.

32 Fees There is a $5 science lab fee that students must pay by September 15, 2018.

33 State Exams 2017=2018

34 Florida Standards Assessments
Reading & Math Reading  Paper-based Math  Paper-based PLEASE NO TRAVEL!! Student Portfolio: (Reading) Beginning in January

35 Thank you! Ms. Corrales Parent Conferences: Monday-Friday 7:30am-8:00am

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