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“Let the Adventure Begin” Ingomar Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "“Let the Adventure Begin” Ingomar Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Let the Adventure Begin” Ingomar Elementary School
Welcome “Let the Adventure Begin” Ingomar Elementary School Kindergarten Orientation

2 Arrival Bus/Car. Please alert Mrs. Yatcko and Mrs
Arrival Bus/Car *Please alert Mrs. Yatcko and Mrs. Fischer of changes ASAP A.M. P.M.

3 Opening Exercises Storage of Drinks

4 Pledge of Allegiance

5 Attendance

6 Calendar Activities

7 Centers One on One Small Grouping Parent Volunteers
All areas of curriculum ELA Math Science Social studies Health Fine & Gross Motor

8 Math Manipulatives

9 CA Alpha Friends

10 CA Decodable Books

11 Creative Writing / Journals

12 Super Sack Sharing

13 Drink Time Social Interaction

14 Large Group Instruction
Communication Arts Phonics/Word Building Math Science Social Studies Health Creative Movement Story Time Writing Workshop

15 Art -Mrs. Knapp Special Classes

16 Special Classes Music - Mrs. Vrana

17 Special Classes Physical Education –Mr. Boronyak

18 Special Classes Library/Computer – Mrs. Smokovich

19 Support Staff Reading Support Reading Specialist –Mrs. Huskey
*An interventionist will also work with all students.

20 Support Staff Speech Mrs. Bruce School Counseling Mrs. Sweeney

21 Dismissal Bus or Car A.M P.M.

22 Health Office 412-369-2802 Mrs. Allen, School Nurse
Mrs. Meder, Support Nurse Health Services

23 Nurses provide care to all students by:
Administering medication (as per policy) Screening for height, weight, etc Maintaining immunization records Maintaining allergy records and help approve proposed foods Providing the staff professional development and training Providing health and wellness information and presentations Creating and assisting with 504s and Student Health Plans Instructing students in various human development topics 4 doses Immunizations Tetanus, Diptheria, and acellular Pertussis (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday) Polio (1 dose on or after 4th birthday, and 6 months after previous dose given) 2 doses Measles     Mumps      2 doses Rubella 3 doses Hepatitis B Varicella - **or a written statement from physician/designee indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity Nurse’s Classroom Lessons KG-5th Healthy Habits 1st Grade Handwashing 2nd Grade Dental Talks 3rd Grade Hygiene 4th & 5th Grade Human Growth & Development 5th Grade Sun Safety and AIDS

24 Health Office

25 Communication Email blasts Inklings PTO
North Allegheny/Ingomar Website Calendar Curriculum Night August 29 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social Friday, September 15 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

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