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Unit 1 Matter Day 20 Focus: Periodic Table 9/27/17

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1 Unit 1 Matter Day 20 Focus: Periodic Table 9/27/17
Science starter: Copy and answer: What is one similarity and one difference between the alkali metals (Group 1A) and the halogens (Group 7A)? Take out your element cards and your periodic table families chart.

2 Plan for the Day Begin “Periodic Table Basics” project.

3 Homework: Finish your element cards for the project. CFA next Monday over the periodic table. Study the groups and their properties! Bring colored pencils the rest of the week. 3.

4 Essential Question p What are the physical and chemical properties of the different groups/families of elements on the Periodic Table? -

5 Periodic Table Basics mini-project
Make sure all info is filled in on your element cards (properties, atom models, etc.) Follow the directions to create your mini-version of the periodic table. Make a color key or label the groups on your mini-periodic table. When you and your partner have completed your mini periodic table, do the analysis questions sheet.

6 Let’s continue our “Periodic Table Basics” project.
Read the directions carefully. Do not glue anything until I check it for you. When all elements are glued down, think of a creative title (something that has to do with patterns on the periodic table-not “Periodic Table”.) You can also call it “Periodic Table Basics”, but that’s not very creative! Write it neatly on your p.t. and bring it to me. *Work with your partner to answer the analysis questions on back of the directions sheet. *THIS IS GREAT PREPARATION FOR YOUR CFA MONDAY! PUT EFFORT INTO IT.

7 Group/Family Names & Characteristics
Alkali Metals Alkaline-Earth Metals Boron Carbon Nitro-gen Oxygen Halogen Noble Gases *Group 1A *1v.e. *Most reactive metals *Soft, silvery *never uncom-bined in nature *form salts w/ Gp. 7A NaCl *conduc-tive *low densi. *violent reaction in water *Group 2A *2 v.e. *Very reactive metals *Soft * Higher density than 1A *silvery in color *Group 3A *3 v.e. *reac-tive *(Al) most common metal on Earth *Group 4A *4 v.e. *reac-tive *Si most common metal-loid *Group 5A *5 v.e. *N most plentiful gas in air (78%) *Group 6A *6 v.e. *Group 7A *7 val.el. *most reactive nonme-tals *Never uncom-bined in nature *form salts with Gp. 1A *Group 8A *8 v.e. or full valence level (outer shell) *non-reactive - inert *non-metals *all gases

8 If time permits, we’ll conduct formative assessment on the content from today.
Wrap-up: How do element properties affect the arrangement of the periodic table?

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