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Published byAnabel Park Modified over 7 years ago
Chemistry 2016-2017 1st Semester
Ben Mangrum Period 5 Room 406
9/6/16 *15 minute classes Science News article--Ice Cream Protein: read, answer questions, discussion Hand out Syllabus
9/7/16 Chemistry Pre-Test Syllabus talk
Draw map of classroom with safety features
9/8/16 Collect Signed Forms
Lab Safety Video ( complete handout, collect/correct Finish drawing map of classroom with safety features Draw, Identify names of chemistry lab items
9/9/16 *Assembly Schedule Finish, collect maps and drawings, discuss
Hand out books, bathroom passes
9/12/16 Lab Safety Quiz: Part I (multiple choice), Part II (labeling lab items from pictures), correct in class Begin Chemical Observation Activity Read handout Discuss Pre-lab questions, copy Data Tables
9/13/16 *Evacuation Drill Schedule Collect Lab Safety Quiz Corrections
Chemical Observation Activity Discuss procedures for lab Steps 1-8, design and conduct at least 6 new experiments (hint: read Post-Lab questions), record results
9/14/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Finish Chemical Observation Activity: Complete at least 6 new experiments, write down responses to analysis questions into journals
9/15/16 Discuss Chemical Observation Activity—discuss how to conduct a controlled experiment, review results, respond to analysis questions in pairs with whiteboards, explain how lab reports will be graded Collect labs (check for completed data tables)
9/16/16 Atomic Structure Notes
Practice determining # of neutrons, protons, electrons Practice calculation of weighted average using grade categories (margin of TE p. 121) Atomic Structure WS #1
9/19/16 *Student Handbook Video Correct Atomic Structure WS #1
Simulate Model Isotope miniLab (p. 120)—measure average mass of pennies, then find percentage of both types, calculate “atomic mass” Atomic Structure WS #2
9/20/16 Correct Atomic Structure WS #2
Atomic Structure Review (White boards) Outline p. 114 and section 4.3 in book *Quiz on Atomic Structure tomorrow (properties of subatomic particles, location in atom, number of each in various atoms, ave atomic mass)
9/21/16 *Substitute Quiz on Atomic Structure (properties of subatomic particles, location in atom, number of each in various atoms) Outline in book
9/22/16 Make up quiz? Collect Outlines (4.3, 2.1-2.3)
Discuss, practice Density Calculation p. 38 Introduce Zinc Coating Lab: read handout, create data tables in notebook
9/23/16 Review density calculations, practice
Introduce Percent error calculation, practice Zinc Coating Lab: Discuss data tables Discuss procedures for Part 1 Conduct procedures for Part 1 Answer analysis questions #1-4
9/26/16 Zinc coating lab: Discuss procedures for Part 2, safety concerns Conduct procedures for Part 2 Practice calculation for part 2 of lab Begin analysis questions
9/27/16 Mass Spectrometry explanation (read p. 125)
Introduce other Ave Atomic Mass calculations (Mass Spec data, unknown %), practice Review example calculations from lab Start Analysis questions for Zinc Coating Lab Report
9/28/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Complete Zinc Coating Lab Report, including the conclusion, sources of error, turn in when done Av. Atomic Mass Practice Quiz WS
9/29/16 Hand back Zinc Coating Lab Reports, discuss
Correct Av. Atomic Mass Practice Quiz WS
9/30/16 *Substitute Atomic Mass Calculation Practice WS
Zinc Layer Calculation Practice WS
10/3/16 Correct Atomic Mass Calculation Practice WS, Zinc Layer Calculation Practice WS Practice another mass spectrograph calculation, write atomic symbols Practice another problem solving for isotopic percentages from two isotopes and ave atomic mass *Ave Atomic Mass, Mass Spectr, Lab Calculation Quiz tomorrow
10/4/16 Average Atomic Mass, Mass Spectrometer Quiz
p. 62 #66, 67, 68, 105; p. 128 #39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78
10/5/16 Make up quiz? Correct p. 62 #66, 67, 68, 105; p. 128 #39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78 Hand back quizzes, discuss Practice chart of # of Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Charge, etc *Unit 1 Test tomorrow!
10/6/16 Atomic Structure Test
10/7/16 *Assembly Schedule (40 minute periods)
Begin Nuclear Stability Notes Practice predicting stability of nuclei: calculate N/P ratio
10/10/16 Make up test? Review, Finish Nuclear Stability Notes
Practice predicting stability of nuclei: calculate N/P ratio Nuclear Chemistry WS
10/11/16 Correct Nuclear Chemistry WS
“Beyond Question” in-class review of Nuclear Stability with white boards Begin Nuclear Radiation Notes (up through graph of radiation predictions with N/P ratio)
10/12/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule (35 min) Hand back tests, discuss
Review, Continue Nuclear Radiation Notes
10/13/16 Review, Continue Nuclear Radiation Notes (through nuclear equations), practice writing nuclear equations on p. 869 Practice predicting stability of nuclei from Nuclear Chemistry WS: predict type of radiation emitted, write equations of reactions Interpreting Nuclear Equations WS #1 and #2 (side 1)
10/14/16 Review Nuclear Stability Notes
Correct Interpreting Nuclear Equations WS #1 and #2 (side 1) Introduce Decay Series slide (fromNuclear Stability Notes) Finish 1st page, Balancing Equations WS (side 2)
10/17/16 Correct Balancing Equations WS
Begin in-class review of Nuclear Stability, Radiation *Quiz Thursday on Nuclear Stability/Forces, Radiation, Nuclear Equations
10/18/16 Finish in-class review of Nuclear Stability, Radiation
Introduce Half-Life (in-class practice problems on p. 872) *Quiz Thursday on Nuclear Stability/Forces, Radiation, Nuclear Equations
10/19/16 *Substitue, PSAT schedule (17 minute periods)
Outline 4.4, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3
10/20/16 Collect outlines Quiz on Nuclear Stability/Forces, Radiation, Nuclear Equations Practice example of Half-Life calculations (solve for amount remaining, number of half-lives, amount of time elapsed using log function)
10/21/16 Make up quiz? Conduct Penny Half-Life Demo (p. 873)—record % remaining after each half-life, calculate expected %, plot on graph Practice example of Half-Life calculations (solve for amount remaining, number of half-lives, amount of time elapsed using log function)? Half Life WS
10/24/16 Make up quiz? Collect penny half-life graphs, correct Half Life WS Finish Nuclear Radiation Notes, discuss E=mc2
10/25/16 Hand back quiz, discuss
Practice calculating binding energy from E=mc2, predict stabilty of atoms (use back side of Nuclear Stability Practice WS for examples) Mass Defect, Binding energy WS
10/26/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Correct Mass Defect, Binding energy WS Begin Beyond Question Review of Half-Life, Natural and Artificial Fission/Fusion
10/27/16 Finish Beyond Question Review of Half-Life, Natural and Artificial Fission/Fusion Practice Binding Energy Calculation (Lead-206 with a nuclear mass of amu) *Quiz on Half-Life, Binding Energy, Natural and Artificial Fission/Fusion tomorrow!
10/28/16 Quiz on Half-Life, Binding Energy, Natural and Artificial Fission/Fusion Short Read—Large Hadron Collider
10/31/16 Hand back quiz, discuss Nuclear Practice Test (front side)
*Nuclear Test on Thursday!
11/1/16 Correct Nuclear Practice Test (front side)
Radium Girls WS, collect, discuss Finish Nuclear Practice Test (back side) *Nuclear Test Thursday!
11/2/16 Correct Nuclear Practice Test (back side)
Begin Electron Energy Level Notes *Nuclear Test Tomorrow!
11/3/16 Nuclear Test
11/4/16 *Substitute Atomic Orbitals/Orbital Filling Sequence (16/17) WS Outline section 5.3
11/7/16 Hand back, discuss test Collect outlines, correct WS 16/17
Review Electron Energy Level Notes, orbital filling order from periodic table
11/8/16 Finish Electron Energy Level Notes, Review orbital filling order, introduce and practice writing electron configurations, noble gas configurations Electron Configuration Practice WS
11/9/16 *Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule
Correct Electron Configuration Practice WS
11/10/16 Correct rest of Electron Configuration Practice WS
Review Electron Energy Level Notes, introduce orbital diagrams “Exit Slip” with elect. config., noble gas config., and orb. diagrams Orbital Diagrams WS
11/14/16 Review regions, orbital filling order aloud from periodic table Correct Orbital Diagrams WS Writing Electron Configuration WS *check in with students with low scores on exit slip from Thursday
11/15/16 Correct Writing Electron Configuration WS
In-class practice of electron configurations, orbital diagrams with and without noble gas shortcut Complete practice quiz, hand out solutions
11/16/16 Electron Configurations/Orbital Diagrams Quiz
Outline pg , pg Sketch figures 5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, and 5.12 Video Clip about Emission Spectrum: (from 35:17-49:45)
11/17/16 Make up quiz? Electron Excitement Notes
Explain pre-lab for Flame Test Lab Finish outlines of pg , pg Sketch figures 5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, and 5.12 Work on pre-lab for Flame Test Lab (due tomorrow at end of period): 1. Title, 2. Purpose, 3. Protocol (Materials, Safety, Procedure Flow Chart), 4. Pre-Lab Questions, 5. Data Charts
Atomic Emission/Flame Test Lab
1. Title: Atomic Emission/Flame Test Lab 2. Purpose: Copy purpose from the handout 3. Protocol: Materials (list all materials from procedures) Safety concerns (list all chemicals used and summarize any chemical hazards found in Flinn catalog. Also list any physical hazards associated with any procedures) Flow chart (draw a picture diagram of each step from procedures) 4. Pre-lab Analysis: Answer all questions from handout in complete sentences IQIA. 5. Data Table: Create a table with the columns “Chemical Name” and “Observations”
11/18/16 Hand back quiz, discuss Collect outlines
Work on pre-lab for Flame Test Lab (due at end of period): 1. Title, 2. Purpose, 3. Protocol (Materials, Safety, Procedure Flow Chart), 4. Pre-Lab Questions, 5. Data Charts
11/21/16 Hand back pre-labs, review procedures for Lab (on overhead)
Remind about how to use spark lighters, conduct Flame Test Lab Start working on post-lab analysis
11/22/16 Make up lab? Practice identifying quantum leap arrows on overhead, explain how to determine the components of an unknown mixture using the emission spectrum Discuss Pre-labs, Post-Lab Analysis Questions for Flame Test Lab Answer post-lab analysis, Conclusion, Sources of Error Paragraphs (due tomorrow, turn in today if done)
11/23/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Finish Post-Lab Analysis questions, Conclusion, Sources of Error Paragraphs (due today) Electromagnetic Spectrum WS, Quantum Mechanics WS
11/28/16 Hand back corrected labs, discuss
Correct Electromagnetic Spectrum WS, Quantum Mechanics WS Analysis of Spectral Lines WS
11/29/16 Correct Analysis of Spectral Lines WS
Begin Electron Unit Review with whiteboards *Electron Emission Spectrum Quiz tomorrow!
11/30/16 Electron Emission Spectrum Quiz
Finish Electron Unit Review with whiteboards
12/1/16 Make up quiz? Electron Configuration Bingo?
Electron Practice Test *Electron Test on Monday!
12/2/16 *Assembly Schedule Hand back quiz, discuss
Correct Electron Practice Test A Electron Practice Test B (hand out answer key at end of class) *Electron Test on Monday!
12/5/16 Electron Test Begin Significant Figures Notes
12/6/16 Make up test? Significant Figures Notes (through addition/subtraction examples) Significant Figures WS
12/7/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule Hand back tests
Review Sig Fig Notes, Rules for 0’s, calculations Correct Significant Figures WS
12/8/16 *collect tests to fix version 1
Finish Correcting Signif. Figures WS Avogadro’s Number Notes Practice Converting Particles Moles, MolesParticles p. 323, 324 Practice MolesGrams, Grams Moles p. 328, 329 Mass, Mole, Particle Conversion Table WS
12/9/16 Correct Mass, Mole, Particle Conversion Table WS
Continue Avogadro’s Number Notes Molar Mass for Molecules p. 335 GramsMoles, MolesGrams for molecules p. 336, 337 p #1,4,5,8,10,13,18,19,21
12/12/16 Correct p #1,4,5,8,10,13, 18,19,21 Practice Mass-Mole Conversions for compounds (on whiteboards using examples form overhead)
12/13/16 Collect missing homework from yesterday
More whiteboard practice with finding molar mass, gram-mole conversions Continue Avogadro’s Number Notes % composition p. 343, 344 (#54) *Quiz Tomorrow on Molar Mass, Conversions
12/14/16 Molar Mass, Conversions Quiz
Review % Composition, Introduce Empirical formula p. 345, 346, p. 344 #55, 56, p. 346 #60, 61
12/15/16 Hand back quiz, discuss
Correct P. 344 #55, 56; p. 346 #60, 61 Introduce Molecular Formula p. 348, practice p. 350 #62 p. 982 #25-30
12/16/16 *Early Dismissal Schedule Collect p. 982 #25-30
1/3/17 Correct p. 982 #25-30 Begin Empirical Formula Pre-Lab: Title
Purpose Protocol (Materials, Safety, Flow Chart) Data Table *Pull students with low quiz scores to practice more molar mass conversions
1/4/17 Collect rest of Pre-Labs
Follow-up practice with determining the empirical formula of an ionic compound WS Hand back graded pre-labs, discuss lab procedures using powerpoint
1/5/17 Review procedures, conduct lab Work on Post-Lab
1/6/17 Make up lab procedures?
Correct Follow-up practice with determining the empirical formula of an ionic compound WS Discuss Analysis Questions, Conclusion using powerpoint Finish Post-Lab Report, turn if done (otherwise due Monday)
1/9/17 Collect lab reports Empirical, Molecular Formula Practice WS
1/10/17 Hand back lab reports, discuss
Correct Empirical, Molecular Formula Practice WS Practice finding % Composition, Empirical, Molecular Formula using whiteboards *Quiz Thursday on % Composition, Empirical, Molecular Formula
1/11/17 *Early Release Schedule
Practice finding % Composition, Empirical, Molecular Formula using whiteboards *Quiz tomorrow on % Composition, Empirical, Molecular Formula
1/12/17 % Composition, Empirical, Molecular Formula Quiz
Review for Chapter 10 Test (p. 358 #84, 91, 93, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 113, 123, 125)
1/13/17 Make up quiz? Correct p. 358 #84, 91, 93, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 113, 123, 125 Begin In-class practice calculations with whiteboards (Chem Handbook Review --Conversions, Molar Mass)
1/17/17 Hand back quizzes, discuss
More In-class practice calculations with whiteboards (Chem Handbook Review -- Conversions, Molar Mass, moleculesatoms conversions, % Composition) More Review for Chapter 10 Test (#131, 133, 134, 150, 155, 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167)
1/18/17 Correct p. 359 #131, 133, 134, 150, 155, 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167 Finish in-class practice calculations with whiteboards (molecules atoms conversions, % Composition, Empirical Formula, Molecular Formula) Hand out Ch 10 practice test with answer key *Chapter 10 Test Tomorrow!
1/19/17 Chapter 10 Test
1/20/17 Make up test? Hand out First Semester Review Sheet
First Semester Topic Review Practice on Overhead (Atomic Structure, Nuclear Stability Review)
1/23/17 Make up test? First Semester Topic Review Practice (Nuclear Radiation) Begin Practice Final Exam
1/24/17 Hand back tests, discuss
First Semester Topic Review Practice (Electron Review) Discuss, hand out solutions to Practice Final Exam
1/26/17 Final Exam
Chemistry 2016-2017 2nd Semester
Ben Mangrum Period 5 Room 406
1/30/17 Hand out syllabi to new students Goal Setting Activity
Hand out list of required symbols of elements to memorize Periodic Trends, Ionic Compounds Notes Predict Ratios of Compounds, Practice writing Formulas of Ionic Compounds
1/31/17 Hand out bathroom passes
Review, finish Ionic Compounds Notes, practice predicting ratios of compounds Practice writing Formulas and Names of Ionic Compounds: Simple Binary compounds, compounds with Polyatomic Ions (see p ) Formation of Ions/Ionic Bonds WS (#22, 23)
2/1/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Correct Formation of Ions/Ionic Bonds WS (#22, 23) More examples of ionic compound names, formulas, including transition metals (on overhead)
2/2/17 *Substitite Formulas for Ionic Compounds/Calculating Numbers of Electrons WS (#24, 7) Determining Numbers of Ions WS (#8)/Naming Ionic Compounds WS
2/3/17 *Substitite Collect Formulas for Ionic Compounds/Calculating Numbers of Electrons WS (#24, 7) Collect Determining Numbers of Ions WS (#8)/Naming Ionic Compounds WS Hand back, hand out answer keys to self-correct Answer #12-17 on p. 217 Outline
2/7/17 Collect Outlines Review questions from last week’s worksheets Correct #12-17 p. 217 *Ionic Compound Quiz Thursday!
2/8/17 Practice writing names, formulas of ionic compounds on whiteboards *Ionic Compound Quiz tomorrow
2/9/17 Ionic Compound Quiz Read Metallic Hydrogen article
Begin Covalent Compound Notes (through bond-type determination) Outline 8.1, 8.2
2/10/17 Collect Outlines 8.1, 8.2 Review Covalent Compound Notes, Practice Determination of Bond Type using Electronegativity (p ) Introduce, Practice Naming Covalent Compounds (slideshow) Determining Names (#9), Determining Electronegativity (#10) WS
2/13/17 Correct Determining Names (#9), Determining Electronegativity (#10) WS Whiteboard Practice: Names and Forumlas of Ionic and Covalent Compounds (slideshow, p )
2/14/17 Make up quiz? More Whiteboard Practice: Names and Formulas of Covalent Compounds (p ) Review Determination of Bond Type using Electronegativity, whiteboard practice (bottom margin of p. 267) Continue Covalent Compound Notes (covalent bond properties, multiple bonds) Covalent Bonding WS (8.1, 8.2)
2/15/17 *Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule Hand back quiz
*class cut short by assembly*
2/16/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Correct Covalent Bonding WS
More practice writing names and formulas of Ionic and Covalent Compounds *Ionic, Covalent Naming, Bond Type Quiz tomorrow
2/17/17 Ionic, Covalent Naming, Bond Type Quiz
Continue Covalent Compound Notes, practice drawing Lewis Structures
2/27/17 Make up quiz? Review Covalent Compounds Notes (write examples of groups on board) Whiteboard Practice—drawing Lewis structures: p. 244 (#1-5), p (#38-40), p. 257 (#41, 42) Lewis Structure, Naming Compounds WS Begin handing out quizzes individually and explain corrections
2/28/17 Make up quiz? Correct Lewis Structure, Naming Compounds WS
Continue Covalent Compound Notes: Introduce resonance, practice drawing Lewis structures: p. 258 (#44, 46) Lewis Structure Practice WS #1 Continue handing out quizzes individually and explain corrections
3/1/17 Make up quiz? Correct Lewis Structure WS #1
Continue Covalent Compound Notes: Introduce exceptions to octet rule, practice drawing Lewis structures: p. 260 (#47, 48) Covalent Description WS (first three columns) Continue handing out quizzes individually and explain corrections *Lewis Structure Quiz Friday, 3/3
3/2/17 Correct Covalent Description WS
Review, Practice Bond Type Determination, Naming Continue Covalent Compound Notes (VSEPR) *Lewis Structure, Naming, Bond Type Determination Quiz tomorrow (not VSEPR, etc)
3/3/17 Lewis Structure, Naming, Bond Type Determination Quiz
Review Covalent Compound Notes (VSEPR)
3/6/17 Make up quiz? Review Covalent Compound Notes (VSEPR)
Molecular Modeling Activity (handout)
3/7/17 Make up quiz? Correct Molecular Modeling Activity (#1-12, 14)
Continue Covalent Compound Notes: Introduce hybridization, practice drawing Lewis structures (one example for each of the 5 shapes), assigning geometry, bond angles, hybridization Fill in first three columns on Molecular Modeling Activity table
3/8/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule
Correct Molecular Modeling Activity (first three columns of table) Continue Covalent Compound Notes (Polarity, Intermolecular forces, Properties of Covalent Compounds)
3/9/17 Hand back quiz, discuss
Review, Finish Covalent Compound Notes (Polarity, Intermolecular forces, Solubility, Properties of Covalent Compounds) Practice determining polarity of molecules—add dipoles to molecules on #14 of activity Finish Molecular Modeling Activity Table, #13
3/10/17 Correct Molecular Modeling Activity Table, #13
More Practice drawing Lewis structures on whiteboards (p. 264 #67), assigning geometry, bond angles, hybrid orbital types, polarity, solubility, intermolecular forces, melting/boiling point Finish last two columns of Covalent Description WS Molecular Shape (8.4, 8.5) WS
3/13/17 Correct Molecular Shape WS
Correct last two columns of Covalent Description WS In-class practice with whiteboards determining geometry, hybrid orbitals, bond angle, polarity, intermolecular forces for molecules, solubility, melting/boiling point *Quiz tomorrow on everything listed above
3/14/17 Molecular Shape, Properties Quiz (geometry, bond angle, hybrid orbitals, polarity, intermolecular forces, solubility, physical properties of covalent compounds)
3/15/17 Make up quiz? Begin Beyond Question Review of Chapter 7, 8
Hand out practice test #1, do first page *Chapter 7, 8 Test (Ionic and Covalent Molecules) on Monday
3/16/17 Hand back quiz, discuss (show models of molecules using modeling kit) Show solutions to first page of practice test #1 More Beyond Question Review of Chapter 7, 8 Finish rest of Practice Test #1 *Chapter 7, 8 Test (Ionic and Covalent Molecules) on Monday
3/17/17 *Assembly Schedule Hand out solutions to Practice Test #1
Hand out practice test #2 with answer key Finish Beyond Question Review of Chapter 7, 8 *Chapter 7, 8 Test (Ionic and Covalent Molecules) on Monday
3/20/17 Chapter 7, 8 Test (Ionic and Covalent Molecules)
3/21/17 Make up test? Begin Chemical Reaction Notes
Practice p. 287 (#4, 5) WS #29, 30
3/22/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Review Chemical Reaction Notes
Correct WS #29, 30 More practice (p. 287 #6) Chemical Reactions WS
3/23/17 Hand back test, discuss Correct Chemical Reactions WS
More practice writing and balancing equations (p. 287 right margin examples) Balancing Equations WS
3/24/17 Correct Balancing Equations WS Writing Chemical Equations WS
Call up students with low scores on yesterday’s exit slip and review balancing equations *Quiz on Writing and Balancing Equations on Tuesday, 3/28
3/27/17 Correct Writing Chemical Equations WS
More practice writing and balancing equations (on overhead) *Quiz on Writing and Balancing Equations tomorrow!
3/28/17 Writing and Balancing Equations Quiz Outline 9.2 from book
Begin Types of Reactions Notes
3/29/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Collect outlines
Continue Types of Reactions Notes through Decomposition (students create table in notes with reaction type, format, energy, spontaneity) Hand out decomposition sheets Practice items from p. 291, 292
3/30/17 Finish Types of Reactions Notes (students fill in table with reaction type, format, energy, spontaneity) Practice examples—predicting products p. 295, 297
3/31/17 Review Reaction Type Notes
More Practice examples—predicting products and balancing equations (on overhead, using whiteboards) Activity Series/Summary of Reaction Types WS
4/3/17 Correct Activity Series/Summary of Reaction Types WS
Types of Reactions demonstrations (synthesis, combustion, decomposition , single replacement , , double replacement) Chapter 9 Study Guide WS (back side of WS)
4/4/17 Correct Chapter 9 Study Guide WS
Begin Pre-lab: see following slide
1. Title: Use “Reaction Types Lab”
2. Purpose: In one or two complete sentences, explain the purpose of the lab 3. Protocol: Materials—read the procedures and write a list of the physical tools used in the lab (11 materials) Safety/Flow Chart—draw a picture flow chart of each reaction. Underneath each flow chart, list of all the compounds/elements used, look up safety concerns in Flinn Catalog, and summarize for each (if no concern listed, state “no safety hazard”) (21 different substances—if a substance is used more than once, don’t re-write the safety concerns); in addition, list any other physical safety hazards that will be present during that step 4. Data/Pre-Lab Analysis: On the attached data sheet, complete all columns except for “observations”.
4/5/17 *Early Dismissal Schedule Continue Pre-lab
4/6/17 Finish Reaction Type Pre-Lab, turn in if done (due tomorrow if not turned in today)
4/7/17 Collect rest of pre-labs Reaction Type Prediction WS #1
4/17/17 Collect R.T. Prediction WS #1
Reaction Type Lab: Hand back pre-labs, explain stations, conduct lab *Write down detailed observations (colors, temperature change, phase change, etc) for each reaction step before and after the reaction
4/18/17 Review predictions of reactions from pre-lab
Finish Reaction Type Lab Procedures Begin Post-Lab Analysis if done with all reactions
Post-Lab Analysis: In your notebook, write 1-2 sentences for each reaction (#1-15) explaining how the observations support or reject the predictions made before the lab. Be sure to identify expected products, and link them to observed physical evidence (colors, phase changes, etc) to support your claim—what substances do you think they were that you observed? “The expected products were _____, which I expected to look _________. My observations of the actual products did/did not match the expected products, because they appeared _____.”
4/19/17 Correct Reaction Type Prediction WS #1
Work on Post-Lab Analysis, turn in if done
4/20/17 Work on Post-Lab Analysis, turn in today when done
Reaction Type Prediction WS #2
4/21/17 *ASB Election Assembly Schedule
Hand back Reaction Type Post-Lab Reports, discuss? Correct Reaction Type Prediction WS #2 Begin Beyond Question Review with whiteboards *Reaction Type Quiz Tuesday, 4/25
4/24/17 Finish Beyond Question Review, more practice predicting products and writing equations *Reaction Type Quiz Tomorrow!
4/25/17 Reaction Types Quiz Begin Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Notes
4/26/17 Make up quiz? Review, Finish Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Notes, practice writing complete, net ionic equations P. 302 #37-39; p. 304 #41-43; p. 306 # 46-48
4/27/17 Hand back quiz, discuss
Review Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Notes Correct P. 302 #37-39; p. 304 #41-43; p. 306 # 46-48 Teaching Tr. 33/Study Guide WS
4/28/17 Correct Teaching Tr. 33/Study Guide WS Begin Pre-Lab
Aqueous Precipitate Reactions Lab
1. Title 2. Purpose (summarize “Introduction”) 3. Protocol: Flow chart (steps 5-13) Materials (plastic wrap, tape, data table sheet, droppers) Safety concerns (5 solutions: sodium hydroxide, barium nitrate, cupric (Cu) nitrate, ferric (Fe) nitrate, zinc nitrate) 4. Prelab analysis: responses for questions 2-3
5/1/17 Finish Pre-Lab (turn in at end of period if done)
Net Ionic Equation WS
5/2/17 Collect unfinished pre-labs Collect Net Ionic Equation WS
Conduct Procedures Hand back pre-labs Begin work on post-lab questions *Quiz Thursday on Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
5/3/17 *Early Dismissal/Assembly Schedule Make up lab procedures?
Correct Net Ionic Equation WS Discuss pre-labs, Post-Lab Analysis Work on Post-Lab Report: 6. Post Lab Analysis; 7. Conclusion (Summarize what was learned, significance of lab); 8. Sources of Error (at least 2 possible sources of scientific error) *Quiz tomorrow on Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
5/4/17 Reactions in Aqueous Solutions Quiz
Finish Post-Lab Report: 6. Post Lab Analysis; 7. Conclusion (Summarize what was learned, significance of lab); 8. Sources of Error (at least 2 possible sources of scientific error), turn in if done Begin Reaction Unit Review WS *Post Lab Report due tomorrow at beginning of class *Chapter 9 Test on Tuesday, 5/9
5/5/17 Make up quiz? Finish Post-Lab Report (turn in if done)
Reaction Unit Review WS *Reaction Unit Test on Wednesday, 5/10
5/8/17 Hand back quiz, discuss Collect rest of lab reports
Finish Reaction Unit Review WS *Reaction Unit Test Wednesday!
5/9/17 Hand back lab reports, discuss
Collect Reaction Unit Review WS, discuss, hand out answer keys *Reaction Unit Test Tomorrow!
5/10/17 Reaction Unit Test
5/11/17 Make up test? Review Avogadro’s Notes, Molar Conversions, T-charts Stoichiometry Notes Ham Sandwich calculation, Iron (III) Oxide example from Stoichiometry notes PhET Simulation with Ham Sandwich
5/12/17 Make up test? Review Stoichiometry Notes, copy flow chart, show simulation: Practice Stoichiometry problems p Stoichiometric Calculation WS/Mass-to-Mass Conversions WS
5/16/17 *SBAC Schedule (4th-6th periods)
Correct Stoichiometric Calculation WS/Mass-to-Mass Conversions WS Practice Stoichiometry using density and STP Stoichiometry WS
5/17/17 *Early Release Schedule Hand back tests, discuss
Correct Stoichiometry WS (front side)
5/18/17 Finish correcting Stoichiometry WS (back side)
Practice moleculesmoles calculation, STP Back side of Stoichiometry Practice WS (opposite from side with name/ title)
5/19/17 Correct back side of Stoichiometry Practice WS (opposite from side with name/ title) Introduce Molarity and Gas Conversions from Stoichiometry Notes, practice examples from lecture notes Front side of Stoichiometry Practice WS #2 *Stoichiometry Quiz Wednesday!
5/23/17 *SBAC Schedule (4th-6th periods)
Correct front side of Stoichiometry Practice WS #2 Practice more Stoichiometry problems (density, molecules, or STP) using whiteboards Hand out Stoichiometry Practice WS #2 with solutions *Stoichiometry Quiz Tomorrow!
5/24/17 Stoichiometry Quiz Introduce Limiting Reactant Notes
5/25/17 Make up quiz? Review Limiting Reactant Notes—complete practice problems from overhead and book Practice Actual, Theoretical % Yield, % Yield examples from book Limiting Reactant Practice WS
5/26/17 Hand back quizzes, discuss
Correct Limiting Reactant Practice WS Chapter 11 Study Guide WS
5/30/17 Correct Chapter 11 Study Guide WS
Hand out, conduct Percent Yield of a Precipitate Lab
5/31/17 Final measurements for Percent Yield of a Precipitate Lab
Discuss pre-lab questions, work on pre-lab, post-lab questions *clarify about Calcium Nitrate (it is a tetrahydrate)
6/1/17 Finish lab reports, turn in if done
Limiting Reactant, Stoichiometry, Equations WS
6/2/17 *Assembly Schedule Collect rest of lab reports
Correct Limiting Reactant, Stoichiometry, Equations WS p. 983 #6-14 *Quiz on Limiting Reactant, % Yield on Tuesday!
6/5/17 Hand back labs, discuss Correct p. 983 #6-14
Practice on whiteboards (limiting, excess reactants, % yield, lab data) *Quiz on Limiting Reactant, % Yield tomorrow!
6/6/17 Limiting Reactant, % Yield Quiz
6/7/17 Make up quiz? Stoichiometry Review with whiteboards (molecules, moles, STP, density, Molarity, Gas Conversions, LR/ER, % Yield, lab data)
6/8/17 Hand back quiz, discuss
Stoichiometry Review with whiteboards (molecules, moles, STP, density, Molarity, Gas Conversions, LR/ER, % Yield, lab data) *Stoichiometry Test tomorrow!
6/9/17 Stoichiometry Test
6/12/17 Hand back tests, discuss
Begin Final Exam Review: practice examples on whiteboards Writing, naming Covalent/Ionic Compounds (including acids) Drawing Lewis Structures, identifying shape, bond angle, hybridization, polarity, melting/boiling point
6/13/17 *Senior Finals 1, 5, 6 Review for Final Exam: Practice examples on whiteboards More Drawing Lewis Structures, identifying shape, bond angle, hybridization, polarity, melting/boiling point Writing, Balancing Chemical Equations Reaction Type Predictions
6/14/17 *Early Dismissal Day
Complete Review for Final Exam: Practice examples on whiteboards Net Ionic Equations MassMass Stoichiometry MoleMass, MassParticle VolumeMass (Density), VolumeMass (Molarity)
6/15/17 Hand out review sheets with practice problems
6/16/17 Discuss practice problems on review sheets
*Bring Books and Bathroom Passes, #2 pencil tomorrow!
6/19-20/17 *Monday 6/19: 1, 2, 3 *Tuesday 6/20: 5, 4, 6
Collect Books, Bathroom Passes Final Exam (Zero Hour over the next two days
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