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Presentation on theme: "THE PERFECT DIGITAL STORM"— Presentation transcript:

Disruptions Australian Business Are Facing - Any can of them can sink your boat Cloud | Big Data | DevOps | Software Defined Everything | Cognitive | Cyber Risk

2 data now drives everything

3 The Gravity of Data - when a weak force accretes & develops mass.
“As did planets over time due to their size & mass, Data has in effect developed it’s form of own Gravity.. Data has become the center of our #Digital Universe..” We’ve actually always been Data Driven The journey from the Abacus to Mainframe to HPC Clouds What changed is Data now drives every aspect of our lives Data now has weight & like gold is valued & traded as a commodity Edge Analytics & “Fog Computing” The shift from Mainframe era compute to the IoT Moving compute & business logic to the data We have to rethink our design patters & make data smarter To know me is to know my data Customer Experience isn’t new, we just have more data now Petabytes of Bad data will never translate into a good UX / CX The “human toll” being ravaged upon our customers with each Data Breach

4 Creating data out of thin air, aircraft are now flying Data Centers!!
“Today’s aircraft are literally creating data out of thin air “in the Cloud”, by the Petabyte, every single day.. Introducing the #IoT to aircraft with sensor counts in the tens of thousands, created a Cambrian Explosion event for data..” Boeing 787 Dreamliner 4,000 sensors p/aircraft 500 GB p/flight FAA says reboot them once a month !! Airbus A 10,000 sensors in each wing !! 2.5 TB p/flight Yes that’s two and a half Terabytes !! 87,400 domestic flights p/day just in the USA Dreamliner 787’s would = approx PB of data p/day A ’s would = approx. 220 PB of data p/day !!

5 is anyone really adopting cloud

6 A quick twitter poll on the 4x biggest Cloud challenges for 2017..

7 So then we ran a Twitter Chat.. And the answer was very clear..

8 can we put it all in the cloud

9 The scale, breadth & speed of Devices & Data lends itself to risk..

10 Not all Clouds are created equal, choosing the right one matters..
“Every key vertical market sector and industry group, from Small to Medium Enterprise, State & Federal Government, to Charities have unique needs..”

11 Not all Clouds are created equal, choosing the right one matters..

12 data, security, and the IoT

13 Even if you & your business are ready for the IoT, the Law is not!
“There’s a famously misquoted line in Shakespeare's King Henry VI where a plotter of treachery says ‘The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers’ ..” If you build it “they” will come Hackers Trojans Bots Worms Bugs Backdoors Patches and Updates

14 Data Breaches & Leaks are no longer just small hacks..

15 Data Breaches & Leaks are no longer just small hacks..

16 Selling Breaches & Leaks is big business with self service websites..

17 Data Breaches & Leaks now contain eye watering sensitive info..

18 We are not immune to the issue, it’s happening here as well..

19 making dumb things smart

20 Cognitive Computing isn’t just about A.I. or Machine Learning..
“Everyone with a SmartPhone has some form of rudimentary A.I. in their hands, but how may of us really put even that to use daily? Most likely zero.. Ask yourself why..” Cognitive Computing – Access vs Use Siri vs. Google Assistant vs. Alexa vs. Cortana Speaking “to” our phones vs Talking “with” our phones Chicago Cubs 2016 USA “world series” at the World of Watson?? Software Bots are not the same as Cognitive Computing Robotic software bots are changing our world, but they are not A.I Software that wins Chess and Go matches & Machine Learning is fun but .. Historical, Real-time and Predictive Analytics are also not Cognitive Computing Cognitive Computing – OK so what is it exactly It needs to be Trainable, Self Learning, leverage Machine Learning and needs to eat Data It should perform human like tasks, be able to classify data or objects as we do It must be able to operate the way we do, natural language, text, voice, audio, video Cognitive Computing is about knowledge automation, it’s about brains and not brawn

21 This is a car which has A.I. built in, and it’s programmed to kill..

22 ping me on Twitter as @dez_blanchfield and let’s #connect
#questions ping me on Twitter as @dez_blanchfield and let’s #connect


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