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Dhanvantari GenOME to hit

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1 Dhanvantari GenOME to hit

2 Flowchart Chemgenome Bhageerath H / RM2TS+ Cavity known Yes
A..A Sequence Protein + Cavity Genome Seq Bhageerath H / RM2TS+ Database FDA, ZINC, NRDBSM, NCI or Customized Database Cavity known Yes RASPD Method1 Protein 3D Str ProtSAV/ Native RMSD/ Refine Str No Customized Drug Protein 3D Str AADS RASPD Method 2 ParDOCK Drug Structure ADMET Filters Final Leads

3 Input Whole Genome Sequence
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) Input Whole Genome Sequence >gi test organism whole genome sequence ATGCCTTGGCCGGCCCTCGCCACATGTCACACACACAAGTGTGTGTGCACCCCCCCCCCCGTGTCCCCCTATCCCAAACCCTT Browse Proceed

4 Result of Genome Top ORFs found in all 6 reading frames using Chemgenome 3.0 List 1 (top 5 a.a seqs) List 2 (top 10 a.a seqs) Select All a.a seqs ORF Reading Genome Amino Frame Seq. Len Seq ORF AQRSDL… ORF VDKLIK... . Go for Detail View on Results Result POPUP for Chemgenome 3.0 Back Proceed

5 Input Protein Sequence
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) Results from Genome Step (user can check A.A sequence from there) or Input Protein Sequence >Protein sequence of test organism SCMSGRPRMRKLDHCNIVRLRYFFYSSGEKKDEVYLNLVLDYVPETVYVARHYSRAKTTSFAESCKPVQQPSAFGSMKVSRDKDGSKVTTVVATPGQGPDRIAASASASNST Browse Proceed

6 Result of Proteome Best Five Models built using BHAGEERATH H
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model Select All Go for Structure Evaluation Model Rank Protsav Native Score RMSD Model A Model A . Result POPUP for Structure Evaluation Refine Models Runs Refinery Program backend Download Zip File Results Back Proceed

7 Result of Proteome Results RM2TS+
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model Select All Class 1 Class Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Go for Structure Evaluation Refine Models Runs Refinery Program backend Download Zip File Results Back Proceed

8 Input Protein Structure (PDB Format)
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) Results from Proteome Step (Chose Protein structure) or Input Protein Structure (PDB Format) ATOM N MET A ATOM CA MET A ATOM C MET A . Browse Find Active Site * If active site is known click proceed Proceed

9 Result of Lead (STEP1: AADS)
Best Ten cavities using AADS Cavity 1 Cavity 2 Cavity 3 Cavity 4 Cavity 5 Cavity 6 Cavity 7 Cavity 8 Cavity 9 Cavity 10 Go for Cavity Analysis POPUP for Cavity Analysis and neighboring residues Download Zip File Results Back Proceed

10 Input Protein-Ligand Structure (PDB Format) Submit to Run Screening
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) Chose Database: ZINC DB NRDBSM NCI User Defined DB FDA POPUP for Customized DB Browse Input Protein-Ligand Structure (PDB Format) ATOM N MET A ATOM CA MET A ATOM C MET A TER HETATM… Apply filters Browse Apply Filters All 5 Lipinski’s Rule No. of Donors No. of Acceptors Log P limit Molar refractivity FC Range Submit to Run Screening Back Proceed If want to do direct docking click proceed

11 Result of Lead *(STEP2: RASPD)
Best ZINC molecules as per RASPD ZINC {LIST OF MOLECULES} ZINC ZINC ZINC . Download Zip File Results POPUP ZINC link ParDOCK Back Proceed

12 Input Protein-Ligand Structure (PDB Format)
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) Drug Molecule: Input Protein-Ligand Structure (PDB Format) ATOM N MET A ATOM CA MET A ATOM C MET A TER HETATM… Browse HETATM … . Browse Back Proceed

13 Result of Lead Step 3 (ParDOCK)
Docking Score based on Binding Energy calculated by ParDOCK Proposed Lead molecules with Binding Poses ZINC Energy Pose1 Pose2 Pose3 Pose 4 ZINC Energy Pose1 Pose2 Pose3 Pose 4 ZINC Energy Pose1 Pose2 Pose3 Pose 4 . POPUP ZINC link POPUP Pose 1 View Back Proceed

14 An additional ADMET calculator could be added

15 ADMET SCORE Calculator
Dhanvantari Genome Proteome Leads Filters (ADMET) ADMET SCORE Calculator Input ligand Browse Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion Toxicity Total score: Back Proceed

16 Final Leads Rank Molecule Energy(kcal/mol) ADMET Score
1 ZINC Energy ADMET Score 2 ZINC Energy ADMET Score 3 ZINC Energy ADMET Score . POPUP ZINC link

17 Thank you

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