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Nominal Plan For PC_SBE_05

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1 Nominal Plan For PC_SBE_05
Nominal Plan For PC_SBE_05

2 Contents A) Executive Summary B) Current and end 2016 configuration
A) Executive Summary B) Current and end 2016 configuration C) Design Parameter / Assumptions D) Simulation Plots E) Proposed RF Configuration

3 Executive summary

4 A) Executive Summary Cluster PC_SBE_05 PC_SBE_05 Pre Post
Cluster PC_SBE_05 PC_SBE_05 Sites Status Macro IBC Total No of Current Sites 7 No of New-New Sites Grand Total No of new LTE layer Item Existing Proposed Antenna 33 24 Pre Post Sectors with 1 antennas 15 18 Sectors with 2 antennas 3 Sectors with 3 antennas Sectors with 4 antennas Total antennas 33 24 There are 3 sectors unable to utilize single antenna, out of total 21 sectors. Reduce of antenna will reflect in saving on rental & maintenances. Target LTE coverage achieved 98%. LTE cell edge throughput in PCSC and NPC achieved 5Mbps and 1Mbps, respectively.

5 A) Executive Summary 2G 3G LTE Key Issue
System Prediction Type Threshold % Improve 2G RxLevPrediction >=-90 0.0292 C/I Prediction >=8 3G RSCP Prediction 0.52 EcNo Prediction >=-13 0.02 Pilot Pollution Prediction U900 <= 3 Pilot Pollution Prediction U2100 LTE RSRP PCSC >=-105 0.00 SINR PCSC >=0 0.57 DL THP PCSC >=5Mbps 0.48 UL THP PCSC >=250kbps 0.50 Cell Overlapping 4dB <=4 0.93 Cell Overlapping 10dB <=7 0.62 2G Simulation results shows that post design is slightly improved over pre design. Some coverage areas have been shifted slightly, mostly in the unpopulated areas such as forest and woodland (based on Clutter & Google Earth view). 3G Simulation results shows that post design is slightly improved over pre design. Some coverage areas have been shifted slightly, mostly in the unpopulated areas such as forest and woodland (based on Clutter & Google Earth view). LTE Simulation results shows that post design has improved significantly over pre design. Coverage and throughput in built up areas satisfied the RFP requirements. Key Issue 4T4R on L1800 layer is enabled in PCSC area in the post design to improve throughput.

6 Current and end 2016 configuration
Current and end 2016 configuration

7 B) Current and End 2016 Configuration
Existing sites configuration Summary System Pre Post Macro Site Count IBC Count G900 2 G1800 3 U900 W2100 6 L1800 7 L2600 LTE CA (L18 + L26) Please refer to following attachment for existing RF configuration

8 Design Parameter / Assumptions
Design Parameter / Assumptions

9 C) Design Parameter / Assumptions
1. Ericsson’s Antenna Models No. Supplier Type Ports Model 1 Rosenberger Single port L S-Wave DV10-F 2 Dual port LL S-Wave 0709/ DV8-F 3 LH S-Wave 0809/EW-65-17/18DV8-F 4 HH S-Wave EW/EW-65-18DV2/12 5 Tri port LHH S-Wave 0709/EW/EW-65-17/18/18DV10-F-B2 6 S-Wave 0809/U/U-65-18DV8-B3 7 HHH S-Wave EW/EW/EW-65-18DV2/12-F-B1 8 Quad port LLHH BA-G7G7W8W8X65V-00 9 Penta port LLHHH BA-G7G7W8W8W8X65V-00 10 Comba LHHHH ODI-065R17M18JJJJ-G 11 LHHH ODI-065R17M18JJJ-G 12 HHHH S-Wave EW/EW/EW/EW-65-18DV10-F 2. Load Setting (As per current)

10 C) Design Parameter / Assumptions
C) Design Parameter / Assumptions Clutter Type Area (km2) Percentage Dense Urban 0.00 Urban 0.04 0.64 Sub Urban 1.99 31.94 Rural Built up Area 2.03 32.58 Non Built Area 4.2 67.42 Total Area 6.23 Clutter Type: Suburban No Land use types Clutter Mapping 1 Airport Sub Urban 2 Barren Non Built Area 3 building blocks Urban 4 core urban 5 dense suburban 6 dense urban Dense Urban 7 Forest 8 grass-agriculture 9 industrial 10 inland water 11 open in urban 12 rangeland 13 sea 14 suburban 15 urban 16 village Rural 17 wetland 18 woodland

11 Simulation Plots GSM UMTS LTE RxLevPrediction C/IPrediction
GSM RxLevPrediction C/IPrediction UMTS RSCP Prediction EcNo Prediction Pilot Pollution Prediction LTE RSRP Prediction SINR Prediction DL Throughput Prediction UL Throughput Prediction Cell Overlapping

12 GSM prediction Result

13 GSM RxLev prediction Pre Post RxLev Threshold Percentage (%) pre
GSM RxLev prediction Pre Post Color dBm Pre % Post % (-70,infinity] (-80,-70] (-90,-80] 8.0126 6.3683 (-98,-90] 1.9471 1.835 [-103,-98) 0.237 0.3197 RxLev Threshold Percentage (%) pre -90 dBm 97.816 post improvement 0.0292

14 GSM Total C/I prediction
GSM Total C/I prediction Pre Post Color dB Pre % Post % [20,infinity] 96.662 [8,20) 3.3897 3.338 [0,8) [-5,0) [infinity,-5) Total C/I Threshold Percentage (%) pre 8 dB 100 post improvement

15 WCDMA Prediction Result
WCDMA Prediction Result

16 UMTS RSCP Prediction Pre Post 2016-06-16 Color dBm Pre % Post %
(-70,infinity] 20.37 21.47 (-80,70] 34.57 34.80 (-90,-80] 32.40 31.59 (-95,-90] 7.34 7.18 [-103,-95) 5.32 4.96 RSCP Threshold Percentage(%) pre -90 dBm 87.34 post 87.86 improvement 0.52

17 UMTS Ec/Io Prediction Pre Post 2016-06-16 Color dB Pre % Post %
(-7,infinity] 57.84 58.86 (-10,-7] 37.47 36.72 (-13,-10] 4.23 3.98 (-16,-13] 0.46 0.44 [-infinity,-16) 0.00 Ec/Io Threshold Percentage(%) pre -13 dB 99.54 post 99.56 improvement 0.02

18 U900 Pilot Pollution Prediction
U900 Pilot Pollution Prediction Pre Post Color polluter Pre % Post % (0,1] 95.86 95.95 (1,2] 3.55 3.58 (2,3] 0.57 0.47 (3,5] 0.02 0.00 (5,infinity] 0.0 Pilot Pollution Threshold Percentage(%) pre 3 99.98 post 100.00 improvement 0.02

19 U2100 Pilot Pollution Prediction
U2100 Pilot Pollution Prediction Pre Post Color polluter Pre % Post % (0,1] 99.97 99.99 (1,2] 0.03 0.01 (2,3] 0.00 (3,5] (5,infinity] Pilot Pollution Threshold Percentage(%) pre 3 100 post improvement

20 LTE prediction Result

21 LTE RSRP Prediction Pre Post 2016-06-16
color3 dBm PCSC pre % PCSC post % (-70,infinity] 21.08 21.67 (-80,70] 33.82 35.96 (-90,-80] 35.29 33.51 (-105,-90] 8.33 7.39 [-115,-105) 1.47 RSRP Threshold-PCSC Percentage(%) pre -105dBm 98.53 post improvement 0.00 Stats is based on build up areas.

22 LTE RSRP Prediction (PC&SC)
LTE RSRP Prediction (PC&SC) Coverage statistics per clutter type Clutter Type > -70 -70>=x>-80 -80>= x > -90 -90 >= x > -105 -105 >= x >-115 Total Area (km2) Dense Urban Urban 0.01 0.02 0.04 Sub Urban 0.44 0.72 0.67 0.13 0.03 1.99 Rural Total Built Area 0.73 0.68 0.15 2.03 Coverage percentage 21.67% 35.96% 33.51% 7.39% 1.47% Non Built Area 1.06 1.42 1.14 0.48 0.1 4.2 Target coverage in built up area achieved =98.53%

23 LTE SINR Prediction Pre Post 2016-06-16
color dB PCSC pre % PCSC post % (20,infinity] 20.79 29.06 (8,20] 56.44 58.13 (0,8] 21.29 11.90 (-5,0] 0.50 0.42 [-infinity,-5) 0.98 0.49 SINR Threshold-PCSC Percentage(%) pre 0 dB 98.52 Post 99.09 improvement 0.57 Stats is based on build up areas.

24 LTE DL Throughput Prediction
LTE DL Throughput Prediction Pre Post color Mbps PCSC pre % PCSC post % [25,infinity] 70.59 81.86 [20,25) 11.76 10.29 [7,20) 16.18 6.37 [5,7) 0.00 0.49 [1,5) 0.98 [infinity,1) DL Threshold- PCSC Percentage(%) pre 5 Mbps 98.53 post 99.01 improvement 0.48 Stats is based on build up areas.

25 LTE DL THP (CDF) Pre Post 2016-06-16 PC/SC Percentage (%)
Percentage- PCSC Value(Mbps) pre 95% 7.95 post 15.01 Pre Post Percentage (%) Percentage (%) PC/SC DL Throughput (kbps) DL Throughput (kbps)

26 LTE UL Throughput Prediction
LTE UL Throughput Prediction Pre Post color Mbps PCSC pre % PCSC post % [1,infinity] 97.55 97.56 [0.5,1) 0.00 0.49 [0.25,0.5) [0.125,0.25) [infinity,0.125) 1.47 0.98 UL Threshold-PCSC Percentage(%) pre 0.25Mbps 98.04 post 98.54 improvement 0.50 Stats is based on build up areas.

27 LTE UL THP (CDF) Pre Post 2016-06-16 PC/SC Percentage (%)
Percentage- PCSC Value(Mbps) pre 95% 0.752 post 1.51 Pre Post Percentage (%) Percentage (%) PC/SC UL Throughput (kbps) UL Throughput (kbps)

28 L1800 Overlapping zone 4dB Prediction
L1800 Overlapping zone 4dB Prediction Pre Post Overlapping zone Threshold Percentage(%) pre 4 98.45 post 99.38 improvement 0.93 color legend pre % post % (1,2] 74.37 75.30 (2,4] 24.08 (4,infinity] 1.55 0.62

29 L1800 Overlapping zone 10dB Prediction
L1800 Overlapping zone 10dB Prediction Pre Post Overlapping zone Threshold Percentage(%) pre 7 98.10 post 98.72 improvement 0.62 color legend pre % post % (1,7] 98.10 98.72 (7,infinity] 1.90 1.29

30 E) Proposed RF Configuration
Summary with # of sector changes Pre post Sectors with 1 antennas 15 18 Sectors with 2 antennas 3 Sectors with 3 antennas Sectors with 4 antennas Total antennas 33 24 Please refer to following attachment for proposed RF configuration

31 Celcom Radio Network Project (Celcom Hammer Project)
Celcom Radio Network Project (Celcom Hammer Project) Nominal Plan for Cluster PC_SBE_05 Endorsement Section: Celcom RF Planning We certify that the above section has been completed and agreed by Celcom and Ericsson Lead by Reviewed by ………………………… ……………………… Name: Radio Network Design Lead Title: Ericsson (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Celcom Networks Sdn Bhd Date: Date: Verified by Verified by Verified by ……………………….. ………………………… ………………………… Name: Name: Name: Title: Title: Title: Ericsson (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Celcom Networks Sdn Bhd Celcom Networks Sdn Bhd Date: Date: Date:


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