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Personnel Update to Rocks LTG Jim McConville DCS, G-1 4 March 2017

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1 Personnel Update to Rocks LTG Jim McConville DCS, G-1 4 March 2017

2 Qualities of Great Units
Everyone does the …. - Everyone knows their job (or are aggressively learning theirs) - All are in the right uniform, at the right time, at the right place doing the right thing without being told or supervised - All are resilient or becoming that way - Everyone in the unit treats each other with dignity and respect - Everyone takes care of each other and their families- they leave no one behind in combat or at home - All avoid unnecessary high risk behavior and manage risks so that high risk activities equal high payoff RIGHT THING RIGHT! HIGHLY TRAINIED DISCIPLINED PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY FIT POSITIVE COMMAND CLIMATE COHESIVE TEAM MANAGE RISK

3 YG 16 Officer Career Progression (ACC)
4,325 97% 4,190 “30-year Expectation” Number and % are remaining from original 4,325 2LTs 92% 3,970 Promotion Opportunity/Target: to 1LT % to CPT % to MAJ 80% to LTC % to COL 50% Res. ILE 22% 935 CSL 11% 450 SSC 9% 400 43% 1,880 ADSO expires CSL 4% 175 26% 1,105 Army Competitive Category Officers 10.5% 450 0.9% 38 Changes since YG14 version: End strength target changed from 450K to 454.5K in FY19 (per UAD 1606) Increased accessions to 4300 so we have enough officers to fill the force as we pull up out of the drawdown. Updated with FY16 BG board results and changed GO forecast to 5-yr average (was 8 yr avg) Added “opportunity” to promotion rates in top right table Removed schools selection rates since those numbers confuse the overall “survival rate” message Updated CSL slots based on HRC G3 update and migration to 24 months (unless tour restricted) Updated SSC slots from HRC Labeled to curve which shows total ACC officer inventory (even those not selected for promotion); whereas black survival numbers show only those who moved on to the next rank. Assumptions All %s and numbers are “survival” compared to the original LTs Assumes 454.5K end strength in FY19 and beyond (UAD 1606) which includes G1 Grade adjustments, 2 TAABs and ARI Assumes minimal future change to policy/guidance for promotions & selections LT and CPT promotion targets are based on historical precedent MAJ, LTC, COL promotion targets are from DODI (previously DOPMA) Number of officers promoted to CPT, MAJ, LTC and COL includes natural losses, involuntary separations and promotion targets. Slide does not include special branches (AMEDD, Chaplain, JAG) Retirement Total ACC officer inventory Years of Commissioned Service

4 Develop Talent CSA Warrior Scholar Talent Based Branching Tactical Institutional Scholastic Joint Interagency Multi-National CPT Assessment Field Grade Assessment Strategic Assessment Strategic Assessment VTIP Window Opens VTIP Window Closes Talent assessments throughout a career inform leader development and inform talent management decisions and include: Cognitive Non-Cognitive/Behavioral Performance Physical Health and Wellness Social/Personality Right Person – Right Job – Right Time

5 AC Enlisted Career Progression
“30-year Expectation” Cumulative Promotion Probability for 3 Boards E5 N/A E6 E7 58.2% E8 27.3% E9 33.6% (% are relative to original 65.5K accessions and a 450K Army) IET Attrition NCOs get multiple looks by promotion boards Dashed lines represent aggregate average pin-on- points MOS specific average pin-on-points vary greatly 41% 26.9K 1st Term ETS Continuation Rate and cumulative promotion probability use FY13-15 data % of promotions uses current inventory % relative to original 65.5K accessions uses steady state 450K accessions and promotions to determine rates 18% 12.0K 9% 5.8K 3% 2.0K 0.8% .5K FOUO / Unclassified / Limited Distribution

6 Active Component Accessions Mission = 59K
Non-Commissioned Officer Career Progression Select, Train, Educate, Promote (STEP): Appropriate training, Education, and experience is completed before promotion to prepare NCOs to fight and win in a complex world. SGM/CSM Fellow-ship NOM SGM/CSM SGM/CSM 14.3%* FY16 PZ Promotion Rates (*FY15 rate) Master Sergeant First Sergeant BN/BDECSL Battle Staff OC 12.4% Sergeant First Class Master Leaders Course* AIT PSG Drill SGT 26.8% Senior Leaders Course Instr-uctor Staff Sergeant Drill SGT Recruiting Advanced Leaders Course Sergeant MFT MFT Warrior Leaders Course Private - Specialist *Future Active Component Accessions Mission = 59K FOUO / Limited Distribution/NOT FOR RELEASE

7 Active Component Accessions: 1,005
Warrant Officer Career Progression CW5: Master-level technical and tactical expert Leader, manager, integrator, and advisor Primarily serves at Bde, Div, corps, EAC, major command and HQDA levels. CW5 (44%) 31% FY16 PZ Promotion Rates WO Senior Staff Course CW4 (74%) 79% Warrant Officer Staff Course CW3 (80%) 74% Warrant Officer Advanced Course CW2 WO1 Warrant Officer Basic Course Warrant Officer Candidate School Active Component Accessions: 1,005 Target promotion opportunity rates from DA Pam 600-3, 3 Dec 2014, Table 5-2 FOUO / Unclassified / Limited Distribution

8 Discussion

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