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Pipe Integrity Check using Finite Element Analysis

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1 Pipe Integrity Check using Finite Element Analysis
Energy TechSea

2 Objective Scope Energy TechSea Structural Integrity Checks for
~104-ft long pipe connected with 216’dia Tank ~84-ft long pipe connected with 155’dia Tank ~66-ft long pipe connected with 100’dia Tank Computational science tool, Finite element analysis, i.e. ABAQUS is utilized Checks performed as per B31.3 Process Piping Code Appropriate remediation is recommended Pipe with 216’OD Tank Pipes with 155’OD and 100’OD Tank Energy TechSea

3 Pipe Configuration and Geometry
216’OD Tank Bottom 3D Bend Ring Wall 72’ 20’ 9’ 7.5’ Pipe Data DESCRIPTION Pipe Outer diameter (OD) 30 in Wall thickness 0.5 in Material X60 Specified minimum yield strength at 20oC 60 ksi Specified minimum tensile strength at 20oC 75 ksi Modulus of Elasticity at -170oC 30.0 x 106 psi Mean coefficient of thermal expansion 6.6 x 10-6 /oF 155’OD Tank Bottom 3D Bend Ring Wall 51’ 8” 20’ 9’ 100’OD Tank Bottom 3D Bend Ring Wall 33’ 4” 20’ 9’ Energy TechSea

4 Acceptability Criteria as per B31.3
B31.3 Code stress check A pipe stress verification as per the design code ASME B31.3 was performed. Axial stresses are compared for Sustained load and Displacement stresses specified in ASME B31.3 section Sustained Load < 25ksi Pressure Other sustained load (load due to settlement) Displacement Stress < 45 ksi Thermal load Other displacement load (load due to settlement) Combined Stress <45 ksi (for conservative analysis) Sustained load +Displacement Stress Combined Stress is checked instead of Displacement stress due to a conservative estimation. Energy TechSea

5 Finite Element Analysis: Geometry
Finite Element Modeling Finite element software ABAQUS was used Pipe31H Hybrid beam element was used Appropriate Mesh sensitivity was checked maintaining numerical solution requirement. Element size 6-in for pipe straight section 3-in for pipe bend section Thick wall pipe section was assumed Element Ring Wall Energy TechSea

6 FEA: Boundary Condition
Pipe Connection at the Tank was assumed Fixed To simulate settlement due to burial between the ring wall and the Tank end Linear vertical displacement was applied To simulate settlement due to the burial between the ring wall and the free end, Linear vertical displacement was applied For settlement displacement 3.5”, 3.0”, 2.5”, 2” and no displacement were considered for pipes Ring Wall Fixed BC Displacement BC Energy TechSea

7 FEA: Boundary Condition
u1=0,u2=-3.5,u3=0 Rot=0 u2=-2” Free End 1 2 3 u2=-2.3” u2=-2.5” u2=-2.8” u2=-3.0” u2=-3.3” u2=-3.4” u2=-3.5” Ring Wall Burial u2=-1.25” u2=-.5” Pipe with 216’ft OD Tank 155’OD Tank Bottom Ring Wall u2=-2.3” u2=-2.8” u2=-3.0” u2=-3.2” u2=-3.4” u2=-3.5” u2=-1.8” u2=-1.3” u2=-2.5” Pipe with 155’ft OD Tank 155’OD Tank Bottom Ring Wall u2=-2.7” u2=-2.9” u2=-3.2” u2=-3.4” u2=-3.5” u2=-1.7” u2=-2.2” Pipe with 100’ft OD Tank Energy TechSea

8 FEA: Load Cases: Total 19 Analyses
Energy TechSea

9 Summary Result: Sustained Load
Observation for Sustained Load Pipe with 216’OD Tank capable of taking 3” settlement Load Pipe with 155’OD Tank not capable of taking 3.5” settlement Load Pipe with 100’OD Tank capable of taking 3.5” settlement Load

10 Summary Result: Combined Load
Observation for Combined Load All 3 pipe capable of taking 3.5” settlement Load+Max Temp+Pressure. Maximum Axial Stresses are within the Allowable stress 45 ksi Energy TechSea

11 Result: 216’-OD Tank: Sustained Load for 3.5” Settlement
Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 31.3 ksi Ringwall 26.7 ksi Observation Maximum Axial Stress 31.3 ksi near the Tank end > Allowable stress is 25 ksi (B31.3) For 3 “ Settlement Axial Stress is ksi. For No Settlement Max. Axial Stress is 5.5 ksi 1.5” Differential settlement between the Ring Wall and the Tank End governs the high axial stresses. Energy TechSea

12 Result: 216’-OD Tank: Combined Load for 3.5” Settlement, T=160F
Observation Maximum Axial Stress 37.5 ksi near the Tank end < Allowable stress 45 ksi (B31.3) For T=100F the axial stress is 32.8ksi For No Settlement Axial Stress is ksi 1.5” Differential settlement between the Ringwall and Tank End governs the high axial stresses. Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 37.5 ksi Ringwall 25.5 ksi Energy TechSea

13 Result: 155’-OD Tank: Sustained Load for 3.5” Settlement
Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 30.5 ksi Ringwall 25.5 ksi Observation Maximum Axial Stress 30.5ksi near the Tank end > B31.3 Allowable stress 25 ksi Energy TechSea

14 Result: 155’-OD Tank: Combined Load for 3.5” Settlement, T=160F
Observation Maximum Axial Stress 37.4 ksi near the Ringwall < B31.3 Allowable stress 45 ksi For T=100F the max. axial stress is 24.5ksi 1.2” Differential settlement between the Ringwall and Tank End governs the high axial stresses. Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 36.6 ksi Ringwall 37.4 ksi Energy TechSea

15 Result: 100’-OD Tank: Sustained Load for 3.5” Settlement
Observation Maximum Axial Stress 25.0 ksi near the Tank end = B31.3 Allowable stress is 25 ksi Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 25.0 ksi Ringwall 21.7 ksi Energy TechSea

16 Result: 100’-OD Tank: Combined Load for 3.5” Settlement, T=160F
Observation Maximum Axial Stress 31.2 ksi near the Tank end < B31.3 Allowable stress 45 ksi For T=100F the max. axial stress is 26.6ksi near the Tank. Axial Stress Contour Along the Pipeline 31.2 ksi Ringwall 21.2 ksi Energy TechSea

17 Recommendations Energy TechSea
Swivel flange or other type of connector can be used to connect the at the tank end to allow rotation. Minimize the differential settlement between the Ring Wall and the Tank end Energy TechSea

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