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Cross Country Training

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1 Cross Country Training
Presented By: Dave Hartman UT-San Antonio

2 Introduction Los Angeles Villanova UTSA Texas A&M Georgia UTPA Lamar

3 Training Principles I Science Vs. Art Goals Work backwards from goal
Seasonal/ Weekly plan and share with athletes Coach Dave DeLong Villanova Mentality

4 Training Principles II
Adaptation Stick with intensity levels until there is indicators to change due to performance Constantly update workouts based on performance Use key workouts to compare Stick to patterns on yearly, seasonal, weekly basis Remain current, always seek knowledge Every athlete is different/ Bonn & Hummel

5 Building Program Numbers/ recruit Pancakes & Pasta
Fundraise for uniforms Out of Town Competition Water/ Snow Ski Trips Different places to run

6 Training Principles III
Motivation During Cross Country, motivate the individual by using the team Work together for common goal Set goals together Summer camp at Georgia Darcy/ Bellville

7 Seasonal Goal 1999 Texas A&M Cross Country
17 years since NCAA team appearance Set goal, Reinforce goal, Believe goal Tough Times “Stick to your guns” Top 25/ A.A.

8 Summer Training June Recover from Track season Gradually build mileage
Alternate exercise/ Cross Training

9 Summer Training July: Increase Base
Continue to add mileage to desired total Add Long run 1-2 times a week Consistent running 6-7 days a week “Summer” runs

10 Summer Training August: Aerobic base/ Strength Phase
Should be hitting desired mpw Steady state/ tempo Hill work or Fartlek Increase Long Run

11 Sample 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 Single F’er Double F’er 6-10 x 3:00 w/ 1:00
Tempo/ Summer runs 800 or beginning group

12 Early Season September: Endurance/ Strength
Keep mileage steady at desired goal Tempo/ Fartlek/ Race Long Interval Long Run “Stick to your Guns”

13 Long Interval Examples
2m-1m-2m-1m 1m-2m-1m-4x400 6-10 x 1000 Adjust based on performance/ recovery

14 Mid-Season October: Strength/ Speed
Maintain mileage and Long Run early in month but begin slight decrease Long Interval Add Short Interval Keep focus on goal! Race orientated workouts/ re-visit workouts for comparison

15 Short Interval Examples
10 x 300 Recovery/ Sets

16 Peaking/ Championship
November Cut back, not cut OUT!!! Long/ short interval More recovery CONFIDENCE!!!

17 Peaking Workouts 2000-1600 Ladder 5 x 1000, 4 x 200
3-4 x 1600, 4 x 200 Race simulation More recovery

18 Stretching Recovery/ Injury Prevention Static vs. Dynamic Foam Rollers
Routine, routine, routine

19 Dynamic Warm-up Warm-up 15 min run 10-15 min of static stretching
High Knee Hold Butt Kicks High Knee Hold Twist Superman Zombies Karaoke A Skip B Skip Hamstring Walk Toe Pops 6 x 100

20 Weights Body Building Olympic Lifts 2 times a week Core/ Ab

21 Olympic Lifts Hang Cleans 3x 6 DB Bench 3x 10 Front Squats 3x 10
Arm Curls 3x 10 Assist. Ham P-ups 3x 10 DB Push Press 3x 10 Calve Raises 3x 30 Overhead Tri Extension 3x 10

22 Body Building DB Bench 3 x 8 Calf Raises 3 x 20 Arm Curls 3 x 8
Assist. Ham P-up’s 3 x 8 Single Arm Pulls 3 x 8 Tri-cep Kickbacks 3 x 8 BW Lunges 3 x 8 each leg Push Press 3 x 8

23 Core/ Ab UTSA Core/ Ab Workout Jittery Joe’s Happy Feet x 40
Push-ups Left Plank :45 Russian Twists x 40 Bridge :30 Right Plank :45 Hollow Rock x 20 Spider Mans x 20 Bicycle Abs x 40 Supermans 3 x 10 (each side) Metronome x 20

24 Core/ Ab UTSA Core/ Ab 2 x __________ V-sit Run Supine Plank
Elbow to Knee Crunch Push-ups (:20-30) Left Plank Swim Flutter V-sit Scissors Right Plank Breast Stroke Scissors Indian Sit Crunch V-sit Flutter

25 Little Things Training Room Ice Bath, Ice Massage, Ice Drills
Rest/ Lifestyle

26 Cross Training Workouts
800 Group 1. 3:00 (1:00) 1:00 rest for 1:00 x 4 w/ 1:00 w/ 1:00 4. 5x 3:00 w/ 1:00 5. 10x :30 w/ :10—2:00 min recovery x 3 6. :60(:10):40(:10):20 w/ 2:00 min recovery x 8 CC Group 1. 8x 3:00 – 4 w/ :30, rest for 2:00, 4 w/ :30 w/ 1:00 3. 7:00-6:00-5:00-4:00-3:00-2:00-1:00 w/ 1:00 4. 5x 1:00 w/ :15 – 1:00 min recovery x 5 5. 3:00 (1:00) 1:00 rest for 1:00 x 7 6. 3:00 (:30) 2:00 (:30) 1:00 w/ 1:00 x 5 *Please mix these up by doing a different one every day

27 Question and Answer

28 Contact Dave Hartman

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