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Small Group Discussion

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1 Small Group Discussion
How many states can you name? Who decides what is a state? Who decides where borders lie? Can you name one/two conflicts between states? What is the conflict based on? Are there issues within states? Why?

2 Territorial Morphology

3 Shapes

4 Compact States Distance from center to boundaries is the same
If capital is in center, eases ability to rule Allows for good communication

5 Prorupted States A compact state with a large projecting extension
- Often exist for natural resource reasons

6 Elongated States Long, narrow shape because of geographic, political or economic reasons - Communication / Transportation problems

7 Fragmented States Consists of several discontinuous pieces of territory (islands) Hard to control and protect

8 Perforated States A state that completely surrounds another one

9 Size Bigger Smaller (Microstates)
Increases chances of having natural resources Smaller (Microstates) -likely to have homogeneous populations – less conflict

10 ORGANIZATION CORE AREA – Center of the action
MULTI-CORE STATES – countries that are big…or ethnically diverse..might have 2-3 cores PRIMATE CITY- city that represents national interests FORWARD CAPITAL – both the primate and the core city

11 Your Turn Find states in the world that fit the seven different territorial morphology we just learned. AND………. Identify a Core Area of 1 country A country with Multi-Cores Identify a Primate City of 1 country Identify a Forward Capital of 1 country Be able to defend your answers

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