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Fiscal Year 2016/17 CareerSource Florida Network Funding Allocations

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1 Fiscal Year 2016/17 CareerSource Florida Network Funding Allocations

2 Total Workforce System Funding $298.8M
WIOA $164.4 TANF $ 59.9 Wagner-Peyser $ 39.1 State Funding (QRT) $ 12.6 Veterans Programs $ 11.5 SNAP E&T $ Reemployment Assistance $

3 Total CSF Network Funding

4 Total CSF Network Funding

5 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Total WIOA Funding $164,353,071 Adult $49,511,527 Youth $49,787,759 Dislocated Workers $65,053,785

6 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Total WIOA Funding $164,353,071 Regional Allocations $123,436,664 Rapid Response Funding $ 16,263,446 State Level Funding $ 24,652,961

7 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Total State-Level $30,439,266 Carryforward Funds $ 5,786,305 New State-Level Funds $ 24,652,961

8 State-Level WIOA Funding Discretionary ($30.4M)
State-Level Fixed Costs $10,516,760 CareerSource Florida/DEO $6,993,836 Incumbent Worker Training $2,000,000 Local Board Support $1,522,924

9 State-Level WIOA Funding Discretionary ($30.4M)
Local Board Allocations $15,400,000 Performance Incentives $ 10,000,000 Additional distribution $ 3,000,000 Governor’s Reemployment Challenge $ 1,000,000 Rural Initiatives $ ,000 DJJ Youthful Offender Program $ ,000 Virtual Career Center $ ,000

10 State-Level WIOA Funding Discretionary ($30.4M)
State Initiatives $4,510,000 Community Based Training $ 1,000,000 Incumbent Worker Training $ 1,000,000 Emerging Initiatives $ 1,000,000 Market Intelligence Councils $ ,000 Florida’s Workforce Dashboard $ ,000 Budget Reserve $ 1,000,000

11 WIOA Rapid Response Total Rapid Response $16,263,446
DEO Rapid Response Unit $ 500,069 Distribution to Regions $12,000,000 Remaining Rapid Response $ 3,763,377

12 Wagner-Peyser Act (WP)
Total WP Funding $ 39,144,904 Wagner-Peyser 7a $ 35,230,414 Wagner-Peyser 7b $ 3,914,490

13 Wagner-Peyser Section 7a Activities
Total WP 7a Funding $35,230,414 LWDB Salaries and Pass-Through $27,916,151 Labor Exchange System (EFM) $ 4,128,705 State-Level Administration $ 2,818,672 LWDB Insurance and HR Fees $ ,886

14 Wagner-Peyser Section 7b Funding
Total WP 7b Funding $4,790,191 Carryforward Funds $ ,701 New WP 7b Funds $ 3,914,490

15 Wagner-Peyser Section 7b Activities
Total WP 7b Funding $4,790,191 Regional Performance Incentives $1,500,000 Integrated Communications and Statewide Outreach $1,500,000 Military Spouses Program $ 828,063 Other Business Outreach $ 375,000 Salesforce Licenses $ 347,039 Budget Reserve $ 220,000

16 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Total TANF Funding $59,748,036 Local Workforce Boards $55,430,907 State Program Support $ 4,444,617

17 Other State and Federal Workforce Programs
Total Other Programs $35,400,629 Quick Response Training and State Program Support $12,644,296 Veteran Programs $11,485,000 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance $ 9,771,333 Reemployment Assistance $ 1,500,000

18 Individual Training Accounts 2016/17 Waiver Policy
Statutorily Required to allocate 50 percent of Adult and Dislocated Worker expenditures to Individual Training Accounts A Sliding Scale has been developed based on budget reductions since 2012/13 Regions may request a one-year continuation waiver Waivers will be granted at the request of the regions at any amount above their lowest possible percentage

19 Consolidated Action Item
Approval of program year 2016 federal funding allocations and methodology for the CareerSource Florida network Approval of the fiscal year 2016/17 ITA Waiver policy Approval of the fiscal year 2016/17 State funding provided in the General Appropriations Act.

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