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ERCOT 2001 Marketing & Business Plan Review Meeting

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1 ERCOT 2001 Marketing & Business Plan Review Meeting
January 23, 2001

2 ERCOT Marketing & Business Plan Table of Contents
I. ERCOT Fundamentals and Viewpoint A. Market Overview B. Market Overview (cont.) II. Strategy A. ERCOT Business Plan Outline B Business Objectives C. Regulatory Strategy III. Marketing Strategy A. Marketing Overview B. Marketing Segments C. ERCOT Product Slate D. Marketing Metrics E. Marketing Metrics (cont.) IV. Organization and Responsibilities A. Org Chart B. Segment Responsibilities Appendix I: Customer List

3 I. ERCOT Fundamental & Viewpoint A. Market Overview
ERCOT supply exceeds demand for the next four years Average Annual Planned Capacity Growth 2.8% Average Annual Peak Demand Growth 2.7% Based on ERCOT Web site data

4 I. ERCOT Fundamental & Viewpoint B. Market Overview (cont.)
ERCOT studies range from overbuilt to a “normal” reserve margin. ERCOT is deregulating and typically price uncertainty and upward bias in pricing happens during the initial start-up of a market. Strategy is to build a balance book. Our bias will be balanced long term (as opposed to long/short viewpoint). ERCOT is requiring schedulers be qualified (QSE), this has led to a formation of a services business.

5 II. Strategy A. ERCOT Business Plan Outline
The goal is to create a “Virtual Utility”. Creating a “balanced book” of load, generation, ancillary services and strong customer base. Marketing loosely aligned along customer’s preferred method of interacting with ENA. Each customer will have an Account Manager. Goals and measurable objectives Total P&L (2001 Goal is $25MM)

6 II. Strategy B. 2001 Business Objectives The “Virtual Utility”
Load Serving TNMP 1200MW Other REP 100 MW Industrial 200 MW Generation Sources Enron Wind 135MW AES MW TIE 250 MW Avista 630 MW Other Remainder QSE Service TNMP MW EES 150 MW New Power 100MW Other Remainder Ancilary Services Transmission TexMex 300 MW Tie Into New Mex 300 MW Other MW 2001 Goals 1500 MW 2000MW 1000 MW 900 MW

7 II. Strategy C. Regulatory Strategy
Representation on key boards and organizations Robin Kittell-ERCOT Board Ron McNamara-TAC Active involvement in any regulatory or rule making issues Offer new services related to “opening” of ERCOT market QSE Scheduling Ancillary Services Commercial point person: Michelle Parks

8 II. Strategy D. Under Construction
Competitor Analysis Identify all significant competitors Identify competitor products and offerings Customer Profiles In-depth information regarding customers Site Bank & Development Options Formulate plan Identify how to approach development in house, AES, Mossbacher or combination Request a budget

9 III. Marketing Strategy A. Marketing Overview
Each customer will have an account manager. Deals/Customers will be segmented by customer interaction and product needs. The segments are: Transactional Services Development Each segment will have a team lead or “coordinator” responsible for product development and uniformity and achieving 2001 segment goals.

10 III. Marketing Strategy B. Marketing Segments
Customer/Deal Type Deal Flow Daily coverage Speed Efficiency Cost Effectiveness Transactional QSE Power Marketing Services Credit Services Fuel Management Services Portfolio builders Tolling, supply Full requirements Unique transactions Development

11 III. Marketing Strategy C. ERCOT Product State

12 III. Marketing Strategy D. Marketing Metrics for 2001
Transactional Goals Deal Flow 50 transactions  1 Month Coverage IOU and Large Aggregators & Distributors Daily contact Municipalities Establish relationship with every municipality in Texas Industrials Contact all industrials with loads greater than 10MW Close 2 deals with excess industrial generation Derivatives Establish derivative marketplace in ERCOT Enron Online Establish EOL as preeminent market for ERCOT Sign 25 new customers for trading

13 III. Marketing Strategy E. Marketing Metrics for 2001 (Cont.)
Services Goals (Services and Business Development) QSE Services Sign 5 QSE contracts Total MW 2000 Peak Asset Management “Touch” or contract 1500 MW of generation Development Goals Renewable Energy Credit Monetize 75% of all available credits Full/Partial Requirements Manage 1500 MW (Peak load requirements) Government Affairs/Regulatory Assist and help guide our regulatory efforts

14 IV. Organization and Responsibilities A. TEAM ERCOT

15 IV. Organization and Responsibilities B. Segment Responsibilities
Commercial Functions Strategic Information

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