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A VQ-Based Blind Image Restoration Algorithm

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Presentation on theme: "A VQ-Based Blind Image Restoration Algorithm"— Presentation transcript:

1 A VQ-Based Blind Image Restoration Algorithm
Source: IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, pp. 1044~1053, 2003 Author: Ryo Nakagaki and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos Speaker: Gary Lin

2 Problem: image restoration
Original Blurred Restored

3 Basic idea VQ codebooks are designed for the restoration problem
Low frequency information of the degraded image High frequency information of the original image

4 Concept map Low pass High pass Codebook Design Low-pass filtered image
Original image High-pass filter image estimation High-pass filtered image Codebook Design

5 Codebook construction
Low-pass filtered image High-pass filtered image Original image . . Codebook Design

6 Codebook construction & image restoration
Original image Blurred image

7 Codebook construction for Blind image

8 Blurred functions Gaussian Uniform Rayleigh Gamma

9 Blind image restoration

10 Gaussian blur function
Experiments Original image BSNR=20dB BSNR=10dB Gaussian blur function Restoration Restoration

11 Experiments Restoration image Original image Blurred image

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