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The Risen Jesus is Present at Mass
Based on Alive-O 7 - Term 3, Lesson 2 Refer to Teacher’s Book pp
The Risen Jesus is present at Mass
(The on-going celebration of the Last Supper)
Jesus is present: In the body of believers gathered together, the community of people. In his Word, alive and active as proclaimed. In the celebrant/priest (sharing in the priesthood of Christ). In his Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine.
1. Jesus is present in community
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there with you.” We welcome one another & greet one another. While keeping reverence, we acknowledge one another when in the church. God is present in each person in the gathering.
2. Jesus is present in the Word
Jesus speaks to us in the Gospel. The story may be familiar, but the message is new, fresh and alive for us today. He is speaking directly to each one of us as the Gospel is proclaimed. He is alive and present in his Word He is here and now in his Word.
3. Jesus is present in the Priest
He leads the community in celebration. He interprets the Word in the homily. He calls on the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Jesus’ Body and Blood are made present in the here and now.
4. Through the consecration, Jesus is present under the form of bread and wine This is my Body, which is given up for you. This is my Blood. It will be shed for you and for all. Jesus’ Body and Blood are made present in the here and now.
Celebrating the Eucharist
Entrance procession This is our journey to the place of celebration In the early church people walked from their homes together. We may carry some symbols of celebration, e.g. to celebrate the end of the school year. The hymn should be joyful and connect with the theme.
Penetential Rite Confiteor - We confess our failings to one another on Sundays and Holy days. We have sinned against one another and God. Lord have mercy - We trust in God’s unconditional mercy and forgiveness. It is an opportunity to make peace with one another so that we can celebrate freely and joyfully.
Time for our Christian family stories around the table of the Word.
Liturgy of the Word Time for our Christian family stories around the table of the Word.
The First reading is sometimes from the Old Testament
It reflects our long history of salvation and the Old Covenant with the chosen people, our ancestors.
Psalm Shares the Word of God in song .
The Second reading is from the New Testament
It usually has a message providing challenge to our faith. It is read on Sundays and feast days generally.
This song joyfully welcomes the Good News of the Gospel.
Alleluia This song joyfully welcomes the Good News of the Gospel. Gospel The Gospel tells what Jesus said and did, and is alive for us today – Jesus speaks to us!
The priest explains the readings.
Homily The priest explains the readings.
Presentation of Gifts The early Christians brought bread and wine which they made in their homes. We present the bread and the wine in the offertory procession. We offer ourselves to the Father so that we too will be transformed.
Eucharistic Prayer The Eucharistic prayer begins after the presentation of gifts. Through the prayer and action of the priest, Christ becomes truly present under the form of bread and wine. This is called the consecration. The Eucharistic prayer ends with the Great Amen. It is our burst of praise and agreement with all that has just happened.
Communion Rite Our Father: This is our family prayer.
Sign of peace: This is an expression of love and unity. Breaking of bread: Christ shares himself with us and we share him with one another. Prayer before Communion: We pray that we are ready to receive Jesus.
Receiving Holy Communion
Walk forward in quiet reflection. Cup right hand under left to receive Jesus, the Bread of Life. The priest will say ‘The Body of Christ’ and as we accept that this is really his Body, we say ‘Amen’ in agreement. Place the Communion host in mouth before turning to go back to seat. Kneel/sit quietly and pray in thanks to Jesus.
‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.’
Dismissal ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.’ We leave the celebration to go out and serve one another as Jesus serves us. We bless ourselves with Holy Water as we leave the church as a reminder of our commitment in Baptism.
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