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Shellcode COSC 480 Presentation Alison Buben.

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1 Shellcode COSC 480 Presentation Alison Buben

2 What is it? Definitions vary, but most include executed code that can be used to often attack a system. “Frequently (though not always), attackers deliver a payload that simply launches a command shell.” Will be discussed mainly in respects to buffer overflows

3 Roadmap Importance and Relevance Definitions Introduction and History
The Main Reason This Is Possible Five Explanation Steps Problems and Solutions Sources and Discussion

4 Importance and Relevance
Why should one care about this problem? Way of infecting computers Often helps get more malware into the host When you have vulnerabilities, attackers can take control of your system. Buffer Overflows are a common problem still today

5 Definitions Buffer: “contiguous block of computer memory that holds multiple instances of the same data type” Static Variables: “[variables] allocated at load time on the data segment” *Dynamic Variables: “[variables] allocated at run time on the stack.” NOP: “Non-operation” Sled: NOP bytes that lead to Shellcode

6 History Stems from C language which often does not have buffer checkers Most used in buffer overflows: This happens when: Boundary of a buffer is unchecked Code injected to buffer by Attackers

7 Introduction To Perform a buffer overflow:
Make a string larger then the buffer's size This should cause a overflow Objective is to overwrite other memory address Want to overwrite the stack pointer or return address If successful, then you can execute other code

8 Main Reason This Is Possible
Several C string Functions do not check boundaries strcat() strcpy() sprintf() vsprintf() Using these functions can allow a buffer to have extra characters.

9 How to Achieve This: Part 1
Need knowledge of several concepts: How memory is organized Push and Pop A type of Assembly (some C too) Goal: to overwrite memory and gain control Most often the return address executes other code Usually spawn a shell, hence, “Shellcode”

10 Part 2: Overview Main Idea: Making a string larger then the buffer
Some good tools are: GCC NASM Objdump “The typical end goal of the shellcode is to give the attacker full control of the victim system.”

11 Part 3: Main Structure Brief Outline: Write C code
Compile to get Assembly Object dump to see disassembly Find bytes needed and make them into a string “char shellcode[] = “\btye\btye\byte”; Use that string in your C code

12 Part 4: Prevention Focusing on security, prevention is key
Need to try and detect Shellcode However, obfuscation and polymorphism make this job difficult Few obfuscation techniques are: Indirect jumps self-modification

13 Part 5: Wrap Up Buffer overflows is not the only code injection method
Other methods include: Heap Spraying Format Strings Heap Overflows Sleds or Jumps can also be used Obfuscation is used to prevent detection of Shellcode

14 Problems and Solutions
Constraint: “Character sets restricted or forbidden by applications” Ways to get around this are: Take regular Shellcode and encode it offers encoding engines

15 Problems and Solutions
More Solutions to a Shellcode constraints Payloads transformed into letters and numbers This gives even more options such as: Storing Shellcode as a password Characters are smaller then Unicode encodings

16 What We Have Learned Buffer Overflows and Shellcode are dangerous and a definite security concern There are many different ways to implement Shellcode Often once you get the string of code, you can listed it in your initial C program as: In C code: char shellcode[]= “line(s)\of \shellcode;”

17 Sources

18 Onto Discussion

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