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Review for Test 3.

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1 Review for Test 3

2 Review Birth of Islam Five Pillars of Islam The Early Caliphate
Muhammad Flees Mecca - Hijra Qur’an, Hadith, Sunna Five Pillars of Islam There is one god, and Muhammad is his prophet Prayer 5 times daily Fasting, and observance of Dietary prohibitions Almsgiving to the poor If possible, must make a pilgrimage to Mecca The Early Caliphate Abu Bakr Umar (Omar) Ali Shi’ites (Shi’a) Sunni Umayyad Dynasty Muawiya Afghanistan to Spain

3 Review Franks East-West Church Pippin III - Pepin the Short
Pippin I - Pepin the Elder Mayor of the Palace Charles “The Hammer” Martel Battle of Tours / Battle of Poitiers East-West Church Iconoclasm Caesaropapism Pippin III - Pepin the Short King of the Franks Pippin Vs. Lombards Papal States Tang Dynasty Well-field system Emperor Xuanzong Chan (Zen) Buddhism Greatest Single Foreign Cultural Force

4 Review Japan Tale of the Genji Khmer / Kampuchea Ghana
Prince Shotoku Seventeen Point Constitution Chinese influence Tale of the Genji World’s first novel Murasaki Shikibu Khmer / Kampuchea Ankor Wat Ghana Gold Trade The Abbasid Caliphate Rebellion Abu al-Abbas Baghdad Harun al-Rashid “Golden Age” Averroës - Philosophy al-Khwarizmi - Algebra Avicenna - al-Qanun

5 Review The Carolingian Empire The Carolingian Renaissance
Charlemagne Missi Dominici “Agents of the Lord King” Holy Roman Emperor The Carolingian Renaissance Alcuin “Caroline minuscule” The Venerable Bede Ecclesiastical History of the English People Calendar anno Domini – “in the year of our Lord” The Slavs - Eastern Europe West Slavs - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Wends South Slavs - Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, and Bosnians East Slavs - White Rus (Ukranians, Belorussians), Red Rus (Russians)

6 Review Division of the Franks Invasions Kievan Rus
Treaty of Verdun Invasions Magyars Muslims Vikings Kievan Rus Varangians (Vikings) Rurik – Circa 860 Cyril and Methodius Cyrillic Alphabet Vladimir I Christianity The Byzantine Empire Macedonian Dynasty Basil I Anglo-Saxons (Early England) The Danelaw Alfred the Great King of Wessex King of the Anglo-Saxons

7 Review Central Europe (Early Germany) Magyars / Hungarians
Otto I Battle of Lechfeld Holy Roman Emperor Holy Roman Empire Magyars / Hungarians Geza Stephen I West Francia (Early France) Capetian Dynasty Hugh Capet Abbasid Caliphate Widening Shiite-Sunni split Fatimid expansion Buyid takeover Amir Mu'izz al-Dawla Song Dynasty Song Taizu Innovations Printing Paper Currency Abacus Gunpowder

8 Review The Seven Sacraments Feudalism / Serfdom Agriculture Nobility
Baptism Confession Confirmation Communion Holy Matrimony Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick / Extreme Unction Feudalism / Serfdom Fief Serf Vassal Agriculture Three Field System Nobility Castles The Knights Chivalry Tournaments Medieval Trade Italian Cities Flanders

9 Review Education Peter Abelard “Scholasticism” Thomas Aquinas
Bologna – First University Peter Abelard Sic et Non “Scholasticism” Thomas Aquinas Greatest of the Scholastics Summa Theologia East-West Schism / First Great Schism Excommunication Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Roman Catholic Church Issues and Reform Pope Gregory VII Cardinals Lay Investiture Investiture Controversy

10 Review England Sicily The Seljuk Turks The Crusades Begin
Edward “The Confessor” Harold Godwinson Duke of Wessex William “The Conquerer” Duke of Normandy Battle of Hastings October 1066 The Domesday Book Sicily Roger de Hautville The Seljuk Turks Abbasid Caliphate Capture of Jerusalem Byzantine Reaction The Crusades Begin Pope Urban II Indulgence The First Crusade Only truly successful Crusade (for Europe)

11 Review Henry II of England Holy Roman Empire The Third Crusade
Common law Jury Inheritance in France Thomas Becket - Archbishop of Canterbury Holy Roman Empire House of Hohenstaufen Frederick I - “Frederick Barbarossa” Roman Law The Third Crusade Saladin “Crusade of Kings” Richard the Lionhearted Phillip II Augustus Frederick Barbarossa Innocent III Most Powerful of the Medieval Popes The Fourth Crusade Sacking of Constantinople

12 Review The Reconquista - “The Reconquest” Religious Orders
The Dominicans - “Preaching Friars” St. Dominic The Franciscans - “Rule of the Little Brothers of Saint Francis” St. Francis of Assisi The “Poor Clares” - Order of Poor Ladies Clare of Assisi Differences with Old Orders Friars rather than Monks Stressed apostolic poverty mendicant orders Friars drew members from small property owners and shopkeeps The Battle of Bouvines Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor & John of England Phillip II of France Consequences for all three powers

13 Review Phillip II Augustus of France John of England
Unification John of England Meeting at Runnymede – 1215 Magna Carta Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor Attempts at Unification Italian Invasion Mali Sundiata Kieta Mansa Munsa Wealth Islam The Mongols Temujin Genghis Kahn Conquests Ogedei Vienna Silk Road

14 Review Division of the Mongol Empire Phillip IV “The Fair”
Golden Horde Il-Khans Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan Marco Polo Invasion of Japan Kamikaze Phillip IV “The Fair” Estates-General Unam Sanctum Assault on the Pope The Avignon Papacy Avignon, France “The Babylonian Captivity” Edward I “Longshanks” Wales & Scotland William Wallace Parliament – 1295 Treaties of Paris

15 Review Edward III of England Phillip VI of France Hundred Years War
Edwardian War Caroline War Lancastrian War Battles of HYW: Battle of Crecy English Longbow Battle of Poitiers Ransom French King Battle of Agincourt Henry V Battle of Orléans Joan of Arc Turning Point End of the Hundred Years War – 1453 Legacy - Cannon Parliament Statue of 1341 French National Identity The Black Death Bubonic Plague bacillus Yersinia pestis Origin China Genoese trading Consequences Inflation Higher standard of living Universities

16 Review Great Schism Calls for Reform Conciliarism Council of Pisa
Papal or Western Schism Calls for Reform Lollards - John Wycliffe Hussites - Jan Huss Conciliarism Council of Pisa Council of Constance Martin V Jan Huss Ottoman Turks Expansion Tamerlane “Timur the lame” Sultan Mehmed II Fall of Constantinople May 1453

17 Possible Short ID / Essay Questions
Consequences of the Hundred Years War Consequences of the Black Death Five Pillars of Islam Seven Catholic Sacraments Differences between Eastern and Western Church Three Field System Explanation of Feudalism  Differences Between Friars Vs. Monks Beliefs of Reformers (John Wycliffe & Jan Huss) Chinese Inventions

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